Battleteam Voidbreaker - Oh Captain, My Captain!


Battleteam Voidbreaker - Oh Captain, My Captain!


Battleteam Voidbreaker Report - June 2024


Howdy, all, and welcome to my first official report as BTL of Voidbreaker. I'm really excited with how things have been going since I took the position, and have seen some great activity and interest in the goings-on from you folks. Without any further ado...


“I am sorry, the budget for air filters is how much? And that’s monthly?!” Alex stared incredulously at the datapad in his hands. He was seated across the desk from Doon as they went over the significant details of operations for the Voidbreaker II and its associated crew. The dark-furred Shistavenan simply nodded in response, as a burst of laughter sounded from the other room. Quaestrix Sofila was also aboard at the moment and something about the outburst had clearly caught her funny bone.

“...I suppose it is not that outlandish, considering the contingent of Shistavenan, Togorian, and Zygerrian crew we have. I think I may have seen a Selonian as well, as I came through the halls?” Alex flicked the datapad over to his crew roster.

“Yes,” Doon didn’t even bother looking at the datapad he was holding, “and there are a few currently on leave who might be coming back at any time.” The captain’s office was currently in a bit of a transitional state. Doon was packing up the last couple items he was taking with him, while Alex had not quite yet rearranged the room to his liking. Still, it was evident that some great change was about to take place on the ship, though for better or worse only time would tell.

“Well, I suppose if anything does come up, it is not like you are completely disappearing. I may need to reach out if I run in to something unexpected,” Alex stood up from the desk and approached the door back to the bridge, holding out his hand toward Doon. Doon looked at it for a moment, considering, then clasped it in a handshake before they both stepped through the door. For such a rough sort, his paw is remarkably soft… thought Alex as his brow furrowed in mild surprise.

“CAPTAIN ON DECK!” Doon called out, drawing the attention of what bridge crew were present and facing toward Alex so they could all clearly understand the intent. As the crew saluted their new captain, in a quieter voice Doon addressed Alex. “She is all yours now, Captain Alex. Try not to get her destroyed,” he began walking toward the exit from the bridge. Before he could make it all the way, Alex managed to get in a parting call.

“Aedile departing, COMPANY SALUTE!” Alex lead by example, being the first to offer a salute to the former-Captain-now-Aedile as the Shistavenan made his way out, shaking his head.

What Has Happened (News)

VB-Specific News

Not a whole lot of news specific to our team to report. Doon Sulvir was promoted to the Aedile of our House Qel-Droma, and I (Alex Draconis) was granted the position of Battleteam Leader of Voidbreaker. Congrats to Doon and myself (man it feels weird to congratulate myself).

Brotherhood News

Just going to try to fill in here with some stuff that has happened since the Clan Report.

  • The Fist has added Star Wars: Hunters as an official platform for Gaming activity. Go get them Clusters!
  • Vendetta Honorifics have been added as Dossier options for those who have taken part in previous Vendettas. There was also talk of adding the Hero titles (First Hero/Heroine, Second Hero/Heroine, etc.) though I'm not sure if those have finished being implemented yet.

Who Has Done Things (Awards and Promotions)

Here's what people have gotten in the past month (5/14 - 6/14)


  • Aiden has reached the rank of Elder 2!
  • Just on his way out, Doon made it up to Equite 2!

Society Rankings

  • Mune got boosts to Rank 7 in the GMRG and Rank 11 in the Collegium. Additional congratulations on obtaining your Sage - Writing degree from the Shadow Academy!

Crescents, Clusters, and Awards


  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • A Sapphire Blade!


  • 33 Clusters of Fire, 5 Clusters of Ice, 21 Clusters of Graphite
  • 46 (!!!) Crescents with Diamond Star
  • 17 Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 15 Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 2 Crescents with Emerald Star
  • 3 Crescents with Topaz Star
  • 1 Crescent with Quartz Star

Alex Draconis

  • 16 Clusters of Ice


  • 2 Clusters of Ice


  • An Amethyst Kukri!


  • 49 Clusters of Fire, 22 Clusters of Ice
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • And in case you somehow missed it, the dang Sith Lord title!!!!


  • 6 Clusters of Ice


  • 55 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 1 Crescent with Quartz Star

Overall, just a ton of activity from our Team, and I love to see it! Keep it up, folks!

What Can I Do (Events and Competitions)

I'm also running a casual, social RP session on Discord until the end of the month. We're having a Pool Party on the Voidbreaker II! Check the #qel-droma or #arcona channels for the invite, or just hit me up directly and I'll bring you in.

Anything Else (Closing)

I am, once again, very excited to be here leading this Team. We all seem like highly motivated, very active members and I'm proud to have been given the chance to work with you all.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or even just want to chat you can always reach me by e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or through Discord (@Bograt).

Have a good one, all!

-Alex Draconis (at some point I'll make a signature graphic :P)

Love the Report and the mini fic, Alex! Great work, Voidbreakers!

Great report ^^

Great report!

Great Report and All Best at your position as Captain and Leader of BTL.

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