Howdy Harbingers, I hope your holiday festivities were awesome. Hope that you got time to visit families and make memories. I know I did!
The Herald has started their Hanukkah tradition. We are currently on Day 5. That's 3 more days of goodies! New lightsabres, robes, and much much more!
On a sad note; we lost Gorn over the past week to Rogue. Remember that if we fail to login within 2 months to the DJB website, this will automatically happen.
The list of competitions is growing shorter, however fiction for the Great Jedi War is upon us! Check them out here:
Plot Update 3: Jac moves on Antei!
GJW Fiction Folder: Fiction Folder for updates!
Let's get out there and show them why Tal is the First Clan of the Brotherhood!
Starwars Galactic Defense:
Monthly Mobile Game:
Holiday Bash 2014
Holiday Bash 2014
Again, I hope all had a wonderful holiday; with new years just around the corner! So excited to be apart of the Harbingers, and hope next year is even better than the last!
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