Hello House Galeres! Juna is a Miraluka (yes another miraluka) to join the ranks with Arcona to be you Quaester! I apologize if I haven’t seemed very interactive yet in chat, but I’m getting myself settled in to the new quarters. Getting myself acclimated to my surroundings and evaluating everything. Soon you should be getting a form/survey via email from me. So that I can better get to know everyone and see where everyone’s interests lay for future competitions/events. So, please take a few moments to fill it out once you receive it. I’ve also been working on getting an activity tracker together to help see where you are at. So, keep those eyes open. Maybe some more shinies will be coming or promotions! Also, I plan to incorporate a leaderboard for the house. Still working on details of this and hope to get it rolling for you all!
Since I came from outside of the clan, a few of you that may not know me may be asking who am I? Well I’ve been a member of the club for five years now. I was drawn into the club by the gaming community. About three years ago I became Magistrate to the Fist and about two years ago became Praetor to the Fist. Gaming has been my go to. I enjoy playing different types of video games. Just to name a few Overwatch, Horizon Zero Dawn, Tomb Raider, Borderlands, Bioshock, 7 Days to day, Mario Kart… the list can go on. When it comes to gaming I like to have fun with friends!
Now that I have experience at helping manage the “Salt Throne”. Now to get out of my “comfort zone” and learn some clan management, and helping all of you in more ways than just gaming.
Hello one and all, you all know me by now since you can't seem to get rid of me. I would like to extend my warmest welcome to Juna who has taken on the big shoes of the house. So be sure to give here all the love and help that she may need and ask for along the way. Anyway that's all until next time. Love ya guys.
Consul Report was released at the end of last month announcing we are now Full House!
House Qel-droma Report is here it's new and shiny!
Chamber of Justice is hiring! Many positions open, apply for ALL or just one!
Voice Report announced new updates on force abilities and many other things!
The Pictures in the Sound, Can you find the Beauty in sound?
Gui Says Hack It, Are you going to let this little punk show you up?!
One Hundred Days, What will your journal say?
What If… you had a chance to change everything would you?
[FIST] February 2020 GMRG Competitions, Gaming Galore!
AVD 2020: Hindsight Is, Love is in the air!
Scurvy, Can you survive in the wild? OR SPACE?
Congrats to the following for earning some shinies last month!
Adept Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae
Crescent with Amethyst Star 2
Crescent with Sapphire Star 1
Cluster of Ice 41
Battlelord Rrogon Skar Agrona
Seer Junazee
Crescent with Sapphire Star 1
Corsair Qyreia Arronen
Crescent with Ruby Star 2
Crescent with Amethyst Star 1
Cluster of Ice 17
Battlemaster Aldaric
Sapphire Blade 1
Crescent with Amethyst Star 1
This concludes my first report as Quaester. I appreciate the warm welcome from everyone. You all are great and look forward to working with you all! If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m available via telegram or email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
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Lovely first Report Junazee!
Happy to have you, Juna! Thanks for the info