Hey everybody! It’s officially Summer as the walls start melting and those of us who prefer winter consider the reality of alternative forms of hibernation. It’s been a quieter month so there’s no big news for us this month. There’s some small plans on the horizon, perhaps a thing to come in August :eyes:.
Anywho! Onto the rest.
Monthly Allowance
This is something I’d like to reintroduce, the monthly House bonuses! For those who joined after the last time one of these occurred, I’ll do a quick intro on how it works.
The QUAs collect the total crescents and clusters their members earned in a month, comps organized and participated in, for each House and send them to me. These numbers go through a lovely spreadsheet (That we managed to yoink via Aiden thank you again) that discerns how much was earned for the clan by each House and how much gets funneled back into the Houses they were earned from.
So, what does this end up with? The Houses able to purchase new shinies, work toward goals and overall flex about how much money they’re making. This is the total made for this month:
- House Qel-Droma - 327,750
- House Galeres - 275,550
Also in light of this not being done for a while both houses have received a back pay. This is based on the average between the last payment each house received and the one just up there, multiplied by all the months betwixt.
- House Qel-Droma - 6116850
- House Galeres - 4,400,475
This leaves each house at a current sitting number in their banks of drumroll:
- House Qel-Droma - 22,812,200
- House Galeres - 5,760,880
(HQD is still deciding what to spend the Big 15 mil Bonus on. You can see more on how Galeres spent theirs here)

In other News, Ghouls, and Crews….
House News:
- House Qel-Droma
HQD is running a mini event. If you dont want the deets, check out Umbra Ferrum here. Since our last report, Doon Sulvir had been hired at Aedile and Alex Draconis succeeds him as Voidbreaker Captain, check their message here.
- House Galeres
Galeres news!. They have an RP right now for the Galeres Med Corp and Dajorra Marshals to help respond to the disaster on Ussun from the clan events. Open still for members to join.

Before we get into the fun competitions running right now below, we wanted to expand more on a note from the MAA report which mentioned an upswing in competitions having errors. As Howie mentions, if there’s ever a discovered error in a running competition, do email the MAA staff email and ask them to change the error, informing them what it was. The email may be found in The Council Roster along with other Counsil office emails.
Additionally, however, this felt like a good time to remind that it’s a good practice to either have a peer or even better, your summit leaders to take a glance over the competition before sending it off for approval. Fresh and new eyes can sometimes catch mistakes before the approval progress. We’ve also all been there, writing comps or stories when we’re strapped for time or tired. Pausing and relooking over all of it later when more awake or time benefits!
A helpful resource to take and revisit occasionally is the Leadership Competition Course. Not going to lie, I use this routinely whenever I make competitions.
Best y’all, keep making competitions and hosting! I enjoy seeing what prompts & comps you do craft.
Clan Comps:
House/BT Comps:
* [HQD] - Umbra Ferrum
- GMRG Rebirth - A Lore Expansion Mini-Event, help worldbuild the GMRG as a fictional society in our Brotherhood sandbox!
- Brotherhood What If...? is co-ran by Siv and Asani!
- The DJB Trifecta (Plus ACC)
- Gaming Competitions: [FIST] Combat Training - June Week 2, The Finals - June & The Finals - Cluster Race, DBD, SWTOR, The Great Mario Kart Tour 3
- Graphics: Advert Nauseam, May Showers, Pixel Art Series, Picture in the Sound, 8 Weeks of Random Art
- Fictions: One Sentence Fiction Challenge ends tomorrow, Micro Fiction Series, Tales of the Brotherhood, Force Unleashed Settings
- Puzzles/Flash Games: Action Figure Puzzle Series Part 2, WASD - The Revenge!, Flashgame Extravaganza!
- Other: Make Your Own Parody Song, Best Detectives is Member/Item/etc hunts.

Shamiir asks:
- ”Why?”
- Zuza: Why not?
- Diy: What she said^
Siva/Tor asks:
- Arcona Olympics when?
- Zuza: SOME DAY!
- Diy: Capture the Flag was a fun time considering, willing to think on it :3
- Severin asks: "Are we going to have a pool party or what? It's like 112 F out and I'm melting. Please tell me there's a pool party."
- Zuza: We live on an ocean planet, every day’s a pool party day!
- Diy: Hell yeah! We live surrounded by oceans and topics, pick a day! I’ll come!
Bril asks:
- "We solve that Terentatek under the Citadel problem, yet?"
- Zuza: We don’t talk about Bruno. Or.. whatever they called it.
- Diy: The what? If the word ‘problem’ wasn’t in there, I’d thought that was a resort building or something.
- Rictun asks: "Would you like to try my triple-spiced Krayt Dragon eggs? They're to die for!"
- Zuza: Ooo yes please!
- Diy: Ah kriff! Is like spicy? Got some heat? Please.
Archian asks:
- "When will Summit organise Dinner with only exotic dishes. Recently everyone is asking about triple-spiced Krayt Dragon Eggs, and stuffed with chocolate and baked in fresh cream Dianoga!"
- Zuza: I mean, it sounds expensive but fun, sure?
- Diy: Eggs stuffed with chocolate and cream…Haven’t tried that…But a dinner sounds nice! Could pretend to be fancy.
- "When can we organise the Porg post system, and Ronto races in the capital?"
- Zuza: If we can teach porgs to use jetpack boots….
- Diy: But Porg don’t fly? Right? Never thought Ronto clean up logistics was something I should think about.
- "Any plans on fighting the poachers? Our Zon'kil gardens at Port Ol’Val cannot manage income of exotic creatures captured from them?"
- Zuza: That might be a question for Sofila, but poaching isn’t legal and we could work on a solution if help is needed.
- Diy: Regulating Poachers in Port Ol’val falls on Ol’val law, I think…
- "Any plans for cooperation with Biology Laboratory in Sirh Shistavanen Village?"
- Zuza: Uhhhh, maybe? I like cooperation.
- Diy: Uh…let me ask our Smarties, maybe some collaboration on research? Networking is the word.
- Tajga asks: "Any plans for Droid and Newest Tech Expo?"
- Zuza: Nothing specifically but if you have ideas we’re here to listen!
- Diy: Sounds like something that might happen on Arx or like Coruscant. Let me know of dates if you find any.
- Tajga also asks: "Any plans for a Prom Party at Shadow Academy - we youngsters are growing quick!” kisses
- Zuza: The Shadow Academy miiight not appreciate me throwing a party for them but I could ask Erinyes?
- Diy: Would have to ask the Academy, don’t know.
- Aksel asks: "Do you have any junk? I still work on my first droid” hugs
- Zuza: * *Places bag on the counter
- Diy: Sorry, kid I don’t — Flyndt enters the call: I know a junkyard, maybe we go check out when you are on Selen again?
Ikarri Itinen asks:
- Pecan or Pumpkin pie?
- Zuza: Both! (Irl Zuza: neither)
- Diy: Pecan!
- Goats or Lammas?
- *Zuza: Llamas! *
- Diy: Easy,
goats Llamas spelled wrong
- Cluster Races or Graphics comps?
- Zuza: Cluster races for me
- Diy: Yes. Okay fiiine, I like graphics a bit more but I do them both about equally I think.
- Favorite thing you've done as Consul / Proconsul so far?
- Zuza: Oh dear. Probably arranging the Gods event. It was The Big Stress but the satisfaction of the 3 other clans coming in to play on such short notice as well as the just the overall turn out in general was just amazing to see. Definitely the biggest point of immediate satisfaction so far.
- Diy: *I think it was running the Gods, We Dine in Brimstone event. Not only was it a first time helping run a clan-wide event like that but it was also hosting it fully for three other clans. And I will say I was pretty damn proud of how much I wrote for it, as someone who doesn’t typically finish the fiction comps in events, that was big for me.

Remember, if you ever have any concerns, questions or comments, feel free to email me or Diy/Zuji, or dm us. Our door is always open to you!
May the sauce be with you, uwu.

Can I have some money?
Flyndty and Fox and Aksel and Tajga junkyard fun ;w;
No. It's ours.
aren't we already bribing the bear with pots of honey? Why is it asking for creds?