Arcona Rollmaster Roundup 3, Friday the 13th, Ooooooh


Arcona Rollmaster Roundup 3, Friday the 13th, Ooooooh


Hello everyone, and welcome to this edition of Rollmaster Round Up! I'm Kordath and I'll be boring you for the next few minutes while you read this and wonder what you're doing with your life.


First of all, lets welcome all the new people!

Since the last Round Up we've gained several new members.

  • Lonewolf, who was recruited by Rhiann and is the newest member of Tyrant Sword!

  • Qayin Rex Mortis joined House Galeres!

  • MediocreDreams joined House Qel-Droma!

  • Gias Soym joined House Galeres!

Be sure to welcome the new people if you see them around!


Journeymen Promotions!

Ozmosis Ozo gained the rank of Hunter! He's on the brink of Knighthood, big congrats to Riverche's apprentice!

Lonewolf powered his way to Neophyte, and I have it on good authority (my own, really, comeon) that he'll be an Acolyte...uhh, tomorrow, as he's simply waiting on time requirements :D
Lonewolf came to us from Rhiann, who has taken on Mentoring duties for the new member, whose already ran one gaming comp and is running another as we speak. Do the things.

Qayin Rex Mortis picked up Novice on day one, looking forward to seeing more from you Qayin!


Competition Spotlight

Arcona Trivia Madness #1
* Mako and Uji are running their weekly weekend trivia comp, so far they've been well written and challenging, give 'em a go, quick and fun event.

Chronicler of Arcona
* An interestening new comp being ran by Kaiburr, where the more you write, the more likely you are too win!

Arconan Origins
* Zakath has put forth an awesome fiction topic for you guys that's ripe for character development. Expect to see really neat submission to this one.

Arconan Gaming Dominance, November
* Gaming cluster race being ran by Rulvak and friends, starts on the 15th!

Herald Giveaway! * Oh look, one not prefaced with Arcona :P This is a graphics comp being ran by the Herald, design a weapon, robe AND accesory for the Herald to use in the future, winner gets a custom robe from the Herald staff!

Star Wars Inneuendomy
* Shameless self promotion here, starts on the 16th. Give me your best Star Wars related pick up line. Scare me, make me laugh, or scar me. Bring it.


Important Stuff

Final Thoughts

Some may have noticed I missed last week, that's somewhat intentional. I realized that doing these weekly was silly when most competitions run on a monthly basis, so we'll be going for bi-monthly here, since this is Arcona and bi-anything is widely accepted.

Also! Gorefest! This weekend! Happening now!

So, there we go, have a good weekend everyone!

Do The Thing


You know. I was wondering what I was doing with my life. Thanks for reading my mind.

Raising an awesome Apprentice, it seems

great report Kord

This is the best report I have seen since the one with all the glitter! :D

Yeah, love that is on "good authority" of moving up another rank soon. :)

I hate your avatar. Great report!

Well, if the potato believes in me...

Great report. Avatar's creepy. Much <3

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