Aedile Report #5


Aedile Report #5


Howie's Assimilation

Halc left the door to the Proconsul office open and everyone's favorite curious panda has pawed his way in. Thinking a panda at an office desk is just too adorable Yacks has decided against calling animal control and is letting Howie stay. His first report can be read here, and if you look close enough you can notice his image already has a tint of green.

In all seriousness, Halc has done a hell of a lot for both Taldryan and the Dark Brotherhood. Very few have put out the kind of effort as this man has in activity, leadership and passing on what he has learned. Thanks for all your work Halc.

Omega Ascending

Omega Kira has just been promoted to Quaster of Dinaari (while I wrote this report actually.) Make sure you congratulate him when you get the chance.

From the DJB

The Chamber of Justice have convened on two cases. Jac has a report generalizing the matter with links to the full CoJ reports.

Star Wars News

Not much Star Wars news out their not including spoilers so I'll leave you with a great video I stumbled on from Star Wars Weekends in 2011. The video is of James Arnold Taylor, the voice and Obi-wan in Clone Wars.

Competitions, Competitions, Competitions

KE Raistline Majere

Thanks Raisty!

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