Captain Soft Paw - Signing Off


Captain Soft Paw - Signing Off

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General Update

Voidbreakers, it's been a while. My last report was all the way back in December when I concluded the Mines of Riquis event for the battle team. In the months since, I have failed to formulate a report on the regular like I had intended. Once again, I am sorry. This year has been an utterly hectic one for me, and it has taken much of my attention away from the battle team when it could have used a much more hands on Leader. I expect to return back to normal over the next few months as things at work finally settle down, leaving me more time to interact with the brotherhood.

That interaction however, will not be in the form of Voidbreaker’s Battle Team Leader. If you caught the announcement from Sofila Here, you’ll know that I was graciously selected to be the next AED for House Qel-Droma. I am very thankful for this opportunity, though I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss the opportunities I had as Captain of the Voidbreaker II. Fear not however, as you will not be going Captainless. As announced by Sofila, due to my leaving of the BTL role, the runner up for AED was selected to replace me as your Battle Team Leader. I’d like to congratulate Bograt - whose words you can read in Sofila’s announcement.

At this moment, I do not have any updates directly for the Battle Team, those will be coming from Bograt here once they are properly settled. I do however I have plenty of ideas for how I can assist in the HQD narrative.

Closing words

Once again, I want to thank everyone for being part of the Battle Team under me. As always, our brightest days are in our future.

-Captain Soft Paw signing off

Great report!

O' Captain My Captain

O' Captain My Captain

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