This is it, the last Clan report of the year! In it, we announce some hiring changes, highlight our newest Title Holder, promote our COU/ARC event, and call for contributions for this year’s Holiday Card… so without further adieu, I bring you the news...
After receiving several great applications for the Quaestor position of the Conculars, we’ve chosen to promote Elyon de Neverse. We won’t spoil any details she’s outlined for the House. I’ll defer that to her in their very first House report.
Additionally, another applicant who is new to the DB but not to leadership, Randyrumrnr we’ve picked for the Aedile spot.
We’re excited for our leadership pool to grow and have no doubt both will do a fine job in their respective positions. Looking forward to seeing their ideas get off the ground!
I would also like to take this time to thank Yuki, whos been running the Consulars for the past 4 months. Your efforts have set the House on a sturdy path and I appreciate all your work!
It's always an exciting time rewarding members for all the efforts they put into making this Clan what it is. It's even more exciting when all of those contributions are taken into consideration when choosing candidates to be granted the Clan Title of Urr. Once it came time to vote, the vote was unanimous.
Congratulations Essik Lyccane for your contributions to the Clan!
Ok trust me, we’re working on getting this out. Adult time being what it is, we’ll be launching a SPECIAL NEWS REPORT once this sucker kicks off. So stay tuned or let us continue to spam you about it!
As you read in Elyon’s Last House Report, if you’d like to contribute to the Holiday Card we’ve been releasing the past couple of years click on the link above. Message Elyon if you’d like to “write a poem, create artwork, or do anything else you want to share with others” and let's celebrate what a year this has been.
We need more volunteers for weekend events, competition hosters, and DMs for roleplays. Want to try your hand at it and earn some extra points to bump up your Scimitar score? Just message Revak or me and we’ll show you how to do everything! Of course, if time does not permit that, we also really appreciate showing up for weekend events, even if it's just to pop in and say hi. :)
It’s that time of the month again… when we announce the winner of the coveted Scimitar of Lord Hoth Competition for November. Things are heating up, 11 of you this month threw in for a chance to take home the Scimitar of Lord Hoth possession! Aura is the current Scimitar holder, so let's see who has what it takes to wrestle it from her come January!
Let's give a round of applause for Jafits Skrumm, our November Scimitar Comp winner!
Here are the Top 10 scorers…
Click this link to see the full board!
We’d like to give a shout-out to the Odanites who dominated last month in the following categories...
Crescent Harvesters
Rulers of Fire and Earth:
Artisans of Graphite:
Council of Scribes:
Praxeum Prodigies:
Event Hosters:
For all the time, effort, and occasional blood you spill to contribute to this Clan, we are forever grateful.
Take a moment to honor those we have lost…
One new and one returning face you’ll see walking the halls of the Praxeum...
For the full list check out here
Of Mice Droid and Men - Hosted by Randy
My favorite character vol. 4 - Hosted by Elyon
Just a Puzzle - Hosted by Revak
Randyrumrnr Asks: “Are fruits just dessert vegetables?”
Revak: “Yes!”
Len Asks: “Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?”
Revak: “Hotdogs and tacos are both sandwiches. Fight me.”
Drax Asks: “Why are we here, just to suffer?”
Revak: “I blame Konami.”
Dinos Asks: “Why do trees have branches? Why don't they just grow super tall and touch the sun?”
Revak: “They're very competitive. Like that one dude on the train, you get stuck next to.”
I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. This has been a great year for the Clan and we look forward to releasing our January report; packed full of fresh new Summit ideas.
Stay happy. Stay Healthy.
Bonus: For those Odanites who’ve made it this far in the report, DM me on Discord with the code “Winter25” and I’ll award you with 25 free Scimitar Points!
If you ever have any questions or would like to tell us how crappy we are as people, feel free to contact Aura or me. Until next time, may the Force guide you.
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Congratulations to the new staffers!
Congratulations to the new summit members and Tarvitz on the Clan Title!
Looking forward to continue helping our clan become the best it can be!
Congrats Tarvitz on the title.
Congratulations all!
Looking forward to rocking socks with you guys!
Also congratz to Tarvitz on the Clan Title! This is what happens when we skim reports on our phones during breaks, everyone. :D
Excellent repor! congrats to Elyon de Neverse on being selected as Quaestor!