Glitter. Glitter everywhere.
It coated the bark and branches, the leaves and laurels of the Tree that the allies’ fete had occupied. The forcefield safety-net that bordered the party space was in a constant shimmering state, not only from the plastic pieces that lingered on the energy barrier, but also from that which choked its inner workings, to say nothing for the odd violence visited on it over the course of the festivities from Force powers and physical assaults alike. The Wookiees were still trying to round up the porgs that had been given repulsor-packs and glitter guns. The glitter invasion was bad enough; they didn’t need a genuinely invasive species. Archian, the Shistavanen Aedile of House Qel-Droma who was at least partly responsible for proliferating their shenanigans, was on strict orders to assist with the collection of the animals and their armament. Very strict, given a Wookiee was designated as supervisor over the labor.
Atyiru was simply beaming for the effects of her chaos. Fortunately, she was distracted from any gloating over her success by the presence of small children, particularly the newest addition to the Tyris family that appeared later in the evening. Wyndel was somehow shocked into silence — a rare enough occurrence — at the prospect of fatherhood. That he was still replete in his ‘maternity suit’, while also trying to resemble a holo-drama doctor from the fast-paced excitements of the birth, made for an interesting image while he cradled his and Socorra’s newborn.
Off in calmer corners, Stres’tron’garmis was busy nestling up against his Twi’lek date, the Arconan general and the Qel-Droman Quaestor enjoying the quietude of a balcony that overlooked the forest beyond. The Miralukan former-Consul had spent quite a bit of energy on making sure their night was perfect, and it had somehow worked out, despite her best efforts.
Over toward the bar, the Odanites were recovering with some liquid painkiller. Essik, easily identified by his bowler hat if not for the Gand’s otherwise unique appearance among the many humans and near-humans, sat calmly among the throng, absorbing the scene in his usual people-watching manner.
It was then a little surprising when a Sephi-looking bearded man sat down tiredly in a chair across the small table from him.
So first, we want to say thank you to everyone for participating! I’ve honestly wanted to get Odan-Urr and Arcona back together again for a while now, so this seemed like a great starting point. And as the fiction and tl;dr suggested, we totally plan on doing this again, with more at stake than just glitter in hard-to-reach places. Special thanks to Revak, Aura, and Atty for all getting together when it was crunch time to really make this happen and put it together.
Next, let’s talk placements! A drumroll please…!
In first place! The young buck that we fear to have a knife, it’s Zuza!
In second! He’s a fuzzy animal lover with an apparent desire for chaos: Archian!
In third! She thinks she’s Zelosian but has a psychometry addiction: Diy!
In fourth! The Sephi that’s not a lefty (I tried to rhyme, I’m sorry)! Jael!
For fifth! He’s a crime noir bug-man with the aesthetic of Watson and the veterancy of Akbar! Essik!
In sixth! When he’s not the broody former-Voice, he’s the man who plays a doctor on TV! Marick!
And in seventh! He’s big, he’s blue, but he won’t dabah-dee you! Strong!
For a competition that happened over the holidays, you all brought in a respectable twenty-five unique participants for the whole event, which may or may not count the handful of folks from other Clans that wanted a piece of the ARCCOU pie. On a rough estimate, this seems a promising start for later events that don’t take place when folks are busy with family and with a more recent baseline to work off of (fictionally speaking).
So what can you probably expect in the future? For Arconans, COU is in a tough spot with an intelligence breach and may call on us to help them track down the culprit and bring them to justice. For Odanites, we in Arcona are elbow-deep in counteroffensives against the Children of Mortis afar, and ancient Force users — once revered as gods on Selen — and their constantly mutating creatures (caxquettes) that continue to awaken from stasis on our home planet. And of course, we’re looking at a possible revival of the Forbidden Fruits Zeltron Cookie Company to satisfy your hunger and our alliance’s economy. No, we didn’t do this event just to have a throwback. It just worked out that way.
So again. Thank you all for coming out and participating. Now, back to our more Arcona-focused report.
Experience Points. XP. It’s a thing and it came with a vengeance. For those of you who were paying attention, there were a lot of awards given out from what I like to call “XP backlog” — medal XP that was mathematically accumulated over time and only come to life with the institution of the new widget. That’s not to say that these awards have been cheapened, as some have felt and even voiced. The awards and promotions came on the wings of lengthy careers in the Brotherhood, and this was the site’s way of going full Will Smith and saying…
Now while there are reports about this XP thing, we wanted to give a simplified breakdown of the two kinds of XP.
So all of that said, to the many folks that got shiny and stabby things: you all deserved them, and we thank you all for your service and generally just being you. Keep doing great things, Arcona!
We’re getting more and more sorted on our event calendar, with more coming into view with the appointment of new leaders (hi Kaled!), and the transition of Zuza from her role as Arcona’s Rollmaster to the BTL of Battleteam Rollmaster Selen Training Corps.
We like to throw this out periodically, but we are looking for minions volunteers to work on the mire of Arcona-based wiki articles. It’s simultaneously one of the least sought jobs, but outdated wikis are also one of the most complained about aspects of the club as a whole. And especially with the rollout of XP, we’re looking much harder at attributional numbers so that volunteers can get the proper shinies for their work.
If this is something you’re genuinely interested in, please shoot an e-mail (yes, I said e-mail) to me and Atty. See the Final Notes section below for the addresses. Whether you have specific articles you want to work on, or want to be pointed in a given direction, let us know!
Lee asks, #askthesalad
What should I eat for dinner?
Any IC Valentines Day plans?
What is your favorite candy treat?
Chocolate, flowers, or both?
What are Q and Ruka’s love languages?
Kord asks, #askthesalad apparently, thank you Lee for translating that :P
Any crazy Tameike shenanigans for VD?
Is Ruka getting half of his soon to be ex wife's stuff?
How many medals did you get to write this week?
As always, I can be reached by e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], on Telegram with @QyreiaArronen, or on Discord @Qyreia#9352. You can find Atty at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], or @Atty#3546 on Discord. And if you’re bored, feel free to follow my meant-for-recruiting-but-still-fun in-character Twitter feed @TheRedQek!
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Hm.. Blind Key... Should I use it, or just keep it safe? 🤔
Arcona Invicta!