Battleteam Voidbreaker - We Are Still Captains Of Our Souls


Battleteam Voidbreaker - We Are Still Captains Of Our Souls


Battleteam Voidbreaker Report - August 2024


Little bit of a slow month again this month, but there was a lot of "background" activity still going between the ACC Tournament and the Clan competition, so it all makes sense. Next month is probably going to be a lot busier, but we'll talk about that a bit later in the report.


Rivulets of sweat ran down his back, muscles tensed and veins pulsing as he struggled. Alex's hands were locked tight with the massive claws of the beast in front of him, his teeth grit and muscles flaring as he expended every ounce of effort to hold it at bay. He had heard tell of a fearsome beast kept - somewhat secretly - beneath the Arcona Citadel, and his interest having been piqued he could not resist the temptation to look into it himself. And so now he found himself here, shirtless, sweaty, and locked in a heated wrestling match with a vicious terentatek that was clearly more than mere myth. At the far side of the chamber stood Steven, his constant companion and trusted personal valet droid, holding Alex's folded tunic over one arm and putting off an intense aura of boredom for all that a droid could display emotion. They had been there, according to his highly accurate internal clock, for just over an hour and a half now and neither Alex nor his opponent was showing any sign yet of tiring. If the sparkle in Alex's eye and the grin locked on his face were any indication, they would be here for some time yet. An insistent beeping noise sounded from the datapad Steven was holding in his free hand, and he glanced down at it briefly.

"Sir, the Clan is requesting the regular update on the Voidbreaker team's activities for the preceding period. Should I ask for a delay?"

"No need, my good man," Alex shifted, freeing one hand to release a claw and hold the tarentatek back by one of its horns. The beast stalled a moment in confusion, instinctively sensing all the aggression it felt from its prey in front of it drain immediately - but rather than being replaced with the fear and despair it was so used to feeling when this happened every time before, it instead was sensing a feeling it was only passingly familiar with...calmness? Peace? No...confidence? An intense flex and a tightening of his grip on the horn and Alex drove the beast's head to the ground.

"Hold there for a moment, friend, I will be back with you shortly. Steven, can you take this one via dictation for me?"

What Has Happened (News)

VB-Specific News

  • I am interested in what you folks are up to, what you are interested in, and what I can do to help you be more active and more engaged in Battleteam Voidbreaker, and the Brotherhood in general. As such, I've put together a quick Interests Survey that I'd appreciate if folks could fill out if you've got a few minutes.

Brotherhood News

  • CSP has a new Consul
  • The Emissary would like to know more about how you use the Home Page
  • Per the Plagueis Consul report, there is a Pro Bowl coming up, though details are still scarce at the moment. Keep an eye out for that!

Who Has Done Things (Major Awards and Promotions)

Here's what people have gotten in the past month (7/20 - 8/16)


  • Alex Draconis hit EQ2! Congrats to that loser!

Society Rankings

  • Druzk advanced to Rank IV in the Shadow Academy! Get them courses done!
  • Alex Draconis went from Rank II to III in the GMRG! Mostly by getting shot by his own teammate in Goose Goose Duck's Hoot & Seek mode!

Please know, even though I don't list them, I do see all the Clusters, Crescents, and activity everyone is doing. I love it, y'all! Let's keep it up!

What Can I Do (Events and Competitions)

  • The HM is running a competition for silly, fun Fake Maintenance Templates on the wiki. Should be a hoot!
  • DIA Contracts for the month are still available; pop in for a quick activity boost if you've got a few minutes to kill.
  • If you're looking for a good excuse to pop out a quick RP, the Envoys have posted a new Bounty; this is somewhat of an experiment on the part of the Exarch, so please check it out and provide thoughts and feedback. The goal is to try to make setting up RPs simpler, faster, and easier for folks to learn to do.
  • As mentioned, there is a Pro Bowl coming up so keep an eye out for details on that as they become available.
  • While it's too late to join the ACC Tournament you can still check it out and root for your friends and teammates! Four out of the Top Eight fighters are members of Voidbreaker (!!!) and I couldn't be more proud!

Anything Else (Closing)

I brought it up last month, but I am still actively working on my space station, Hod Haran's Folly. I've put over 100 hours into all the development on this so far, and I'm hoping it becomes a place people use in their RPs, Fictions, etc. Once I reach a point where I'm happy with it, I'll be opening up a competition to fill in additional businesses, venues, hotels, etc. aboard the station (similar to the Selen Development Project) so keep an eye out for that!

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or even just want to chat you can always reach me by e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or through Discord (@Bograt).


Terentatek... And nobody mentioned nothing to Archian about it... Shistavanen had hidden himself in the closet from sadness.

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