Clan Arcona Consul Report #17: There's No Gene For Fate


Clan Arcona Consul Report #17: There's No Gene For Fate


Hello, hello, and hello again, my dears. It's been a long time, for which I apologize. This report is going to have a lot of content because of that, but I promise, it's all good. You've got updates, you've got organization, you've got Sins — yaaaas — and you've got some surprisingly long answers to some surprisingly legit questions.

So, my sweets, step up, step forward, and walk, because it's time to seize your day, and it starts right here.

I'll see you on the other side. ;P

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You Want to Know How I Did It?

Brotherhood News

Voice Fiction #3: Reconciliation

The latest installment of Brotherhood fiction is out! In this installment, we see the retaliation of the Iron Throne at last for all that the Lotus has done — Pravus finally comes to collect his due from the First Clan, and a familiar face leads the attack...dun dun dun.

Go read, dears! Multiple people worked on this along with our Voice, and all their efforts ought be appreciated.

Speaking of Voice business, you can see the most recent update from the office here, and also check out the currently run Voice competition focusing on writing a fiction purely in dialogue (one of Atty's favorite things to write evarh, incluing phonetically, hi Atra, I enjoy your tears).

See the competition here and this excerpt below:

Sponsored by the Voice and brought to you in part by the DB Fiction Chat, the Voice Dialogue Series will be an ongoing exercise in telling a story through dialogue alone. The challenge here is to step outside your comfort zone while learning more about the other characters that make up the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Even if you never write a fiction for a competition in this manner or format, the exercise in and of itself is designed to help you grow more comfortable with speech patterns and having an “ear” for dialogue between characters.

Each iteration will feature a different prompt and may feature a different challenge. Each prompt will run for the span of 2 weeks. As an added bonus, entries will earn bonus Clusters of Ice. Each entry will also get direct feedback from the Voice.

Consuls, Titles, and (Panda) Bears, Oh My!

You will have — hopefully :P — already noticed that back in January, Howie was appointed to the Master At Arms after Aabs' retirement. Panda has been busy since he took office updating policies and wikis and approving or remanding all the things. Check out all that goodness in his most recent report linked below.

There's also been a couple other change ups around the Brotherhood, notably Locke's retirement as Naga Sadow's Consul and Teylas' as Plagueis'. They have been respectively replaced by their Proconsuls, Sang and Slagar. Grats to the new leaders, and well done to the old! Also across the pond, I'd like to give a friendly shout out and congratulations again to Monty for earning the di Plagia Clan title! Woo!

You can see some of this discussed in Sarin's last report from late January, but I wanted to particularly point out a certain line from the topic of unit metrics and quarterly reviews. Of us, was said the following:

Obviously there are other aspects to our club and the numbers do not tell the only story. Arcona fosters a sense of community in their members that is not something we can capture outside of knowing how the members of that Clan feel about each other, but whatever it is that Atty and her team do, it works. That undefinable metric or feeling is not something we are going to capture, but it is something that is very important.

I think each of us knows just what that something is, my dears. It's family, because we're a family. Arcona, and anyone who shares in her spirit (#ohana). I'm proud of you for that, and I'm proud of all of you, to be one of you and to know you. Remember it.

Herald Graphics Tournament

The Herald is running the first ever Graphics Tournament! Eeeee. You can read all about it here in his most recent report or at the comp page itself here. However, for the moment, you can have a preview in this excerpt below:

Welcome to the first ever Herald Graphics Tournament! The tournament was conceived as a 1v1 battle of the arts where contestants would be pitted against their fellow artists in an art-off, showcasing their skills with the pencil, color, or tablet.

What’s the premise? A war has started in the Shroud nebula and across Brotherhood space. A silent and hidden war that governments and armies seem to ignore, but it exists and is raging. The Black Sun has seen fit to attack the Shroud Syndicate on their own turf and the many mercenaries, bounty hunters, and criminals of the Brotherhood must band together and fight off this grave threat. Read more about the start of the war in the latest Herald fiction update.

How to participate? Go to the link and subscribe. That will tell us as the organizers that you wish to participate. Subscriptions will be open until the start of the Tournament and not later. This is your chance to participate. The Tournament will be split into rounds depending on the number of participants who wish to participate and every round’s prompt will be fueled by a new fiction update for every round, which will be sent out along with results every weekend before the next round starts.

There's already 38 people subscribed and more to come, so get at it, darlings!

This JST In, Justicar Confirmed

Jac's two year term rolled around, and so a vote was held for his biennial reconfirmation. It should not surprise you that all went ahead and that Jac will be our Justicar for awhile yet. You can see about it at Sarin's newspost.

Gaming Goodness

Many of you spent the last couple months avidly playing TitanFall 2 and the like in hopes of getting it approved. Well, good job, it worked. If you didn't see before, you can check that out here for new platforms, just just direct your attention to the latest Fist report, below, for more gaming news.

I Want Apply!

There's some hiring going on!

The more urgent of the two is that Atra is on the hunt for a new ACC Judge. These apps close today, so if you're interested, go see the newspost like...right now. :P

Meanwhile, Magistrate to the Fist is also open for applications. Check out Drac's posting for all your info. These end on the 21st.

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This Is How I Did It.

Clan News

New appointments

We've been well on our way since your Proconsul's last report, where he covered the State of Our Clan in-character and talked about all the goodness of leadership. You can expect more of that goodness between my reports on the fifteenth of each month. #logpower #heisthelog

As will have spammed your inboxes, we've got lots running right now, and had a lot of new appointments since the New Year too as various members of the summit retired, resigned, or moved.

Most notable of these was Timeros' appointment as your new Rollmaster (mwahahahaha) and Qyreia Arronen's arrival as Galeres' newest Quaestor. The Q has settled quite in, and you can see his introduction in his first House report.. Three cheers to each of them, and many thanks for their service and for that of those before them!

Also notable is that following Warp's resignation from Nighthawk BTL, the summit decided to converge Galeres' Battleteams into one. TMR, rest its soul, was merged into Nighthawk, and Xenna became their sole leader. Thankfully, even with our old fleet blown up, we've still got plenty of ships to choose from for the team and for the rest of the Clan and both Houses, so give a cheer for that too. ;P


Lastly, I'll make mention of this because it is technically Clan news even if I'm averse to mentioning myself. It was with all the gratitude and hand-flapping-at-face crying ever that I accepted the title of di Tenebrous Arconae in late February, on the day of my second year as Consul. I'll come back to that particular tidbit later, but I just wanted to take the moment to thank all of you for letting me serve you this long. It's been my honor and privilege.

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That said, on to more important CLAAAAAAAANS EVEEEEENTSSSSS.

Sins of the Past: Episode III: Revenge of the Hutt



Yes, dears, it's finally here after our hiatus! I thank you for your patience, and say welcome back to Sins of the Past!

As you'll recall, this is a series of 4-week events that will help shape the fictional landscape of the Shadow Clan. Plot updates will be sent out over the Arcona mailing list on a weekly basis, as well as made available on the Brotherhood’s Discourse. Remember, your submissions will help shape what does and doesn't become part of the new Arcona Canon, so get excited if you're not already...which you should be (hiiiint hint).

You can find all the competitions for this Episode here, including the Special Event, this time a Member Hunt! Track down your fellow Arconans, beat back the enemy, and claim victory!

If you've missed anything, always remember that you can read all of Sins so far here on the Discourse page. Otherwise, check out the preview below, and head to the next section for all the TL;DRs you could ever (don't jinx it, Atty, stop) want.


Port Ol'val

Dajorra System

The Phantom Complex had grown eerily quiet over the last few weeks, the whirling chaos and frantic excitement of glitter-bombs and purple graffiti had become nothing more than mere memory. The brown stains of blood and paint had long since been scrubbed clean and a sort of monotonous routine had replaced them. Many of the civilian workers were grateful of the new, and yet familiar, setting; a sense of safety had been brought in by the Aedile’s replacement.

The hallways of Alpha level echoed with the softly padded footsteps of civilian staff, monotonously tending to their duties and wordlessly going about their daily tasks. A floor down, the atmosphere drastically changed. Beta level seemed to be clenching to a strange aura of anxiousness, wrapping it’s claws around any sudden noise and making more skittish people flinch. No one seemed to know what was going to happen, but there seemed to be a sense of impending danger that permeated the air.

Inside the office of Terran Koul, two men spoke in hushed tones while sitting on either side of a large metal desk. The Quaestor sat with his feet up on his desk, ankles crossed while the smaller man seemed to be nervously shifting in his seat. Kordath Bleu, the recently appointed Aedile of Galeres, thumbed the flask in his pocket as the Kiffar’s dark azure gaze locked on him, waiting for an answer.

"She’s nae so moody as th’ Purple Lady," Kordath paused, his low voice thinning into a whisper as he flicked his tail, "but somethin’ ‘bout th’ other one. Ain’t right."

Terran Koul hid a smirk behind his hand as he appeared to rub his nose with a knuckle. "What makes you say that? She’s efficient at her job and hasn’t done a thing we can find to warrant any suspicion, so far."

"So far...Dunno, just somethin’ ‘bout the way the staff seems to," the Ryn shrugged, making grunting noise as he shook his head. Terran raised an eyebrow in response, waiting for the Galaren Aedile to finish.

"I dunno!" Kordath finally grumbled. "Act like flower petals fall out her pink arse."

The Quaestor laughed, lifting his feet off the desk and sitting up straighter in his chair. As he leaned forward, the smile disappearing from his face. Terran gave Kordath a level gaze.

"Do you trust her with Zujenia’s safety?"

"Kark, Terran." Kordath scoffed, his tail flipping anxiously. "I trust Zuji t’ take care of ‘erself. Even in the medbay. She’s gotta good guard on ‘er. B’sides, yer gonna keep eyes on ‘er while I’m gone."

"Alright, well I—" The Quaestor was suddenly interrupted by the distant sound of an explosion and an abrupt shift in lighting. A moment later, alarms were blaring and the emergency lights of the Phantom Complex came on.

"What the kark?" Terran barked, scanning his datapad as Kordath did the same. A buzz from the office door came and the Quaestor leapt to his feet, moving quickly to press the comm.

"What’s going on?" Terran shouted as he door slid open. Aedile Maenaki Dalevi’in stood in the entrance with a perplexed look on her face.

"My Lord, we appear to be under attack."

Continued here…

I Never Saved Anything For the Swim Back

But Can I Get a TL;DR?

Answer: yes, okay? Yes. This time you can have a TL;DR. :P

Seriously, though. I hear a lot of "what's going on" and "where are we" and so on, especially from newer darlings. Just the other day, Julie mentioned to me wishing that there were summaries somewhere, and while the Voice office is working on archives like that over on the staff's Resources Page, an I've made some TL;DRs of events in the past, that information has been scattered through emails and multiple Consul reports and yadda yadda. Plus, some things were never summarized.


Below, you'll find summaries as far back as when the New Order launched, with a brief summary of events before 2016. Each event has the fiction(s) or updates in question linked and is summarized. I still suggest you do the actual reading, but there you go. The last year for the DB and Arc in bullet point form. I suggest reviewing this and the Arcona Timeline for additional info if you really want to be caught up quick. If not, skip on down.

Know I love you. :P

(And no, Vic, you do not get a TL;DR for the TL;DR.)

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The Eleventh Great Jedi War culminated in the end of the Dark Crusade and its epilogue, Fading Light, that was the Brotherhood's two year campaign to claim more territories and retake the old Sith Worlds from the One Sith who more or less "baited" them into doing so. We find out that their leader, Esoteric, was actually an agent of Pravus and the leader of his Nephilihm, Damon Nix. Pravus had been controlling the One Sith the whole time and used them to weaken and fracture all the Clans and Houses while throwing fodder out for them to saber to pieces. As such, the One Sith no longer exist as a group, having been largely decimated. Also, the Dark Council claimed all the Sith Worlds that the Clans and Houses won, stripping their resources and artifacts for themselves. During a break in the Crusade, Arcona experienced several events, including a small civil war, several infamous tests from our then-Consul, and some rescue operations.

GJWXI saw the Clans and Houses forming fractured alliances around several powerful figures, including then-Grand Master Muz, who was on a quest for immortality and unity, former Grand Master Jac, and Esoteric himself. In the end, Muz burned up Antei and Pravus took power. Everyone limped home to lick their wounds.

Arcona started rebuilding Estle City from the events of the "Siege of Selen" (see: Operation: Revival, Operation: Legacy, Operation: Resurgence) that occupied them just before the War. Atyiru took power as Consul, and things got a bit divided and then there were more rainbows. Lots of rainbows. Arcona went to help Clan Odan-Urr (see: Tides of Change) and became close friends with them over the last year while maintaining their quiet alliance with Tarentum.

Pravus and his supporters on the Dark Council began a purge of Undesirables, those not Sith or Human (reflecting DB revamps and the EU wipe as we moved towards New Canon). This included destroying the Obelisk and Krath orders and hunting down and killing any filthy aliens on the death (non canon) list in the Academy ranks. Those species in the Clans (grandfathered in) are arguably still targets and more untrustworthy. The Inquisitorious (fiction society), a network of cladestine agents, were a large part of this purge, working as Pravus' eyes and ears around the Brotherhood and under the direction of the Voice, Evant. Some among the Clans supported the purges, while others did not, and others were neutral (see: Celebration event and Run Ons). Arcona was largely neutral or opposed to them, with a handful of supporters here and there.

Culturally, the Clan had opened up a lot, more Gray-aligned while still keeping its Dark roots. They had both Dark- and Light-aligned allies and were led by a cheerful - if still somewhat vicious - Miraluka, herself Undesirable, and were rather inclusive of Mundanes. Politically and economically, Selen was largely unchanged, though Ol'Val had been growing as a criminal element and Galeres had more or less abandoned Eldar and incorporated into the military. SCEPTER was completely gone, destroyed by the One Sith remnant group who attacked in the past, called Perdition (see: Fall of SCEPTER). Perdition hung around in the Dajorra system afterward and had captured and indoctrinated the-then Rollmaster, Kordath, as they prepared to strike back. Arcona decided it was time to put a stop to them and eradicated them at last (see: Fall of Perdition).

No sooner than that ordeal had ended, however, did Arcona then feel the destruction of New Tython, many systems Pravus' reign continued and his grip tightened...

The New Order
  • Valhavoc files his final report and highlights the evolution of the Dark Brotherhood over the past two years, and his disappointment in it.
  • Under Grand Master Pravus' order, the eradication of the Jedi from the Brotherhood begins. New Tython is invaded and razed.
  • Forewarned by the tortured and escaped former Herald, Vorsa, Clan Odan-Urr largely manages escape, though the rest of New Tython burns.
  • Clan Odan-Urr regroups and looks forward to the future and towards Resistance.
The Light That Faded
  • Arcona mourns their allies and discusses what must be done as Pravus' genocidal war continiues to rage.
  • Atyiru appoints Uji Tameike as her new Proconsul
  • Atyiru and Uji later convene on their future and the Clans'
Sins of the Past: Episode I: The Phantom Bussinessman
  • We are introduced to Tehr Lorden (former CFO of Naruba Investments and current grudge-holder against ARcona) and his lieutenant Laiv as they command an assault on Estle City (with the industrial district being of particular focus).
  • Ernordeth goes to a meeting with those plotting against the Atyiru.
  • Rins'zler follows Ernordeth and is caught in an explosion caused by Lorden's forces.
  • Lorden's Strike Team Esk is left behind to gather intel and await further instructions
  • In the winning fiction, Kordath tracks some of Lorden's men from the scene of an explosion to their hide out, decimating the group with the help of his Fades.
  • Several Arconans (including Rins'zler and Ernor) were injured in the bombings, but all are accounted for and recovering.
  • Major destruction of Selen's industrial and commercial capacities was suffered, on a scale unseen since the alien incursion years past. It will take quite some time to rebuild.
  • While exiting the system, Lorden contacts his employer - the mysterious Mr. Blue - and indicates that, like Arcona's Summit, he views the encounter as a complete succeess.
Sins of the Past: Episode II: Attack of the Clone
  • Wuntila and his brother are attacked aboard their ship by Teroch Erinos, a former Adept of the Clan and son of Sashar, returned and enraged at his father and Arcona. In Estle City, mercenaries following him begin an attack, blowing up sections of the city.
  • Uji and Zakath investigate the ruins of Lorden's attack with their Operative agents while Teroch assaults the Erinos Clan settlement, killing his siblings. The Shadow Hearts meet in secret and plan how to strengthen Arcona.
  • Zujenia, of the Champions, attempts to aid a family on Ol'Val in escaping the Brotherhood's grip, with the assistance of some allied Jedi.
  • While Teroch's forces press their attack and Arcona's forces scramble to respond, Teroch attempts to free the insane Dark Jedi Master, Mejas Doto, from his Dusk Station prison to wreak further havoc. Nighthawk's captain and crew, hounded by bad intel, grow ever more suspicious of their own Quaestor, an Iron Loyalist.
  • The Shadow Lady leads four of Arcona's Elders - Braecen, Valhavoc, Timeros, and Marick - in a move to stop Teroch. Elsewhere, on Eldar, Tal'mahe'Rah arrives to find themselves too late to save several safehouses of Undesirables from the Inquisitorious thanks to preoccupation with Teroch's forces.
  • Sashar grieves for his lost children, consumed by vengeance for his son despite his sins. In some mysterious location, Lorden from meets again with the mysterious Mr. Blue, debating the fate of their newest failed agent - Teroch himself.
The New Order: Chapter II: Treason
  • Former Grand Master and current Justicar Jac returns home to Taldrya. Aabsdu returns home to Plagueis, unsanctioned, with part of the Iron Fleet. Rogue agents Telona Murrage, Krath paragon of Tarentum, and Wuntila Arconae assemble their secret cell of undesirables and ex-Orderlies in a resistance movement. Tensions run high.
  • Jac and Aabsdu launch attacks on their respective targets in retaliation for their Clans' betrayal of Pravus.
  • The Krath and Obelisk resistance is attacked by Iron Throne forces. Wuntila betrays Telona, murdering her, and Val Cole, agent of the Grand Master, emerges from the fray to congratulate him on his loyalty.
  • Pravus is pleased and turns his attention to other dissenters in his ranks, including “the waif” on the Serpentine Throne. He sets the stage to turn Tarentum and Arcona against each other.
  • Wuntila confesses his actions to the Arconan Summit under the assumption that they would understand he did what he did for the Clan.
  • A mixture of reactions greet him: the Arconae support his decision, Atyiru disapproves but understands, and Uji flatly states Wuntila's actions are treason. Atyiru places Wuntila under armed guard and dismisses the Summit.
  • Shortly after, Marick contacts the Atyiru and Uji, explaining he has eliminated a traitor in their midst, Zakath Agrona. Frustrated, Uji retaliates by kidnapping Wuntila with the use of his guard and a few Arconans loyal to him.
  • The Proconsul takes the Nighthawk to approach Tarentum space and contacts their Proconsul, Bloodfyre. Uji is invited aboard their vessel along with Wuntila. Uji offers Wuntila to Tarentum to show that Arcona remembers those who stood with them before they were First Clan.
  • Atyiru contacts the missing Nighthawk and receives word from Rulvak of what has transpired.
  • A massive battle takes place above the ruins of Antei as the Tarentum and Plagueis fleets spring their trap on the Grandmaster's forces. The battle takes a turn for the worst as the rebels are overwhelmed by superior Iron Throne forces, with Pravus nowhere to be found.
  • Atyiru and the Arcona Defense Fleet arrive in time to create an opening for the allied forces to flee.
  • The Consuls meet alongside their Proconsuls and discuss what's happened. The Arcona-Tarentum alliance stands, and the Clans consider the future and what it is to come when Pravus strikes back.
  • Four Clans - Odan-Urr and Arcona, Tarentum and Plagueis - stand "united" against the Throne.
  • Returned home, Atyiru has Wuntila and Uji both imprisoned for treasonous acts, and goes about running the Clan without her Proconsul.
Voice Anthologies
  • The first update, No Return, features Marick taking his place as Voice and cementing his loyalty to Pravus in a terrible display as he murders our own Zakath Argona, who had been defending a settlement of rescued Undesirables, before Damon Nix, leader of the Inquisitorious.
  • The second, titled Rise of the Lotus covers the story of the united Resistance forces of Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona targeting and destroying one of Pravus’ shipbuilding factories. Pravus is not pleased by this, and sets his sights on the pests he can reach — Arcona. This one also rebrands The Resistance as The Lotus.
  • Seven Strands. This series features a small fiction from each Clan, written by their Con or Pcon, meant to show where that Clan currently stood in the larger game.
  • For Arcona, Atyiru has a one-on-one holocall with Marick, in which the exchange coded warnings. The Shadow Lady then addresses her Clan as they mourn their dead, announcing that they will openly oppose Pravus and the Iron Throne from here on out.
The Rising Tides
  • Whispers have begun to circulate the ranks of the Brotherhood that the Grand Master plans on launching a major offensive assault on any remaining threats to his “New Order”. It started with keywords being detected on the holonet and from snippets of information taken from scrolls within the Shadow Academy archives. Scholars, engineers, and other persons of interest have started to go missing with little trace. Increased traffic by the Inquisition and prosecution of “undesirables” has the Brotherhood on watch. Some have even speculated the construction of some kind of weapon.
  • In their winning Run-On, Atra Ventus approaches imprisoned Proconsul Uji Tameike with information of possibly game-shifting caliber. He suggests that the two work together to investigate, and helps Uji escape the Citadel, along with Adem Bolera, who is convinced to help. The trio is picked up by Qyreia Arronen at Atra's behest, and Atyiru, contacting Uji, allows them leave to go, with the promise of retaliation if results aren't produced. Aboard her ship, they travel to a ship assembly yard in unknown space implicated in their intel.
  • There, they find and battle Iron Legion and Inquisitorius agents, managing to procure data that may confirm rumors of Pravus' building some sort of super weapon.
  • The party escapes, though Adem and Uji are wounded. Atra and Adem return to Arcona, and Qyreia to Naga Sadow, while Uji, with plans of his own, takes the opportunity to evade a return to incarceration and flees.
The New Order: Chapter III: Reconciliation
  • Dracaryis, the Fist, decides to be more bold in how the Iron Navy fights its battles. He brings in a tactical expert.
  • Tarentum’s flagship is destroyed by the Iron Navy.
  • Damon Nix manipulates a member of Scholae Palatinae into betraying them. While Scholae’s forces are spread thin, Nix attacks their homeworld of Judecca and lays waste to it. Alara and Zee witness the destruction of Judecca.
  • Blade Ta’var is revealed as the traitor as she heads towards Kaist to join Clan Odan-Urr. Nix reveals that he used Blade and was getting revenge for her refusing to kill her opponent in the Journeyman Tournament.
  • Former Consul Locke gets a visit from the Iron Navy, and is surprised to see Atra Ventus alive and leading the attack. Naga Sadow's flagship destroyed.
  • In Arcona space, the Dajorra Defense Force is ambushed. They are lured into a trap, which is later revealed to be the work of Marick Tyris. The current and former flagships, most notably, are destroyed.
  • Pravus is pleased. Arx is soon ready to be revealed to the Brotherhood.
Sins of the Past: Episode III: Revenge of the Hutt
  • Estle City is under the strain of food shortages and damaged infrastructure. Rationing is in effect, and Selen's people are uneasy.
  • The Clan reels after the destruction of their fleet. The summit is under strain, and some are wounded. Qyreia settles in as the new Galeres Quaestor amidst the turmoil, while her Aedile, Kordath, departs to Ol'Val after the attacks.
  • The forces of Whallata the Hutt, a Besadii, arrives on the shadowport.
  • Atyiru receives an alert that there is a situation on Ol'Val and sends the Nighthawk, one of their only remaining vessels, to investigate.

Dem Factions Tho

Reminder as ever — you’ll notice this as a new permanent report feature for the foreseeable future — for our ideological factions, different schools of thought that draw different people together and lead to certain goals and actions in Arcona.

These “factions" have long been developing amongst all our individual characters and in the stories we as a Clan have told, and they’ll be our device to further establish ourselves and develop now! They’re our boats to help us along in the fictional sea of the New Order storyline, its eventual War wrap up, Sins of the Past, Aftermath, everything from DB to BT level, and more.


It’s still a very big chart.

If you want to go back over the specifics and thorough details of all the factions, refer back to my previous report on the topic.

Reminder that some of the standing Summit and Arconae have all declared their factions to help out as a reference. You can check them for an idea of who’s who, where, doing what — just bear in mind that while YOU know these allegiances, your characters may not.

  • Atyiru: Champions
  • Uji: Operatives (MIA)
  • Kordath: Wildcards
  • Qyriea: Champion
  • Terran: Wildcards
  • Wuntila: Shadow Hearts
  • Maeneki: Iron Loyalists
  • Timeros: Shadow Hearts
  • Sashar: Shadow Hearts
  • Strategos: Shadow Hearts
  • Zujenia: Champions
  • Xenna: Wildcards

We saw movements from all of these groups over the course of the last year with its many events, and will see them not only in Sins III and in House fictions and the War. A recap:

Among the Champions we see Atyiru commanding Arcona openly as a part of the Lotus and a force for “good” against Pravus as Qyreia joins Arcona at her side; we see the numbers of Iron Loyalists and Inquisitors watching from among our ranks growing, including their leader, Atra Ventus — who leads attacks against Naga Sadow under Pravus -- and Skar Argona and Maeneki; we see Shadow Hearts like Timeros and Wuntila doing their parts to keep Arcona safe regardless of either side of the larger conflict; we see the Operatives struggle with their leader missing while Timeros, sympathetic, makes use of their agents; and we see more and more people wavering from the Wildcards as the margin for staying uninvolved grows dangerously slim.

What’s next for all these groups? How will the events of Sins affect them, and each of you? How will your stories continue to build under the New Order?

Go find out.

Other News, Reports, and Happenings



We've kicked off our year with piles of merits and promotions, especially Knightings! You all are so incredible, it makes me wanna grow eyes and weep rainbows. Give yourselves and your brothers and sisters a cheer, and everyone, congrats!

Seren Dipity Puer-Irae


Xenna Azara

Aay'han Agrona Beviin

Larrik Dul'vak

Jake Blazer

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae


Elania Li

Magness Dritch

Rulvak Qurroc

Stang Mach

Celevon Edraven Erinos


Tali Sroka

Qyreia Arronen

Rrogon Skar Agrona


Kharoc Garrlan

Koliss Welcott

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Ask the…drumroll...Gold Team

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Xenna asks, #asktheatty What would happen if atra put googly eyes on atty's blindfold?

  • Atty: It would join the collection of googly-eyed blindfolds she already has. She discovered them — joyfully — awhile ago, much to her staff and clanmates' considerably less joyful reactions. :P That was a long, long week. One full of craft glue and terrible eye puns.

Kat asks, #AskTheAtty How is your friggen school work going? :p

  • Atty: alt txt

Atra asks, #AskTheAtty What will it cost me to get Dark!Atty 4ever

  • Atty: Weeeeeellllll, where to start with this. Here's the thing about Atty — Atty cares too much. ("I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut" guitar). There are better ways to go about what she does, more practical ones that can save more people by letting a few go. There's also arguably more just and moral ways to deal with some problems, like killing a mass murder instead of finding him precious too, even when he goes and murders, hey, MORE PEOPLE (hi Pravvy). It's both her biggest driving force and one that cripples her at the same time in some life and death situations, because she will only accept life, and it'll kill her. Her faith drives this, but it's a question of what would force that—
  • Patience. Patience is your answer, or time, because there's nothing dramatic or traumatic enough that would get Atty to suddenly stop believing in a) people and b) her gods/the Force. It would be prolific, just small chips in the armor, the slow grind of silt-rich river waters wearing down a stone into dust. The loss of loved ones? No. That would only reinforce the responsibility she feels for that loss and reinforce her belief in respecting what life is left. Betrayal? No. Betrayal was never a big thing with her, because people "have their reasons," she's got no illusions with most motivations.
  • For her, it would be the slow dying of faith that just creeps and creeps, near unnoticed and numb, slow and sick, until one day she wakes up or turns around and she doesn't believe anymore. The INQ and Pravus keep winning, her people grow fewer, more die pointlessly, happiness is nonexistent, even those she can hold together are morasses of misery. They fight each other, they drift, they leave. And soon, that hopeful girl will be left staring at things and finally accepting the fact that her hope is worth absolutely nothing against reality, and finally choose to take that reality instead of her willful, idealistic ignorance. Atty already lies to herself in her believing every day - "it'll be alright" - so to just stop at one moment of one day when the world's worn her too thin isn't far off by any margin.

Turel asks, #asktheAtty Who should Turel's new man-crush be after Uji retires? :p

  • Atty: You've already started running applications so I'll let you handle that, but I gotta say, you know retired isn't dead, right? :P

Terran asks, #asktheatty What rolls downstairs, alone or in pairs, rolls over your neighbor's dog?

  • Atty: Imgur

Kord asks, #asktheatty when are you going to surprise the hell out of Kord and Zuj by springing their own wedding on them?

  • Atty: The cute part is that you think they weren't already married under Citadel law while they slept. The party's just waiting for a nice, quiet time.

Blade, #asktheAtty Since we talked about mind control today, what is your character's stance on her throne that allows her to intrude on everyone's private lives?

  • Atty: Context for those unaware of what the Serpentine Throne does. The Throne has been referenced a couple times in fictions I've done here and there, some offical. I don't know about Wuntila, but Marick hated the Throne and didn't use it. Atty, however, very very much does. This might seem contradictory to anyone who knows Atty and how she's generally so against a lack of free will and generally respects people and their wishes, so why would she use it? To spy on those she doesn't trust? To be smart and monitor her operatives? Nah. The thing about Atty and the Throne isn't that she's paranoid and watching for attackers or something, it's that she's addicted. She's always had an addictive personality that she struggles with (thus being mostly sober nowadays, including pain meds, because she was previously a spice addict and an alcoholic), but even she breaks down with all her morals/respect and honestly...loves what the Throne does. She doesn't intrude on minds forcefully or unless she has to, no, but she does sit there and immerse herself in all those thousand-throated mental voices. Think about what that is to her, when living things literally make up her Force-sighted world. Without them everything is empty. Being around people, in touch with them, connected, isn't just what makes her happy but what makes her feel alive. The Throne is essentially her crack. She can spend hours just sitting there, connected to all these minds but outside them, like floating on your back in a sparkling sea while the sun beats down and the waves wash over you. Peaceful and rigorous all at once.
  • Flip side, negative emotions are absolute hell. It really is an invasion of privacy in every single freaking way. Annnnnd she's probably used it for so long now that her moods have become kinda dependent on it. Like someone using narcotics or the like too long, I debate now and again that it might actually have screwed her brain chemistry up, and disconnected from other peoples' happiness and sorrows, she won't be able to actually feel any of her own anymore. When she retires, she'll have to go back to rehab, or something.

Xenna also asks, #asktheatty Can you get a new ship so Uji get's to be captains log?

Kelviin asks, #AskTheAtty do you prefer ice cream, froyo, or sorbet followup, please detail in philosophical terms

  • Atty: Ice cream. Froyo is good with lots of fresh fruit. I hate sorbet. The real question is, is that something I really think, or is it something I was always predetermined to think, something I was fated — programmed — to think? A further question: are we free? Three simple words that have haunted human minds in different variations and frameworks for as long as history has been recorded by human hands, and likely long before then. It is a query born of a departure from musings on the how and what composes the universe and an exploration of the why and the consequence of that why. Are we free? To answer, it must first be determined whether or not everything is determined — that is, predetermined — or if everything is presupposed as chaos. One must answer further, then, if every action has a consequence, and whether or not those consequences are morally ambiguous, or if there is a question of morality at all. The spiral of questions only deepens further and further with each consecutive step, and no one answer is confirmed as any more valid than another. Such is the debate that awaits any individual asking, do we have free will? or what frozen confectionary do you prefer? But, what must also be asked is if we want to. Do humans — and Wookiees — desire free will, or do they prefer freedom from the traps and snares individual responsibility involves compared to carefree destiny? All these questions are terribly wide in scope, but may be made smaller by their exploration through a different window: that of ice cream. In reviewing the nature of icy desserts in and of themselves, we can analyze and answer the question of free will and its meaning to humanity as a whole. I know it's complicated, but if we try, and put our heads together, we might be able to… /me puts on sunglasses come up with a coneclusion.
  • alt txt

Zuji asks, #AskTheAtty What's the head count on the war orphans/stoleadopts now?

  • Atty: It's over 9000.

Zuji also asks, Zuji #AskTheAtty What is the best tea to drink?

  • Atty: I prefer Sleepytime (Celestial) the most, but also any variation of mint, green, or most black teas for the caffeine. ALSO. God. Bless. Sweet tea.

Esca asks, With the obvious, yet still assumed, betrayal of Marick to Arcona, what does Atyiru make of this, given her relationship with the Councillor?

  • Atty: Obviously she's pretty sorrowful and mournful of the deaths he's caused, and upset, and underneath everything else afraid for him a bit when she gives into all that, but in general she still believes in him, trusts him. She disagrees with his actions but knows he's doing what he does like he always has, trying to defend the whole even if sacrificing a few. The thing about them is that they've always put the greater good (of their clan, teammates, db, etc) as they each see it before their own wants/happiness, and have often sacrificed their relationship because of that. They also consistently sacrifice other things in their own ways, usually in ways that disappointed each other even if they understood the purpose behind it (Atty disapproves of Marick's assassin work, and he oftentimes of her leniency). They still trust each other, though. Even now, with everything Marick's doing, with her being a Lotus/Resistance leader and him the "loyal" Voice, Atty trusts him (and he's been shown to be on her side still in small ways). All else aside, even when they walk paths the other wishes they didn't, or that they consider doomed, they'd still bet on one another. Every time, no matter what. Bet their lives.

Julie asks, #asktheatty Why does Atty like colorful things if she doesn't know what color is?

  • Atty: Atty is a creature that lives on sense in a completely separate way from other species. As I alluded to earlier in another answer, people are her world...literally, and color is evocative to people. To Atty, red is the blush across happy lovers' cheeks as they hold one another close, or the screams of rage from an incensed, hurting friend who's lost it all. Yellow is sunlight and warmth and cheer, is stories told huddled around fires or excitement amidst strobing fluorescents or the thrill of giddy laughter. Green is sharp, bitter jealousy or the calm, easy tranquility of a forest or garden, or the joy of fresh spring rain. Blue is deep sorrow and deeper tears and the deepest peace, is forever at the ocean's edge or freedom staring into a wide sky. Now, these are just examples I'm coming up with because colors don't exactly equal emotion, but hopefully you get the point. Atty doesn't love colorful things because they're colorful. She loves colorful things because other people come more alive in reaction to them — whether that's a good thing or more "oh god, my eyes, my eyes, I think my retinas are burning" — and she, in turn, comes alive herself.

In Closing


If you've made it all the way through, my loves, then know you're paragons of your kind...and of patience, heh. I won't keep you much longer with all this said and done, but I did want to touch back on a little something.

I've been Consul over two years straight now. But more importantly — the only important thing, really — is that I've been your Consul for over two years now. I have gotten to be part of your family, to work and serve and laugh with all of you. I've gotten to watch us, as a Clan, change so very much, become so very much.

You all, all of you, have amazed me. You've opened up. You've become not just friends, but friendly, welcoming, encouraging. You are active, fair, and determined. You make efforts not just for yourselves, but for your brothers and sisters and for your Brotherhood. You have clasped hands across all boundaries and formed a united, strong whole. You are the First Clan, and while some of the change over the last several years is, in some facets, a loss...we are better, healthier, happier as that whole for it in many ways. And that's not on me, that's not on your summit, that's not on a few people, that's on each and every one of you. For all the many trials and difficulties of the last two years, we've overcome them, and grown for them, and now we stand as an example of what we can do.

And what can we do? Always more. There's always someone better, wiser, stronger than each of us in some way, for all that we might be wise and strong in our own ways ourselves. If we recognize that, and are humbled by it, then we learn from it. We know, then, that we can improve, and keep going, keep climbing, keep failing and learning and winning in turns. We have done so much, Arconans, in these years...and we are going to do so much more, long after me, long after my successor, and long after theirs. That'll be our real victory.

So, thank you, each of you, for these last two years...and thank you for tomorrow too.

Arcona Invicta!


Holy TL;DR, Batman!

Seriously, though: great report. Now go do Sins, everyone!

Awww yisss

That was a hell of a report. I got lost in the fiction stuff for a while. xD Awesome Atty. That was a good one. <3

Can we get a TL;DR for the TL;DR? This was much needed for me though, since I had no background on Sins compared to long-standing members. Also gives me other fiction ideas. I like this report. It pleases my eyeballs.

Aauuugh, the emotions and sentiment!!! My eyeballs are burning!!


Love the report Sista! Your best one yet imo. Also #ohana.

Wow. Amazing report. So much fictional summary and organization. This is great. Have you considered applying for Voice Staff? :P

Wait! What? sweats This is fantastic. "Hey, Mum, Pa. I left to protect the people, did so, saved orphans, got married in my sleep, helped fight against a genocide -- 'What was that bit?' Oh, nothing!"

I absolutely loved the recap! It helped a ton! Now, let's all kick some Hutt arse! >:D

Boy oh boy, Kord can't wait to meet the surprised inlaws

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