A report, wherein Muz advances the fictional story of the Kar Alabrek recapture, gives out some awards for the first chapter of the Seige of Heaven competition, talks about the next chapter, and answers questions.
The Cathedral
Kar Alabrek
He walked down the corridors that burned in his mind's eye, his hands held behind his back. Trying to ignore the dust and graffiti that marred the stonework, the carvings from antiquity. The library, the place where he spent so much time after finding the Brotherhood, the place where he toiled for years to repair, now laid all but empty. The dark wood now ash grey from years of disuse, the wrought iron rusting to bits. The torn pages of what tomes were left behind in their retreat from Alabrek scattered among the floor, laying among half molded junk food packages and torn bits from the old chairs. He walked, the clouds of dust and debris that floated up with each step punctuating his movement deeper into the hold.
This was his home for many years. It hurt him to see it this way.
The sounds of construction occasionally echoed through the walls, working their way down through the labyrinth of corridors to crack the maddening silence. He paused for a moment, black eyes sliding shut as he felt along the edges of this world, past the obvious. He could feel them. The young Inyri beating down a Trandoshan in the dark, her heart racing. Bentre taking the time to educate a young man about why it is impolite to point blasters at strangers. Even deep in the ruins, he felt Armad, working his way up the food chain of parasite lords to root out the rot in the city. Ashia crept through the vaults, seeking out the last of the holdouts, the unfortunate souls who squatted in this ancient hold, the energies of the place corrupting their mind and flesh. He felt Ophelia rankling under his command, watching the perimeter hungrily, hoping, wishing that something would try to attack the work crews as they replaced the roof of the cathedral, hoping she would get to them before the Nihilgenia did.
Years of wreckage did not go away without the expenditure of sweat and blood. Muz turned, pacing himself back toward the surface. There was much to do, and he could not do it alone. The house could not do it alone, nor could the clan. He picked his way through the halls, their layout burned into his memory from a thousand journeys, making his way back toward the grand foyer. His appointment would be arriving soon.
Read more at https://discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com/t/house-marka-ragnos-official-fiction/1455/3
The first Chapter of the Seige of Heaven has been completed, and the Second Chapter has begun.
• Bentre, Amethyst Crescent, first place
• Inyri, Sapphire Crescent, second place
• Armad, Emerald Crescent, third place
Congratulations to all who scored crescents, and thanks to everyone who submitted. All of the submissions for this round of the competition were very good and realistic, and we will be considering them as canon for the events surrounding those characters. Well done, everyone! I recommend that anyone interested go and read those entries. There were some great stories to read in there.
For those of us who didn't get to jump in on the first chapter, don't let it stop you from competing in the rest of the chapters, as you will be able to make up for lost territory very easily later on.
The seige of Heaven continues to be ongoing. You can read more about it on the competition page here: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/11239 or catch up on more of the fiction from all the reports and background stuff on the discourse topic here: https://discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com/t/house-marka-ragnos-official-fiction/1455/3
There is going to be a drastic improvement and update of HMR wiki articles as the story progresses. If you see something that needs improvement, please let us know. (or you could work on it yourself, that is the beauty of the wikipedia format...If you do that, make sure you tell someone, because you need to get credit!)
In addition, with the shuffle over in Shar Dakhan, they are looking for a new battleteam leader now. Check out the Post from DarkBlade for more details.
Questions for the Quaestor!
Darkblade: #Questions for the Quaestor time (too much typing :P) With the first week of the Kar Alabrak event gone by, are you happy with the results and have you decided on which entry will further enhance the storyline for the House and its reclamation of Kar Alabrak?
I am always happy when we have members participating in events. I similarly always think that more people participating would be better, and the club encourages that, because more participants means we can upgrade our rewards. As far as 'which entry'? Well, they were all good, and you can see in the official fiction that elements from most people's stories were included in a little way. We will be using more and more of that sort of thing as time goes by, to help bring you and your work into the actual story. This is all of our work, not just the summit's. Also as i mentioned earlier, we are considering all of the entries thus far as canon, so there is that. I am proud of those folks who participated.
Riku Amahara: @MuzAshen how many people are going to die for our victory?
As many as it takes. Fictionally, Kar Alabrek has fallen into bad times, and for the most part, there are a lot of folks who got left behind, and had no other options. Those people will benefit a lot from our return. Those elements who have been abusing and misusing what we left behind in our abandoning the place will be hurt most, as they are likely to fight our return as they have the most to lose.
Sanguinius: @MuzAshen Am I your favourite dirty Jedi scum?
You are my favorite bait.
Locke: @MuzAshen What plans do you have to help eradicate the Jedi weakness within our midst and help me turn Sang to the dark side for good?
Well first, we are going to have to retake our own lands. What power can we actually lay claim to if we can't even hold our own? The fact that there are Jedi underneath the banner of a Legendary Sith Lord tells me that they already have more than a touch of the darkness in them already. We just need to encourage that darkness to spread, and eradicate the failed doctrine and weak thought processes that the ascetic order espouses (say that five times fast). But before all of that, i need him for bait.
• Wait, Dlarit?
• Bentre, Inyri, armad win awards for first chapter
• Second chapter is live! https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/11365
• Get involved! Email me!
Otherwise, keep having fun out there, and let me know if I can help with anything.
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Congratulations to everyone who placed in the first Siege of Heaven competition! You'd better keep your pens sharp because I'll be coming for you in the next round!
I'm also really liking the direction this story is going.
Awesome, I missed the first round hoping to get in and have some fun with the next one. :)
Can a non house member compete?