BT Red Moon Report 06.16 37ABY


BT Red Moon Report 06.16 37ABY


The holographic image of a hooded man flickers to life over the holopad. His voice is strained and raspy as he speaks, the transmission reaching across the system.

"Dark greetings Red Moon. Clan Naga Sadow is taking back what is rightfully ours and we are currently in the first phase of our operations. Your unique skills are required for us to be successful in this endeavor. You will be receiving coordinates along with instructions on the roll you will play in establishing the Assembly as the supreme power within the Orian system. That is all for now. Happy Hunting."

BT News

Rhaegon Targaryen has returned to us from the Rogues. Welcome back Rhaegon we are glad to have you with us once more.

The Red Moon wiki page is still in need of some updating. If you would like to help out with this project please let me know.

Also I'd like to point out that five days ago was my one year of taking the mantle of Battleteam Leader. Figured it would be a good bit of Clan Trivia you all would like to hear.

Fading Light

Our Consul Malik won a round of the ACC Tournament and I'd like to congratulate him on a job well done!

General Intel

The Clan wide story arc Orian Assembly: Reclaiming Our System is happening as we speak. We would all like to see as many of you be as involved as possible. Currently, the Run-on located here. If you'd like to get involved start posting. If you aren't sure where you can be of help let me know and myself, and the rest of the Summit, can help get you into the fray.


Rhaegon Targaryen was promoted to Protector!


There are so many competitions happening right now it's crazy!

Methyas is running a very interesting set of events called Loremaster Series. It's a four part series connected to the Reclaiming of our system, involving gaming, fiction, trivia, and graphics. You can do the individual events or all four.

Our Proconsul, Macron, also has a great fiction competition running. Develop Your Dark Jedi Character: Month One, it's a great chance to get some of those details you want for your character worked out. There is also a companion competition for those more graphically inclined that want to draw their characters: Picture me This: What Do You Currently Look like?

As always there are many DJB wide competitions you can check out for yourself here.


It's time to reclaim Orian! FOR SADOW!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas please don't hesitate to contact me and let me know, and as always thanks for watching.

- Sith Warrior Maelous Ascarend

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