[Arcona] November News


[Arcona] November News



A Message from the Consul

Hello, darlings! Welcome to another wonderful report! With this month's fiction, the clan event is done and dusted. Our clan vacation was certainly one for the history books, and I am sure that we won't see any long term repercussions from it.

We'll be rolling out a few competitions every month as we continue to develop the plot. This month, the competition du jour is a fiction comp that deals with how your character is dealing with the events on Atolli Island. So, get out those writing instruments and fire up those muses! Let’s get this party started!

A Message from the Proconsul

Hello everyone,

Another month has come and gone. Now we start to move into the holiday seasons. You will see 1-3 comps a month being run by myself or Lucine to move forward the story set up in the Clan Event. I hope you all take the time to help push forward.

A couple notable things happened in the last month. Q got himself a Sapphire Blade, Sera became our newest EQ2, and we welcomed our newest Knight into the fold, Vahrosa De. Congrats to you all on your amazing accomplishments!

Everyone continue doing your best and being amazing!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Clan Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Activity and the Discretionary Funds
  5. Competitions
  6. In Closing...


Fiction Update

Qyreia Arronen crouched low upon the landing that overlooked the lowest level of the temple and surveyed the scene below her. A large statue of a woman stood in the center of the room, her arms outstretched in a gesture of welcome. Huddled around the base of the statue were approximately twenty-five hostages. Many were moving, but some, disturbingly, were not. Monsters were moving among them, patrolling and dissuading any who might consider escape.

Positioned around the periphery of the room were large containers with clear, glass-like walls. Most of them were empty, with large holes in the sides, as if something large had broken through from the inside. However, a few remained intact, and Qyreia could just make out the shadowy forms of larval monsters floating in a pale blue liquid.

She carefully committed the layout of the room and the number of hostiles to memory. Beside her, Sergeant Kayli Ahken was doing the same. At last, they exchanged a quick nod, before creeping back through the large archway and up the sandstone stairs. None of the monsters raised an alarm as they slipped out; apparently they were so intent on their tasks that the two people had not been noticed.

You can read the rest of the fiction here.



Arcona News

  • Congratulations to Qyreia Arronen, Tali Sroka and Atyiru for placing first, second and third place respectively in the Vacation event! Their characters have been featured in the most recent clan fiction, so be sure to check it out!
  • With the clan event over, House Qel-Droma have already gotten some competitions started. Go forth and do the thing!
  • Not to be outdone, Galeres also has some House and BT comps forthcoming, so keep your eyes open for that!
  • Want to read up on the news from the Houses? Here is the HQD report and the Galeres.

DB Wide Updates

  • Season 2 of The Mandalorian is in full swing! Here is a reminder from our friendly neighborhood Justicar to not share spoilers in public chats until one week after the episode has premiered. There is a DB spoiler chat, so be sure to ask for the link if you want in!
  • New M:Fist! Squadron Stats! Check it out in the most recent Fist Report.


Activity and the Discretionary Funds

Here is the updated House Discretionary funds.


Don’t spend it all in one place!



  • Now that the Clan Event is over, let’s see how our characters react to the outcome. Find the latest Clan Fiction comp Here.
  • The Voidbreaker Mark II comps are live for HQD.
  • Our RM and BTL’s are running a DIA inspired series of comps. Take the time to check them out Here.
  • Our friends in Odan Urr are celebrating 10 years as a Clan in the DJB. They have invited all of their DB friends to compete in a series of comps. Let’s celebrate with our friends!
  • The MAA’s office is hosting another Crossword competition here.
  • The next round of GMRG competitions is live. Find them here.
  • Do you like Run-On’s? Here’s a new Run-On Comp!


In Closing…

That’s it for this month! As always, if you have concerns, ideas, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on TG (@Lucinevasano and @AidenLD) or email, feel free to reach out. We generally only bite if asked.


Long lasting effects? Noooo hahahahaha-- sobbing in the streets

I hope you all enjoy the fiction!

No! Not consequences for our actions!

Thanks for the lovely report. At least it wasn't too difficult to change my RP headcanon to coincide with that of the fiction and find a fair middle ground.

The crown fits me well though struts

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