Clan Odan-Urr: Consul Report #1 - Changing Of The Guard


Clan Odan-Urr: Consul Report #1 - Changing Of The Guard


The Power Within: A Clan Odan-Urr Story

Curse Of The Wraith

Kiast - Praxeum 

Few Jedi remember what happened to their predecessors on Harakoa, freshly christened New Tython by Jedi immigrants. But a dark history resides in the archives, at the heart of the Order. A tragic and turbulent history that has been awakened with whispers from the dark.

The Praxeum, like usual, vibrated with energy. Pulsating with the Force as it swirled throughout the structure as does blood through veins. The newly minted Proconsul of Clan Odan-Urr sat at his work station in typical fashion with his legs crossed on the surface of his desk as he tinkered with the motivator of a droid. It was calming to him, meditative in a way, to be fixated on the task at hand. Unmoved by outside distractio- 

In that moment his comm-link chirped and flashed from across the room. He desperately tried ignoring it but it was incessant. Lifting his hand, he called it to him and in an instant, it fluttered to his palm.

"Gui here." He spoke, continuing to rewire the mechanism.

"I need you to take a shuttle to the Resurgent, SeNet has made a discovery." Gui straightened as he heard Revak's voice over the comm and didn't hesitate to respond.

"On my way." 


The Fleet of the Odanite Expeditionary Force, lead by Gui Sol’s Flagship, the Resurgent, exited hyperspace. The vessels groaned as the blue energy tunnels leading them to their destination opened up. The darkness of space swallowed them once again as a lush world seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

“Master, we’ve arrived. Should we ready the ground crews?”

“At ease ensign,” Gui cracked a smirk, “You’re far too stiff,” he mockingly shook his arms loose. “Relax, bud.”

“Yessir,” the ensign offered a salute and clasped his hands behind his back. Gui chuckled and his PIT droid, Barry, paused from repairing a relay long enough to shake its head.

“Ensign Demitri, send out feelers. Let's see who's ready to have some fun.”

Gui leaned back in his Captain’s chair, one leg draped over the arm. While he appeared to be comfortable. He was anything but. Bridge command had received Intel from SeNet that a group of scavengers had unveiled the coordinates to an artifact. What those scavengers most likely didn’t realize was that the artifact they were after was actually located within the ruins of an old Sith temple known as Salan Kor in the old tongue. While he suspected the artifact was of a dark origin, he feared that the purpose was far more sinister.

“Ground crews will descend to the surface of Kalsunor. There is a temple called Salan Kor, which I have just sent coordinates for,” datapads of Odanites furiously chimed in unison, “SeNet has provided us with some intel but we don’t know much. We were given the possible location of an artifact being hunted by a group of scavengers. We can't allow it to fall into the wrong hands as we are unsure of its true nature. Alchemically altered beasts known as Silooths are guarding the temple and have been picked up by orbital scanners so proceed with caution. Oh, and may the Force be with you all.”

Everyone in Odan-Urr received the message but few were able to answer the call faster than Waza Sunrider, Wenet C. Bannog, Rin Kurai, Wedge, Enzo Dek, Zlid, and Lizuni. 

They were already assembled in the hangar and waiting for Gui to arrive. They talked amongst themselves, gathering their gear, and loading an LAAT. 

While they pondered the importance of the mission, they trusted the High Council.

"We're ready for boarding." Said the Pilot to Waza as the older Jedi dragged a crate of ammo up the ramp and the Chiss, Zlid, slipped into the co-pilot's chair. He nodded an affirmation and with a whistle captured the attention of the rest of the squad.

"Time to move out." 

"Aren't we waiting for Master Sol?" the tiny Kushiban spoke up as she boarded. 

"He said he was going to meet us there." The pilot said over his shoulder.

Wenet shrugged and took her seat while the rest of the team prepared for take-off. 

As the crew of the LAAT nestled in, locked and loaded, meditated, or simply got to know one another. The engines of the Ship increased their power and as it loosed from its moorings and crossed the threshold of the hangar, it streaked towards its destination.

Not long after the departure, the voice of Gui Sol filled the ship through the comm.

“We’re nearly there.”

“We?” some thought as they looked around for the source of the voice.

At that moment, one individual saw a shimmer of light coming through the viewport. When he stood to investigate, he could see that it was the light reflecting off of the hull of a rusted out A-Wing as it flew in pace with their transport. When the young and very green O.E.F officer awkwardly locked eyes with the Kiffar piloting the fighter, he was greeted with the pearly whites of a grin that, oddly enough, gave him some peace of mind as the mission had already been making him nervous. Afterall it was his first one.

“Fon, stop worrying and just try to relax.”

The young recruit nodded his head to the senior officer but when he looked out the viewport once more, the A-Wing had vanished from sight.

Rattletrap, which is what Gui called his A-wing, broke away from his Freighter the Rogue Star as the Resurgent shrunk in the blanket of space. His resplendent Emerald colored eyes reflected the luminescent celestial bodies of the vale.

Bucket, the rusted and battered astromech droid of the Proconsul nestled in its socket, chirped and whistled into Gui’s comm-link. The words popped up on his view-screen but the translation wasn’t needed as the Kiffar at times felt more fluent in binary than he did basic.

“Nope, you don’t need to do anything. Just enjoy the ride.”

At that moment, Rattletrap’s droid brain, V10, or Vio, chimed in.

“Readying the vessel for atmospheric re-entry.”

Bucket whined with a low whoop that sounded depressing. Even to the untrained ear.

“Don’t worry, nothing could replace you.”

“Master Sol,” the co-pilot of the LAAT spoke up, Zlid just focused on the task at hand. “We’ll form up and follow you in, sir.”

Gui choked back his excitement as his vessel made contact with Kalsunor’s atmosphere, flames encapsulated his hull and tugging at his mind’s eye were the thoughts of those aboard the transport.

Wedge, a new recruit, was eager to please as he watched the procedures of his new Clan closely, Waza gave off a curious vibe, Zlid was sharp, Wenet was glued to the window in wonder, Liz was allowing her inherent grumpiness to subside if only for a time, and Dek was a bench.

Gui was proud of each and every one of the Odanites on board. He was filled with a sense of pride as the awakening of Clan Odan-Urr had just begun. Each one of them would be instrumental in the future and Kalsunor would be the trial to forge bonds that would last a lifetime or it would become the hammer that shattered their resolve. No matter how you sliced it, the Kiffar was excited to discover the secret of this trinket. If it could be wrested from the sticky fingers of the Lotho Minor’s Scavengers Guild.

Then there was Rin, Gui's master, filled with her own sense of pride.


Odan-Urr Event Incoming 2024

I was planning on having this event run from the 1st of January until the 1st of February, but with the Holidays, we experienced some setbacks. Nothing major, but you can expect the event to start on the 5th, which is friday. 

I have taken bits and pieces from two Roleplays we had already run and will be providing you with a new chapter for each week of the event until we reach its conclusion. Mind you, this is but a prologue to a deeper story I wish to tell throughout the beginning of the year. I hope you all are looking forward to some Jedi action because it's on the way. Stay tuned for future updates as they develop.


First Report

As most of you are aware. Things have been shaking up in Clan Odan-Urr. Activity is stirring and the product of my madness is coming to fruition. 

My first act as Consul was to name a Proconsul. I did this, because I felt like the application I read from Wulfram, in ways mirrored my own goals moving forward. To not choose him as my right hand would have been a missed opportunity and it was a decision that I do not regret in the slightest. Since stepping into the role he has really gone above and beyond in an attempt to help me breathe new life into Odan-Urr and as a team we've already accomplished much in our 11ish days in office. 

For starters Wulf has been able to recruit 5 more members to the Clan in 

  • Eechee

  • Kurs'ika

  • Zyrethi Armis

  • Deadite Ninja

and last but certainly not least 

  • Mei'ka

Waza was also able to nab a recruit in

  • Gore

This has increased our clan roster to 44 total members. I've had the privilege of chatting with these new recruits and have been impressed with them out of the gate. I look forward to seeing what else they produce as members in the Brotherhood. 


Additionally, we have tweaked wiki articles, I waged war with the mailing lists, and we are settling into organization. 

Two new methods of this restructuring phase included the opening of two Battleteams. 

The Proving Ground has been created for the purpose of teaching new members the ropes. How to navigate the site, what they should be doing, and where they can take their characters within our world. Waza is heading up this team and will act as the Master Trainer as he guides these individuals to Journeyman rank 4. I have full confidence in his abilities and hope that this team will aid in the overall retention of new people coming in. 

But where will these members go after they leave the Proving Ground?

Shining members of the Proving Ground and Odan-Urr as a whole can find a home in the re-opened Knights of Allusis. This team holds a special place in my heart as it is where I got my start and was groomed to succeed by its members. However, it is in need of leadership. If anyone is interested (no experience necessary - will train) do not hesitate to send Wulf and I an email with some ideas on where you'd like to take the team. 


ODN Resurgent: Bridge

Nilgaard Sector, Kiast System

Pharos Station

Author: Wulfram

Agitated fingers drummed along the top of the Councilor of War’s helmet as it sat between his wrist and the arm of his command chair. His brow furrowed, lines heightened in the dim light of the ODN Resurgent’s bridge. His crossed legs propped up one of three dataslates, the other rested on the opposing armrest, and he scanned the O.U.S.C. Fleet Review on the third. An already dour expression turned further as he shook his head, switched the slates around, and began to type furiously. Age, like the salt and pepper of his hair, had settled upon him, and reviewing these charts he realized it.

“Complete disarray, complete and utter disarray. The Naval forces have no organizational structure, the standing Army is depleted and relying on assistance almost entirely from rag-tag units, the Vatali, and the Okami Clan to cover their own weaknesses.” The Mandalorian barked, eliciting a jump from the Senior Navigations Officer, who had been working in near silence at her station while Wulfram was reviewing operational data.

A mobilization order was drafted, to help recoup forces that had been lost, mismanaged, or grown complacent and transitioned out of service.


To stay on the topic of restructuring, Wulf and I have been discussing the Odan-Urr fleet. We had a legendary item that had not been slotted to a vessel. So, I bought one. It is our newest medical ship called ODN Vokara's Grief and it is outfitted with the Purified Ascendant Crystal Medical Retrofit which was an award from the latest GJW. Upon adding it to the Fleet, Wulf noticed that things seemed out of whack in regards to cohesion so took on the daunting task of reordering and organizing our entire fleet. This has given us a more tactical fleet that makes more sense. Again, this isn't overly important on the surface. But if you're interested in writing and RP then it's a welcomed change. 


Moving forward, as a Clan, we have really been digging in with RP, and it's great to see. I love that our characters are interacting and this is something we're definitely going to continue pushing.

But I'd like to take a second to touch upon the various other activities this club has to offer. 

Many new members are already familiar with the Shadow Academy and that's awesome, it is a great source of information along with the DBWiki

But gaming has always been an amazing side of this club as well. Numerous games can be played for rewards and in the process many of us can get to know our fellow club members.

The Antei Combat Center is also available to people who would like to test their character against other members through combat, co-op, or scenario based writing. 

Don't hesitate to explore these opportunities for entertainment. I encourage you all to try something new. Experience this club and everything it has to offer. You won't be disappointed in the immersion we provide. 


PCON Corner: Wulf's Den 

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone. The last few months of growth have been an amazing experience for me. From seeing two of my recruits reach Aedile in Clan Arcona to shooting for the moon to be Consul, missing, but still ending up among the stars as Clan Odan-Urr’s Proconsul. These last months of 2023 were a great sendoff to a hectic year, and I want to thank The Brotherhood, at large, for being a part of that for me.

I’m looking forward to everything we do together in ‘24 and beyond. Ever onward.

Things have no doubt been turbulent lately for our Clan, with the closure of the Consular Conclave and the Guardian Corps, to be followed by Revak’s retirement from Consul, then me and Gui’s subsequent appointments. Gui has worked for some months alongside members of this Clan to return activity and membership to a premium and I’m here sharing that goal. In time, working together, we can restore what was lost, and forge a new path forward toward the light.

Thank you again, everyone, for welcoming me so easily into the fold. I look forward to what we’re going to accomplish together and just where we’re going to take Odan-Urr in the months to come. Between the new story path Gui’s cooked for you guys and the groundwork I’m laying for our fictional military, I hope in full that we’ll see some amazing things spawn and craft some genuinely marvelous things as we go, and with all the things the Council has released for us this year, on top of it, I see little else but a chance for us to at least look marvelous trying!

You can always contact Gui and I with any questions, comments, or concerns, or even just to remind me that I’m not your real Consul (I am a Pro, however). Until next time, keep your wits sharp, and your blade sharper.

Message From The Praxeum 

Greetings everyone!

I'm your team leader for Proving Ground Battle team. I'll be your coach, cheering section, mentor and answer finder if you need it. I'd like to see all of you make it to Journeyman 4 and get promoted to the big leagues over there. 

There are a plethora of gaming activities and role playing and fiction writing options, This is a big club with lots to do. Reach out if you have questions.

If you currently are not on Discord, that is the main communication hub for the entire club. Join up and join in the community.

I'll see you around and happy hunting all.

~ Waza Sunrider ~ Head Trainer Of The Proving Ground


In closing, I'm super stoked and excited for the things currently under development. We are eager to provide new forms of activity and want to continue providing a welcoming atmosphere for those interested in being a part of our Order. The future is bright and great things are on the horizon. Thank you to everyone who is helping to make my dream come true. The Jedi Order is back baybay! 

May The Force Be With You!

So... Is it Gooey, or Gwee? We never got an answer?

Looking good, I hope I have the time outside of my real life BS to participate more. Feel free to add me into any of the fictions if you need a Healer/diplomat/fry cook, not necessarily in that order. I'll be working in my food truck “Discussions” parked at the Praxeum.

in my head its always been "guy"

It's "Gwee" for me

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