BT Red Moon Report


BT Red Moon Report


Dark greetings Red Moon!

Welcome to the BT Red Moon Report forum. Have a seat this could take a bit.

Dark Crusade

Prepare for battle Red Moon, another chapter of the Dark Crusade is upon us! The fictional elements are all linked in The Voice Report, and the RO will be starting soon.

I look forward to working with all of you, and Clan as a whole, as we take this planet for Sadow!

BT News

I would like you all to welcome Miraak to our ranks! He is showing some great motivation and it is a pleasure to have new blood.

I didn't mention it in my last report but should have. My former Master Jeric was kind enough to give me the Red Moon banner that you see at the top of the report. I think it's pretty fantastic and wanted to give thanks for it.

Lastly, we have a wiki page. it's blank at this very moment though and needs to be filled with information. If anyone is interested in assisting with building the wiki article for the Battle Team please let me know.


I've got a new one up that should be pretty easy to do. C-C-C-CAPTION BREAKER! (I spelled since wrong)

Shirai still has Know what I meme? (FEB Edition) up and running for a few more days. Also something that is pretty easy to do.

As always you can find all the Competitions here.

General Intel

The House Marka Ragnos is still searching for an AED. If you think you have the stuff of leadership and are interested in applying I suggest you do it. You have until the first of March. All the details of how to apply are located here.


Miraak was promoted to Acolyte


Maelous Ascarend: Crescent with Emerald Star


That's all for now. Remember to login and be as active as possible.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas please don't hesitate to contact me and let me know, and as always thanks for watching.

- DJK Maelous Ascarend

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