Delayed posting this to the DJB site a few days to avoid bumping important DJB info. Also, shoutout to Bubba for the new banner.
Has it really been a month already? Time flies. And woah, did a lot of stuff just go down recently.
Raken has been responsible for some of the best fictional content in DJB history. The club wouldn’t be where it is, were it not for him today. He’s a phenomenal writer and someone who I’ve aspired to be like. If you haven’t already, thank him for for his service.
Pravus (formerly known as Sarin), has stepped in as DGM, leaving the VOICE office open for applications. The Voice is generally in charge of the fictional development of the DB, oversees the ACC, and things like Character Sheets. Spots on the DC don’t open up frequently, so I’d encourage anyone who likes writing to consider applying. Don’t be discouraged by thinking you don’t have enough ‘tenure’ in the DB. Positions like this very idea-based. It’s just as important to be able to outline clear plans for what you would like to accomplish in the position as it is to show what you’ve done already. If you’re interested, send an application to Muz and Pravus in the next 2 days. The application period has now closed.
Our very own Rollmaster, Taranae has been hosting a Pazaak tournament, which is at the semi-final round as of this weekend. We don’t have anyone left in the tournament, as apparently Furios didn’t believe enough in the heart of the cards to beat Alaris last round.
The ACC ladder for Fading Light has reached the Final Four. Kz’set, and [former Plagueian] Selika both lost close matches against Halc and Shad respectively, meaning that Plagueis has no members left. Sad face. I’d like to take this time to congratulate everyone in Plagueis who participated: Furios, Taranae, Aabsdu, Rai, Marduss, Callus, Teylas, Selika, Ophelia, Brimstone, Kz’set, Tra’an, and Silent, as well as everyone who helped proofread their posts.
Even though we don’t have any chance of winning the event, I’d say Plagueis put up a pretty strong showing, with 25% of the members who made it as far as both the Sweet 16 and Elite 8 rounds. I’d like to commend you all on a good performance. With only 4 total matches left in the tournament, we’re finally nearing the end of this particular event.
It’s a rare occasion when a member is promoted to the ranks of Elder. Marick (or “Wally” as he’s known on IRC) has put in an astounding amount of effort into the DB, and it’s great to see that he’s hit that milestone. If you haven’t already, take a look at the recommendations in the promotion request, as words spoken about Wally by other leaders in the DB can be inspiration for all of us.
We are a SW club after all. This show debuts in october, so we’ve got about a month to go, and the teasers keep coming. I have to admit that my first thought upon seeing the previews was “this looks a whole lot like A New Hope.” so your mileage may vary with this sort of thing.
What’s coming up next for Plagueis? The final event of Fading Light will be coming up soon, followed shortly after by another GJW, and I’m looking forward to a strong showing from you guys throughout the end of the year.
Fictionally, Plagueis is looking strong after a clean ‘reorganization’ of Hyperdine Manufacturing. We’re going to be setting our sights on a small world in the Outer Rim for our next conquest. Something tells me that we’re going to run into a bit more resistance this time though….
We welcome new members, Azmodius and Katan. A number of rogue members also rejoined Plagueis. Lorien Sinclair, Kul’tak Drol, Pug, and Nariah Jadon are all back and active again. It’s always great to see new faces and not-so-new faces joining the active roster.
New members and newly active members are among the things that excite me most as a leader. Membership is the lifeblood of the DB, and every new member is a potential new friend, someone who might do some great things that we all get to enjoy.
Here’s where I sit on my rocking chair and have you all gather around my feet where I ramble more or less incoherently about something I thought was important. Today I’m going to talk about activity.
At some point or another in everyone’s time in the DB, we’ll hit a wall. Things which you were excited about doing when you were newer seem boring, nothing seems to appeal to you any more, and you stop feeling the tangible sense of advancement. You don’t know what to do, and will tend to fall into inactivity. It’s the job of your leadership (myself, Rai, Taranae, Arden, Teylas, Callus and Furios) to help you get over that wall.
How can we do that you ask? Participation and activity are not always synonymous. Often hitting the wall means that you’re ready to take on additional responsibilities, and there a number of avenues for activity that much less clear than “participate in a competition” or “raid with the ToR guild.” Things that have a lasting DB impact are often taken underway by people who just asked their leaders “Hey, is there anything I could work on?”
These sorts of projects are not only excellent avenues for shines and promotions, they help you stand out as a member when we look for openings in leadership. So if you feel like you’ve hit a wall, let me know. There might be something we can do to help.
In Your Service
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That header looks astonishingly familiar... :P
Wonderful report, bro.
Viv, I hit a wall. It hurt, don't worry it's dead now.
You're welcome, but that signature block is supposed to go at the bottom of the report. :P WHERE IS THE STAR? :p
Great report! Good luck on that "unexpected resistance on the outer rim planet" thing, hope that goes well for ya ;)
Nice report bro. Thanks for the kind words.
Also, I can't agree more with Viv's Consul corner. Projects are a great chance to work and meet new people!