Good day, folks. It is with a sad heart that we bid farewell to our most recent Aedile of House Ajunta Pall, Malice. I want to thank her for her excellent service to this House, and have her know her presence will surely be missed. But thankfully, she is still lurking around our neck of the woods!
But with that quick farewell, folks, there is a report to get into. This report is going to focus on Aftermath and my official opening of applications for the position of Aedile of Clan Plagueis.
Let’s start the report!
So to start, if you haven’t done the things, you can find them all here. There is still a few days left to get out and do the events, both the team and individual events. This is a threeway event, so every single qualified submission is a minimum of one point toward Clan Plagueis. Whether you are a writer, a gamer, a graphic designer, all three or neither, get out there, have fun, push your boundaries, and finish strong.
I would also like to take the time to thank the three Clan summits for organizing this event. The amount of time and energy that goes into planning any event in the Brotherhood is sometimes quite mind-boggling. But individuals like those at the top tier of our unit leadership take time out of their lives to produce content that they feel you will find enjoyable. Make sure to send your love their way, and really gratify the amazing work they did by participating and having a blast.
With the major event for the Clan nearly complete, I thought it best to open up applications for the position of Aedile. The importance of this position is sometimes understated. Though each Quaestor is different, the Aedile is a member of a two-person team that manages the various members in a House. Whether it’s being active on social media and chat, sending out e-mails and showing folks your reports, or engaging directly with the Quaestor to discuss various administrative tasks, the Aedile is an active and integral presence.
Though the requirements are listed below, the buzzword I think of for my ideal selection for Aedile would be engaging. I want someone eager to learn, eager to be an active presence, and someone who can lead by example while still enjoying themselves! But anyway...
The requirements for the position of Aedile are:
Applications can be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. The application process will be open starting with the posting of this report, and ending on November 2nd. Please make the title of your application ‘Application - Aedile HAP - (Insert Dossier # here)’.
Applications are open to the entire Brotherhood. If you are an individual looking to find a change of pace and participate in sub-unit leadership, send me an application.
Finish strong, have fun, and send me some wicked applications. To those of you reading, please spread the news around. I can't stress that this application is open to interested individuals from anywhere in the Brotherhood.
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Woo! Excited to see who takes over! While I was away while you were in the position Malice, I'm sure you did a great job and will be hard to replace :)