Arcona Rollmaster Round Up: Number Nine


Arcona Rollmaster Round Up: Number Nine



A fantastic month of people dressing in questionable costumes and being given sugary treats by complete strangers. What a wonderful month.

This month also sees us in the middle of Aftermath a Threeway Event between Arcona, Tarentum, and Plagueis. Lots of participation opportunities this month, kiddos.


New Joins:

Rarden Tode
KayVader/Ferkay --- Recruited by Celahir!
Tali Zorah -- Recruited by Kordath!
Kelvin Farrenhyte


Dylan made Proselyte (and also knocked out a TON of Shadow Academy Courses!)
Ferkay also made Proselyte!
Tali Zorah earned Novice and Proselyte!
Kelvin Farrenhyte earned a promotion to Recruit!



Aftermath: A Threeway Event
* The current 'big' one for Arcona, a joint set of competitions with Tarentum, an ally of ours, and Plagueis. A TON of competitions here.

They Whom From The Darkness Came
* A fiction competition about the coming of the First Order.

The Quest to Become Heimdallr
* Gaming, trivia and a couple of other comps revolving around Destiny.

Strands Of Fate
* A series of short fiction comps that run two weeks a time, great for character development!

Member Hunts
* Use the clues to find the target, the Wiki is your friend!

What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar
* What is your character willing to do to get their hands on a delicious, frozen treat? Fiction comp, runs most of the month!


Ask The Ryn

Atty, have you ever regretted anything you wrote? :P
I’ve felt sad for somethings, but never regretted them.

Atty, whips or chains

Atty, favorite sloth?

Braecen, what sloth meme made *you question if it had gone too far?*

Xenna Azara, why is the box pink?
Because blue was taken.

Blade Ta'var, Why isn't there a 10th?
Because David Tennant wanted to do other things

Zujenia Kait with 15 questions!
1) When is your friend getting on tg? I want to introduce myself!
Post haste I hope. Believe his anniversary was coming up when he joined.
Strike that, he’s on :P

2) what is your favorite breakfast food? ic and ooc.
OOC: Omelette du Fromage.
IC: Blueberry Muffins.

3) Do you have any plans in the work that will help encourage and integrate new members into Arcona?
More...aggressive emailing, more competitions targeting them (taking suggestions :P)

4) How many Ryns does it take to fix the lights?
One, but it’s so much more fun in the dark.

5) Fictionally, how involved is Kord in his Roll master work?
It’s mostly progress reports and the like, casual work that takes up a bit of his evenings.

6) Does Kord make use of the older Journeymen to introduce the new novitates to Arcona?
Probably has them help with touring the facilities if they’re on Selen, if they’re on Ol’val he’ll settle them personally.

7) What got you interested in the DJB?
A chance to write and RP

8) Where are all the Twist pics?
On a SD card that got lost :/
Also Here

9) Are you regretting this decision yet?
A chance for me to talk even MORE? Never.

10) What is the one question Kord is afraid to ask himself?
Can he ever go home again and face his father?

11) What is your opinion on the new leader of Shadow Gate?

12) Now, really give your opinion. Does this young lass actually have what it takes?
Seems to be taking to the job quite well, it’s important to be outgoing and personable as a BTL, and she does that :P

13) Where have all the real good fics gone?
Into legend. Or not written yet.

14) If Twist was Force Sensitive, what path would he walk and how dapper would his outfit be?
First, he’s a Tuxedo kitty, so I think that answers the outfit bit. Second...Dark Gray, he’s just malicious enough to be Dark but he’s not really trying to accomplish anything except chewing on my hands.

15) Last one, unless I get cheeky. What is Kord's specialty meal to cook?
Chicken Cordon Bleu, of course.

Xenna Azara, ninj hasnt delivered my steak yet
Ninj, what the hell man?

Xenna Azara, are we all doomed?
Doom doom doom doom doom. Probably

Lucy Taylor, do you love me?
After all those random gifts I leave at your doorstep, you really still have to ask? Trim the hedges, its getting hard to find a good view :/

Skar: do you love her?
Wouldn’t you like to know.

Blade Ta'var, How do you feel about half of your report just being questions?
Have you SEEN my last few reports? I’ll just be happy to have content.

Atra (CM), has your nose healed yet? Inquiring Atra's are curious how tender it is
Yes. Lots of super glue. Still sore.

Katicorn, how does Kordath feel about the predominately female hierarchy? :p

Xenna Azara, why are there little rynlettes everywhere?
<_< Sparring.

Xenna Azara, I accidentally the whole shelf, this bad?
We can fix it. We have the technology.

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Shadow Gate


Final Thoughts

Seen a lot of shake ups in leadership on the Club level this past month, new Consuls and Dark Councillors alike. Always remember, kids, that they started as Initiates the same as you, if you go for it, you can get it.

Do the thing.


Welcome again, new Arconans!

All the Twist pics! He is too adorable, it's why he walks near the dark side. :P

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