The Chamber of Justice routinely reviews policies within the Brotherhood to ensure they account for the constantly evolving landscape we operate in. There has been a few requests, both on Discord and with the Emissary office, to stream content for the Brotherhood. As such we've updated the Brotherhood Chat Policies to include a new section for our Streaming Policy.
The below policy revision has been approved by the Grand Master as outlined within Section 1.03 of the Covenant.
Streaming Policy The broadcast or streaming of copyrighted materials including, but not, limited to Music, Movies, or Videos is expressly prohibited in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Discord Policy. Advertisements for gaming streams should be made in the appropriate Topical Chat.
An example of an acceptable streaming is linking the YouTube video of "Never Gonna Give You Up" which is officially licensed by Rick Astley for the platform.
An example of an unacceptable streaming is sharing your desktop via Discord while you play "A New Hope" for people to watch together.
the intention here is not to prevent members from sharing digital content but rather to help define where the line is in regard to what is appropriate for sharing.
If you have any questions relating to Brotherhood policies, the Covenant, or you just want to chat about any concerns, feel free to reach out by email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or message me on Discord.
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I know this is serious but I'm also happy that we can still Rick Roll people and be compliant.
I second the above comment. Serious business and very good to know what is and isn't allowed.
I constantly get hits in my streams for copyright violations cause music or tv in background is heard. they end up dropping their claims cause of the Copyright Act of 1976 has a disclaimer under section 107 for "fair use" in streaming platforms. this was upheld by the supreme court 8-9 years ago that music, sounds, dialogue in background is not infringing on copyrights of said owners.
it is the same as if you are listening to music on the radio and the said rick ashley hears you playing his rickroll, he's can't sue you for copyright because it is in public use.