After the events of Ashes Fall, a new enemy has surfaced. In a clandestine location beneath the clan's headquarters, the Summit meets to discuss the situation...
Communications Hub
Temple of Sorrow
Sepros, Orian System
Locke entered the chamber with Cethgus at his side, finding the Quaestors and Rollmaster already present. The only illumination was given off by ghostly holoprojections and flickering computer terminals. The room was silent save for the hum of technology nearby. This hub was located deep beneath the Temple of Sorrow, accessible only by key members of the clan's leadership.
The Consul did not squander their time. "You know why we are here. Though we have repelled this recent attack, it was not without loss, and it has left us with more questions than answers. We seem to be facing a new enemy. As far as we know, they call themselves the 'Dominion.'"
"We know that there was more to this enemy than the droids we encountered and the ships that we fought, but we do not know much much more. We only know that they are out there, and that apparently we are in their sights. They must have great resources to attack us like this, and found some way to hide from major galactic powers, as we have."
As Locke paused, Sanguinius, the Quaestor of Marka Ragnos, was the first to break the silence. "We're going to need to rebuild, or next time they could come more strongly."
Locke nodded. He gestured to one wall. Cethgus pressed a button on a nearby console, and information began to scroll across it.
The Proconsul continued. "We will need resources to fund our efforts and supply ourselves. We will also need material to repair the vessels damaged in the attack. As of now, our Verpine engineers are assessing the damage to get the Harbinger operational again, but there are other ships that are also damaged, and material that we need."
Cethgus paused for a moment before continuing. "We'll also need to take a new census of the Orian System's population, to see just how many beings we have to replace our losses. Currently, three of the Warhost's chapters are severely depleted from the recent battle on Sepros."
"We'll also need to find the enemy before we can fight them," Keira said, speaking for the first time. Locke glanced at her, still unsure of her motivations and competence. He did know, however, that Methyas had trained her, and that the reclusive Son of Sadow had a vast network of eyes and ears.
He nodded in her direction. "Very well, you and your Summit will be in charge of that."
"In the meantime, we'll need resources..."
"I'll handle the gathering of supplies and material," Sanguinius said. "We'll need a strong defense if this 'Dominion' ever comes to our home system again."
"Agreed," Locke said. "Marcus, as Rollmaster, we'd like you to oversee the census. I know it sounds boring, but it is equally important to our war effort."
Marcus nodded. "I'll step up the training of our journeymen, make sure they're ready for war. That's what this is, isn't it?"
"Yes," Cethgus answered. "They attacked us, no doubt assuming us an easy target. We will show them that this is not the case."
"We'll have to discover why they chose us specifically," Locke added. "Cethgus will make sure our troops are ready for war, and focus on the military matters. Myself, I will oversee everything, make sure personnel and military units are allocated where needed...and handle the political side of things."
He made a face to show what he thought of that.
"When will you tell the system?" Marcus asked.
"Soon," Locke answered. "Provided there are no further questions, this meeting is adjourned."
Wow, there's fiction in this report. We don't usually do that. In this case, rather than release a separate fiction update, I have decided to include the first of three short updates in this report. It also definitely makes the report look like it has more meat, which I figure makes us look better. This will also be a fairly short report, so if you made it through the fiction, read on.
As you all are probably aware, the Dark Council's Episode VII Celebration competitions have ended. Hopefully, you all enjoyed them. For Naga Sadow, our next thing is just around the corner. Competitions will start Sunday, and there will be a couple more fictions between now and then. This is going to be a little bit lighter than a full blown event. It will be a small amount of competitions, with two weeks to do them. During this time, Summits and members will be free to run other competitions as well. We will be doing something a little different with the competition details in this one, which you will find out about on Sunday.
On a different topic, you may have read Mav's DGM Report, which talked about vendetta feuds coming back. Just know that we are already looking into that and talking to others. Some things we are considering are whether to do that type of feud or something cooperative, and when and how we would want to do one of these this year.
We have one other minor tidbit of news. The spoiler ban for episode VII for our Naga Sadow chat in Telegram will end on the 17th of this month, approximately a month after the movie's release. In the meantime, you can discuss it in DB Chat or in the former channel for spoilers discussions, which is where most discussion takes place now.
On the club side, a couple of major positions have opened. The Headmaster is looking for a Praetor, and the Herald is looking for a Magistrate. These are both good opportunities, and I urge you to apply if you are interested in the Shadow Academy or graphics, respectively. Even if you are new, you stand a chance, especially with the Magistrate position. If you don't believe you can succeed, just look at Atra. Somehow, he got Praetor to the Voice! That's about it on this front as well. The celebration competitions are over, and we do not quite know what is around the corner.
With the holidays we have seen lots of members putting themselves out there to earn medals, we hope you enjoyed all of the grand masters competitions that were released, of course if you continue to maintain a strong level of activity you will soon find your name on this list.
You can find a full list below. I suggest you have a glance as a lot of members have showed an excellent level of participation.
Once more we have seen a massive influx of members activity, this has shown as our inbox’s have been flooded with promotions since our last report. That being said I hope that everyone had an awesome holiday, and congratulations to everyone below keep up the hard work in the future.
*Initiate to Apprentice
Locke Sonjie
Consul of Clan Naga Sadow
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
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Great report, looking forward to the next installments!
One criticism: too brief a taste. Good report though.