Hello there fellow Plagueians. It is time for your regularly scheduled Proconsul Report looking back at the month that was November 2020. We had the results for October’s first chapter of the Inevitable arc released and appointed a new member to the summit and are looking to add one more. We’ll also be highlighting competitions for the here and now as well as taking a dive into the news the rest of the club has come up with.
During the month of October Plagueis enjoyed the first chapter of our arc dealing with the reemergence of former Plagueian Laren Uscot and his band of brainwashing bugs alongside the rest of the Phantom Assembly. Khryso, Aleister and myself took the top 3 places, but it wouldn’t be a report after an event if there weren’t some fancy numbers involved coming from me. Overall, the event had 11 participants out of a possible 33, which is actually a pretty decent level of engagement. There were 62 total entries from those 11 participants, which comes out at 5.6 comps on average, which is close to half the total comps done per member. Those are some impressive numbers and I look forward to seeing us better those in our next major event.
As mentioned in my little introductory summary of the report, we have filled one leadership vacancy this month and we have another one to fill. Unfortunately, both members of Tyranus’ summit have had to resign due to the pressures and time constraints of real life. We have decided to appoint Khryso Mallus, who has long been one of the more active and involved Plagueians, to the position of Aedile. This leaves my old post as Quaestor of Tyranus open and to that end, Ronovi put together a list of things to include in your application in this news post. Quaestor is an important position and one that we’re excited to see many applications for. Quaestors not only lead by example and primarily run their house, but they also have responsibility for maintaining and developing lore, mentoring their Aedile and working with the rest of the clan’s leadership team on a variety of projects. If that sounds like something you’re interested in, read the linked news post and follow the instructions given.
These are just some of the competitions on offer, for a full list, see the competition page.
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Ronovi’s latest Consul report.
Tahiri posts a Rollmaster report.
Evant posts a DGM Report..
COU’s Consul also posted a report COU CON Report.
That’s all from The Pinnacle for this month, though I’d like to once more stress that I’m here for you guys if you need anything at all, club-related or just on a personal level. Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Your next dose of report goodness comes to you from Ronovi. This has been your monthly Proconsul report, see you when I see you.
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