[Arcona] First from the Goat: Seeking Proconsul


[Arcona] First from the Goat: Seeking Proconsul


Table of Contents
  1. Proconsul Applications Open
  2. Arconan Census
  3. News
  4. Competitions


Hello everyone!

It is an honor to take up the helm of Arcona after getting to witness several consulships in my almost nine years of being here, many of which I was lucky to serve with and learn from. I’d like to once again extend gratitude to Zuza for her service and dedication. I hope to carry on in her shoes and look forward to crafting the clan’s future alongside the rest of the Summit.

A little about myself. I’m Jakob or Zuji as many of you know. I joined Arcona and the Brotherhood back in 2016. It wasn’t long until I had taken the Shadow Gate Battleteam Sergeant position and started my journey through leadership. From BTL to Aedile and Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, to Rollmaster and this past year as Proconsul. While known to have a whole wheelhouse of characters and npcs like a kid’s toy box full of action figurines, I main a spirited gunslinging pilot Kiffar named Diyrian or Diy who walks the morally grey, “realist” line. Other than that, I write, draw, and enjoy a casual game or two. A fan of many things and expert of none but my own creations.

I look forward to working with you all and am eager to see where this path takes us together.

Proconsul Applications Open

With myself stepping up, there is now a vacancy for the Arcona Proconsul position. Second in command of the Clan, the Proconsul assists in overseeing administration of the Houses and takes control of the Clan in the CON’s absence. They are responsible for assisting in the Consul’s various duties and aiding as a liaison for the Summit and the members to the Council.


  • Communication. A 24 hour response time on Discord and Emails. Some familiarity with report writing to assist in the Consular Reports. Being willing and comfortable with working with the Clan Summit, membership, other clans and the Council.
    • Mediation: Lumping this in with communication as that’s a crucial part of mediation. Are you comfortable helping mediate any issues that may arise between members, summit, or with other clans’ members? Have you any experience doing so?
  • **Recognition:* Aid in awarding and promoting our members and fellow clan leaders.
  • Drive & Development: Assist in developing the clan storyline and events. Help in creating activity and competitions for the clan to engage with. Be an active presence, not just in competitions but in our channels whether text, voice chats/hangouts, emails, roleplays or casual chatter. Be the example of the activity we want to encourage.

Application Requirements:

There is no minimum rank or experience required, but having some experience with clan leadership is important and experience or familiarity with Arcona is a plus. Explain what type of leader you will be and approaches you would take to meet the responsibilities of the role. Share a bit about yourself! Are there any plans you would like to implement or tackle?

There is no minimum rank or experience required, but some experience with clan leadership is important and experience in Arcona is a plus. In your application, focus on the responsibilities of a Consul, and just explain what type of leader you'd be and what your approach would be to leading Arc specifically.

Applications are due March 12th. Send them to myself at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Note: one does not need to pass any courses linked above, it is just recommended to familiarize oneself with them if not already.


Arconan Census

If you all could take a minute and fill out this survey, that would be greatly appreciated. It focuses on what activities you enjoy doing. It also inquires on whether there is any barriers keeping members from doing things they want to try or enjoy, and if there is anything you would like and permit leadership to assist in breaking through those barriers. Things such as tagging on discord or dming about activities of interest, and more. And of course, I would like to hear about any suggestions or concerns. Thank you kindly to anyone that participates.



In other News, Ghouls, and Crews….

House News:


This one will be short for this report. I highly recommend checking out the weekly competitions that Luka has been dedicating themselves to providing in House Galeres chat. It’s there for you all! Thank you, Luka, for doing so.

For now I’ll plug the big few:

Brotherhood-wide Comps:


Clan Comps:


That’s it from me for now. If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open and you are welcome to DM or email me. Take care all and I’ll catch you later, alligators.


Hear hear!

I am so proud and honored to have you as my Consul, Jakob. Literally a hope come true. You will be amazing, and anyone will be lucky to be your Pcon.

Get at it, folks!

Congratulations on your appointment to Consul! I remember when you joined and hopping into Shadow Gate as a BTL and you were a shining, rising star then. Glad to see you're continuing to utilize that potential. :)

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