Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report - The Sadows they are multiplying! And a farewell


Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report - The Sadows they are multiplying! And a farewell

Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report February 14

Today we’ll talk about GJW results so far, clan titles and positions being vacated.

Well then, where do we begin captain?

Personally I prefer to start with the good news so here we go!

Yesterday saw three people being granted the highest honour Clan Naga Sadow can offer. I would once more like to congratulate Teu Bukhari, Shi Long and Locke Sonjie on being named Daughter and Sons of Sadow. Together these three have spent well over ten years in various leadership positions within Naga Sadow and have contributed a lot to help the Clan prosper throughout the years including working hard towards us getting reclanned back in 2011.

Does that mean that the next subject will be bad news?

Not as such, I would like to move on to the GJW round 1 scores. While it may look bad that we had no people placing in any of the events we can also find some positive things in there. 19 different people submitted an entry to at least one event and we were just a single entry away from getting the maximum number of participation points.

If you’re upset or wondering why your entry in an event didn’t place then I can tell you what the judges have told me, with the top ten rewarding points instead of the usual top five people all over their club have stepped up their game which means that instead of the usual 5-6 people fighting for the top spot this time we’ve had 20-25 people fighting for them.

We are still waiting for the results of round 2 and the team round that ran the full length of the GJW so while our score right now doesn’t look impressive, it can still get better.

As a side note, I have been informed that the planetary assets that the units get to pick from on the planets they fought on during the crusade, and fading lights as well I guess, are being worked on so hopefully we’ll know more about that soon as well.

Is this the bad news then?

That is a matter of perspective I suppose. A couple of weeks back I sent my resignation to Muz and Sarin because I had reached a point where it became more of a chore to do DB work and less fun than it is supposed to be, since that is why we are all in this club, to have fun. I felt that Naga Sadow, all of you guys deserved better.

I know this comes at an inconvenient time with other members of the summit also resigning and for that I truly am sorry.

It has been a pleasure to serve as Proconsul and Consul of Naga Sadow for a second time and I have enjoyed working with the rest of the summit members and all our members, and I will continue doing so, I don’t plan on going anywhere.

I won’t miss having to deal directly with all the stupid rules and policies we have in the Brotherhood though, or having to actually fight it when people try to enforce rules supposedly made months before just never announced.

Last but not least, don’t worry about awards for GJW activity, I will still make sure you all get properly rewarded when I have the final scores and participation numbers.

I will leave you with this.

SWL Malik Sadow (Sith) / CON-DOC / Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: VI] [SA: IX] [ACC: Q]
ED / RS / SB / GCx4 / SCx4 / ACx9 / DCx14 / GN / SNx2 / BNx7 / Cr:1D-7A-13S-14E-8T-6Q / PoBx6 / CFx902 / CIx13 / SIx4 / SoFx5 / SotM / LSx24 / SoLx2 / S:1M-1R-1C-6D-1P-10U-2B-3De-7Dec-7Aff-30Cr
Son of Sadow

Rest well, Malik. Carry on....

Congrats to Shi Long, Teu and Locke on their award of Clan titles. Well done to you three.

Also, sad to see you going Malik, your voice on the Dark Summit will be sorely missed. Naga Sadow, you're losing a great servant, and I'm sorry for your loss.

Congratulations to the Sadows! Even though you're unclean (but not forever unclean).

Good luck, Malik!

Thanks for your work as Consul, Malik.

So much unclean! And good luck with things, Mal. Rest the good rest. Congrats to the new Sadows as well. Don't forget to update your names!

Gratz to all the new Sons and Daughters, and thanks for your service Malik. Long live the Tree!

Rest now, grandpa :P

Seriously tho, congrats to all my ex brothers and sisters. Keep up the good fight. Go Sadow! :D

Thank you, Malik! Congrats to the new Sadows! Over ten years of Clan leadership service between them, including helping us get re-clanned the first time. Well deserved.

Congrats Teu and Locke! Well met! Sai, it's like you never left! <3


Sad to see you two leave the Sadow Summit, Malik, Macron & Shirai. Force be with you, always!

The two of you have been leading CNS through rough waters with constant confidence. Big shoes to fill, without doubt. Congratulations to the new Sadows!

Thanks for the hard work Malik/Macron. Congrats to the new Sons/Daughter of Sadow.

Hell of a run, Malik. Congrats to Teu and Sai!

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