Acclivis Draco Report #1


Acclivis Draco Report #1

Zig-zagging its way through the atmosphere, the shuttle hurtled downwards at combat speed in an effort to avoid the incoming fire from the ground.

Kell yawned as he checked his gear and looked over at the other members of his team. Each of the non-Force users on board was a part of the 90th Legion, and he had worked with all of them on dozens of occasions. Also on the shuttle were the members of Acclivis Draco. With so much of his time spent leading the Imperial Scholae Guard, Kell sometimes neglected his duties as the leader of the small group of Dark Jedi. This mission was meant for him to get to know his people better in an environment that he felt comfortable in: combat.

For the new members of the house this would be their first combat. The rest were all veterans of at least one combat drop so this should be an easy mission.

Only time would tell though as the dropmaster came in from the cockpit and said "Ready to go!'


So... I figured it was time for my first report as the BTL for Acclivis Draco. I have never been a big report guy, but I will endeavor to at least put one or two of these out a month from now on.

I'd like to welcome the new members of the team to our lovely group of veterans, and I want to welcome you to the house if I've never chatted with you on IRC.


  1. More BT focused comps
  2. Increased communication
  3. More Reports by me
  4. Help our members with their promotions/advancements and meet THEIR goals for being a member of the club.


  1. Participate (Lots of comps going on. Use the Competitions link on the main website while logged in to see your individualized competitions page.
  2. Get on IRC and have fun chatting and getting to know the other members of Scholae. It's a great way to gain a more personal link to the club.
  3. Take lots of SA courses! (Easy way to show activity!)
  4. Feel free to send me any ideas that you have for competitions or for any help that you might need
  5. HAVE FUN!



OPM Kell Palpatine Dante (Obelisk) / BTL / Battle Team Acclivis Draco of House Scholae Palatinae [GMRG: X] [ACC: Q] [SA: XI]

AK / SBx2 / GC-PoTP / SC-CoP / AC-ToSC / DC-SiP / GN-AgL / SN-GL / BN-PL / Cr:6D-21R-31A-42S-47E-20T-12Q / PoB-EL / CF-DF / CI-PC / DSS / SI-BL / SoF / SotM-AgL / LS-PL / SoL-BE / S:9Rm-11P-21U-13B-14De-9Ret-25Dec-13Aff-19Rn


Son of Palpatine Martyr of the Brotherhood Third Hero of the Ninth Great Jedi War: Unification

Wahoo. BTL Report! Nice breakdown Dante.

Uh...Report from Dante! Run for your lives!

Increased communication, in a BT with Thran in it... we are not prepared.

Awesome report Master Angelo! =)

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