Welcome to your Clan Report for the month of August. Since Teylas is off in the land that time forgot, I have assumed the monthly report duties this time around. I’m going to be breaking down some performance numbers for Plagueis over the last quarter, talking about some Clan fiction plans that will impact where our fleet will be going post-possessions, and then… something, something, week one A Call to Arms results?
So, I’m going to lead with the good stuff, namely the full results for Week One of the A Call to Arms event. Participation was good, but not up to the stellar levels that you guys have collectively made our summit expect. There were 43 entries across all six week one events (good for 7.16 entries per competition), with House Karness Muur leading in participation 23 to 20. The big thing is to get all those events up to 10 entries per competition for weeks 2 and 3, that way you guys can get bigger, shinier awards! The events break down as follows:
Graphics (4 entries)
Fiction (7 entries)
Propaganda (6 entries)
Cryptogram (9 entries)
Flash Gaming (11 entries)
Gaming (6 entries)
As you can see, only one of the events hit 10+, and many were far lower. I can’t put enough emphasis on how much just getting in an entry can mean. Remember, you get 5 points per entry, and anywhere from 1.5 points to a max of 9 points on top of that for a top three placement (a sliding scale based on the event modifier). Even if the opposite house from yours sweeps all the placements, you can wipe out that advantage pretty fast just with more active people!
As it stands, the overall individual results so far look like this:
Between the two Houses things are surprisingly even at this point, with neither House able to run out to an early lead. Right now, Ajunta Pall leads with 143 points to Karness Muur’s 133.5 points. HAP’s lead right now is literally less than two individual entries, so it remains anyone’s game at this point! Get out there and get your house mates involved! To steal from one of the greats:
For Week Two, you’ve still got a few days to get in your entries for Fiction, Gaming, What’s in a Name?, Where’s Watto?, Flash Gaming, Hunt the di Plagia, and Crossword!
So, a few weeks ago the Powers That Be™ released the quarterly report for Quarter 2 (April through June), and, putting it mildly, we destroyed our quarter 1 numbers:
You’ll notice that in almost every single activity metric we saw a marked increase from last quarter. We more than doubled our total participations from last time around and on average 4.5 participants per competition as well. Those numbers also reflect in the number of merit awards that were processed for Plagueis in the last quarter as well, where we went from 4 up to 35! Some of that was the summit holding onto award requests to include the vendetta feud between us and Clan Odan-Urr, but most of that increase was entirely due to you guys being amazing and making last quarter’s Plagueis (which did pretty well in a lot of tracked areas) look like a place where they laced the drinking water with Ambien. Those numbers are a result of the effort that all of you put in across the board, and I want to thank each and every one of you.
That being said, remember what I said above: We’re currently averaging just over seven entries per event for A Call to Arms. Seven plus entries per competition is in no way bad, and I’m happy that everyone is getting out there. I do know, however, that we’re all capable of more. Consider this the price you pay for being so awesome, people start to expect all of you to shoot that far past expectations all the time! All I know is that I want to be writing a similar number of medal requests at the end of our current House Feud as I did the last time around, so don’t let me off the hook. Do not let me be lazy!
As you might have gathered from the currently ongoing event and the fiction that accompanied it, the old Ascendant Fleet went boom.
Yes, it went big bada boom up in the sky. With the coming possessions system, Plagueis decided to use that big change to engineer a big change for us story wise with the fleet. A lot of our ships are non-canon anyway, so they wouldn’t be migrating over into the new system. However, we decided to bin the whole shebang and start over in order to look towards a new dynamic with our assets: Accessibility. (And yes, if you read my Wiki report this month you might be noticing a pattern. If you didn’t read it, for shame!) In the past, the fleet of Plagueis has been built around a healthy number of big battlewagons, and that was all well and good. It made us fearsome and it gave the summit a nice fuzzy feeling in the cockles of what pass for our hearts. The big issue, however, was that the more rank and file members didn’t get to play around with the “toys” all that often. It wasn’t like we were going to hand the keys to a 600+ meter death machine over to the younglings. So, the fleet became something of a tool that was only allowed to be used by the summit, and nobody else.
Moving forward, we’re looking to embrace a fleet build philosophy that focuses on a larger number of smaller ships. The idea being, in this case, to allow more people the ability to actually use the ships and weapons that the Clan as a whole has earned through their activity. It shouldn’t just be about the summit getting cool things, it should be about EVERYONE getting cool things. Once the system launches and we get a better idea of what the general limits are that we’ll be working under, the summit will be giving further updates to what’s going down on this front.
Q&A’s are apparently what all the cool kids are doing now, so I figured I’d try out a section in my report shamelessly ripping off what they’re all doing (including myself the yesterday)…
Silent asks: If you had a stomach virus for the past week how would you treat it within the Star Wars universe, when any and all force techniques have failed to work?
Maybe the worms that Fry ate in Futurama?
Abadeer asks: Favorite Star Wars video game?
TIE Fighter: Collector's CD-ROM. There is no better Star Wars game. Period. And no, Lenzar did not pay me to say that.
Kul’tak asks: HE or AP?
AP unless you’re going to over penetrate. Destroyers are tin cans, so light them on fire!
Zuser asks: Which Battlefront is the best? Who is best Sith Lord?
Battlefront II, hands down. It has space combat, it has classes, and it has fun. The new Battlefront fails at least a little bit on all three of those criteria. As for the best Sith Lord, I’m going with Darth Tyranus. Because Christopher Lee is the bestest.
Turel asks: Killed any good npcs lately?
Alas, I have not. You don’t happen to have the holo-call code for the Kiast Tourist Bureau on hand, do you?
I’ll bring it up for a third time: Go out there and heed A Call to Arms! Your house needs you, and your clan needs you. And, most importantly, your Proconsul needs something to do so give him some medal recommendations to write!
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Way to go Silent!
Alright Pallans! Time for Operation Fast Finger where we sweep in and grab the win! Go go go! And a congrats to Silent on leading the event!
Great report, Selika! At least I managed to place in a couple, but kudos to Silent! WTG there!
Silent, well done! But HKM, let's keep our slim lead and keep being awesome, eh?
Keep up the awesome work, Plagueis. You guys make it all so worth it!