Aurora Collegium Possessions


Aurora Collegium Possessions

Noobis Regent

Good morning everyone,

This is just a quick announcement to let you know that the new Shadow Academy society possessions are live, and the Brotherhood-issued items have been granted to your possessions list. Additionally, there are purchasable versions in The Vault for you to buy extras!

Now, this unfortunately did not go off without a hitch, but many of you were awesome about it. When providing the new item names to James for granting last night (proving why you never DB on two hours of sleep and late at night, bad combo) I accidentally provided him with the names of the purchasable versions. Since the stock rules were active, you were able to sell these items. I'm sorry if you spent time customizing your items/droids. The Brotherhood-issued droids will not have upgrades or cosmetic aspects. Just the Droid Personality aspect.

My whoopsie has been corrected, everyone now has the Brotherhood-issued items - and the only person to take advantage of this has had their credits adjusted. I have informed this member of why their account was adjusted.

On another note: As Ciara has said in her report (go read it and do all the SA things!) you'll still retain all the old Shadow Academy granted possessions and be able to buy the old ones in the store. Currently, only the three Academy-issued Holocrons are missing. I will add purchasable versions of these later today.

Thank you everyone.

Zxyl Bes'uliik
Regent of the Brotherhood

I figured it was too good to be true... :D

Oh well, maybe third time's the charm!

There is no third time.

These items are amazing. Really adds some options!

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