A Truly, Completely Eventful Conclusion


A Truly, Completely Eventful Conclusion


Selen, Centuries Ago…

“Prey we once toyed with will come to bite the hands that played.” “Barriers brought down by the very fear that erected them,” “Emboldened under the pressing loom of her eyes.” “Time is ticking.” “Till come a wave to wash clean what built us here…”

Colorful plumage tinged with frosted greys rippled and shifted slowly to shades of blue; the tells of seriousness and then annoyance waning to a growing apathy. Red eyes simply watched silently as the majority of their Sith kin laughed and dismissed the prophetic claims, uttering how disrest was nothing new nor anything but trivial to put an end to. The conclave shifted on almost nonchalantly to mentioning recent attempts to dethrone them or disobedience among their followers, or other matters all together, as if there wasn’t a sliver of weariness at the mention of ‘her eyes.’ Tiexsema. The growing suspicion in the one faux-goddess not present at the meeting stirred for even a moment before willful ignorance quenched it quickly.

It was during such talks that Maustli had watched the Fosh slipped away, leaving to the castle’s large balcony overlooking the mountain plateau. With a final look to the raven-haired human amongst their midst who noticed not his attention, the Echani followed.


The Seer paused with a click of their beak, a sigh, one taloned hand falling away from the feathered mane of the winged feline-esque caxqette they were moments from mounting. Their crimson gaze met Maus’ silver, and soon blue feathers ebbed to more vibrant colors. “Maustli, Brother, what is it?”

“I know you as a weaver of words, a master actor, but always the truth you’ve uttered, Kauit. You do not care for them, our brothers and sisters lately, and I have noticed the spiteful games you’ve played before. Yet, this seemed different, more serious, and with Tiexsema—... Still, you allowed even Youltl to remain naive to what’s coming without further elaboration, as close as you are to them,” he paused, his robes rustling in the breeze as his weariness tampered with his temper and his otherwise poised self. “Speak truth to me, kin, plainly. You know I would not dismiss what knowledge you share. I need to protect Je— my people, if threat were to them. If you’d understand.”

The weight of silence hung in the air and in the dwindling light of the Dajorran sun, a shift in the sheen of their iridescent plumage. Greens and grey, thoughtfulness and gravity. Kauit closed the meter between them, the avian looking up at the taller sapient.

“Sleep on it.” They pulled back and turned for their caxqette. Waving a hand, they called over their feathered shoulder with a half-hearted sing-song tone, “Walk in their dreams, Maustli, if you wish to evade their nightmares~”

Sleep…Walk in their dreams…’

The Echani’s eyes widened and he charged two paces after the younger sith, the beast’s wings forcing him to halt. Maustli watched as Kauit flew away, then turned to try and convince the other, to convince Jela, Alla’su.

He needed to return to Tekpantli…


Hey everyone!

Welcome to July! We’re quite a ways in I know, but we have a short but sweet finisher for you all. As a final epilogue for the God's series, we meet the last of the False God's, Kauit. There is more to learn of them in the fiction above as well as within the details of the Truly, Completely Eventful Conclusion, here. The event has just started today and I hope you all enjoy sinking your teeth into it. Or beaks. Apologies for the late notice on this one! pocket sands

The event will conclude on the 11th of August.

Quick News

This Credits for each House this month are:

House ---- Credits Earned - Total Credits

Galeres ----- 130,500 ------- 5,891,380

Qel-Droma - 359,700 ------- 1,571,900

Council News

As always if you need anything, please dm me or Zuji on Discord or shoot us an email!



No gods, or kings, only man!

Only Nostradamus is left. You can't trust an all knowing birb.


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