Battleteam Strike-Team Ooroo - Report #4


Battleteam Strike-Team Ooroo - Report #4



Welcome to my fourth report as Strike-Team Ooroo Commander. It's been two weeks already... time passed so fast! Hence this report will cover activities from the last two weeks and also two or three things I’d like to mention in our BT news. Shall we?

BT News

  • Big congratulations to Seridan Brehevik as he was promoted to Equite 1 or Sentinel Scout to be specific. He’s already got his Character Sheet approved and now he is ready to do ACC battle with more power and skill. I have no doubt that he’ll do great in ACC arena as he just won his last ACC battle (while he was still Jedi Knight) with our Aedile Solari. You can view the battle here.
  • We have winners for my last competition: Mission#1 Identification, congrats to Seridan (again :)) and Aaleeshah for placing 1st and 2nd respectively. Now I know who’s the person I’ll send to for scout mission. For winning the competition, Seridan will fill in the role of scout trooper for Strike-Team Ooroo, yay! :)
  • From your feedback, flash gaming is the most preferred competitions, therefore I am running a flash gaming competition named Use the Force. Go for it! Prove that the Force is strong in you. You have that power too! :)

Clan & House News

  • The PCON report was out the same time with the release of Star Wars Episode VII trailer #2. They’re both awesome! Our PCON even left us a light teaser for the incoming event titled Sentinel Network Chapter 1: Sanctuary. It is coming soon on May 1st to inbox near you :). So be prepared! Don’t say I didn’t warn you :)
  • Our QUA Ji with AED Solari are busy running our house-wide competitions, The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1. More on this will be detailed in the competitions section.

Promotions, Awards & SA Exams

JScumm: CFs x4
Aaleeshah: CrE x1, CrT x1, CFs x13; good job!
Seridan: Passed Leadership Comp (100%), Writing Studies (100%), gained Dark Maven – Writing, CrQ x1, CrE x2, CFs x5, promoted to Sentinel Scout (EQ1), CIs x2; two thumbs up!


Consider the competitions above as a warm-up before the launch of Sentinel Network on May 1st.


JScumm #7764 (Commander)
Krandon #8629
Gon Doru #12767
Junazee #14072
Zeon Blacktooth #10301 (Sergeant)
Aaleeshah #13998
Seridan Brehevik #13767 (Corporal, Scout)
Rangel #13387
Enric Galazin #14012
Talis #14096


Hope I have reported all the activities, news, competitions and so on, which covered from my last report two weeks ago. Apologize if there anything I missed in this report and many thanks for your time reading my report.
Now, I’m going to watch the Star Wars episode VII trailer #2 again for the ... 12 or 13 times? Damn! I lost my count! :P As always, have a great week ahead! :)
Be active and have fun!

May the Force be with you
SR JScumm (Sentinel) / BTL / Battle Team Strike-Team Ooroo of House Satele Shan of Clan Odan-Urr [SA: IV] [GMRG: X]

Great report, mate :D

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