Aedile Report #6: Daisy Ridley Spoiler announcment


Aedile Report #6: Daisy Ridley Spoiler announcment


Well, the internet got you this far. You can read spoilers on your own time

The Brotherhood and you

There is a bit going on in the Brotherhood. We are given more information on the release of the Fiction Society. Evant tells us all about where the Fiction Society stands in it's construction. Structured similar to the GMRG with a ranking and medal structure it should bring a lot more opportunities for activities.

Aabsdu gives an update on the happenings from the office of the Master At Arms. Topics includes tips on writing recommendations, with a great example from Zoron, path changes, promotions and our Howie gets a nice shout-out.

Gaming News

Two new mobile game are coming to town, Star Wars Uprising and Galaxy of heroes. While not much is known about Galaxy besides it being CCG (collectible card game) you can read more about Uprising in Val's report, which also includes info on the upcoming Battlefront game. Speaking of Battlefront, which is the talk of the town on irc, a new trailer with actual game play can be viewed here

Also, for all you fellow aging gamers, there is talks that KOTOR is getting a remastered version in HD with co-op game play.

Star Wars News

ILM is working on a Star Wars virtual rality, emerging you in the Star Wars univers via the Oculus. Theres a neat video showing it off that you can see here

Competitions, Competitions, Competitions

  • Zoron and I are running Burning Down the House about how much of a screw up I am. Have fun and write the silliest or sadly honest tale of my poor luck.
  • Everyone's favorite Speed Sporacl 15 is running till the 28th
  • Wanna help a penguin fly? Omega and Armags need your help with this in Learn to fly 2
  • Howie needs to find a Jedi. Help him out in Hunt the Jedi #21

And as always, check out the competition page for more things to do.

KE Raistline Taldrya Majere

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