The Pinnacle
Unknown Regions
The leadership of Plagueis had finally gathered together after days of busy work. It had been a few days since Teylas had seen most of them, but he was pleased with the progress that was being made. As he sat at the head of the large, oval shaped table the Dread Lord nodded to the newcomer, Laren, and waited for the others to be seated.
"Now that we've had a few weeks to inspect the Pinnacle since we've arrived, we're getting a clearer picture of what it was used for," said Taranae Rhode, sitting forward in her chair.
"What have you found?" Selika asked, slightly turning her head towards the quaestor.
Kalon spoke up instead, replying, "It was a top secret, maximum security prison. Most likely one that the CIS used to keep certain people off the books. But it also looks like it might have been an R&D facility."
"The truth is that we may never know the full extent of its purpose," Taranae concluded.
"It makes sense," the Dread Lord nodded his head slightly. "If it were just a prison, then why all the defenses we've discovered, why over twenty various sublevels? Hell, why the command center on the top floor and this adjacent meeting room?" he asked as he motioned his hand towards the walls of the room they were in.
"Have we learned more about the power systems?" Selika asked bluntly.
Dracaryis changed his position from leaning back in his chair to an upright position as he chimed in, "It looks like the facility has auxiliary generators which run on fuel -- the ones you activated when you first got here -- but the main power reactors for the facility run entirely on geothermal energy. Our engineers say that the planet might have a mild surface, but apparently there is a lot of geothermal energy the facility is tapping into. Enough that the facilities shield can cover the entire complex and shouldn't have a problem withstanding an orbital bombardment, if necessary."
"Good. What about the Anchorage?" the Anzat asked of his Overseer.
"Final preparations are being made now. Everyone and everything has been moved here thanks to some help from our Tarenti allies. The hyperdrive sled is also complete. The truth is that the Anchorage is old, and there is a good chance it won't make the trip," Dracaryis responded matter-of-factly.
The consul agreed, "It might not, but its position has been compromised ever since Drax and his allies took control of it. We don’t know how far that information spread, even with Drax having been dealt with. Aliso is our new home, and having the Anchorage out there is an unsustainable tactical position. We can't spread our forces that thin over such a vast distance. Let's get it done."
Dracaryis simply nodded in agreement.
"There is one more thing. You may have noticed that I've asked Arden to join us for this meeting," the Dread Lord motioned his hand to the far side of the long conference table where the human was sitting. "This isn't because he's a di Plagia. I've asked Kalon to lead up the efforts to help establish this as our permanent residence. Farms need to be constructed, our slaves need to be put to work; it's going to be a logistical nightmare that no one in the Synod is going to be able to dedicate themselves to full time. Kalon has offered his services for this, and I'm confident he'll be able to take care of it swiftly as I'll need him to return to the front lines as soon as possible. I've asked Arden, as a result, to take his place as the Left Wing of Dread."
Teylas leaned forward in his chair, and lowered his voice slightly as he continued, "But this brings me to a more important topic. Over the past two years, Clan Plagueis has had its share of disasters: civil war broke out, we lost the Anchorage to an enemy force, and the list goes on. Most of this can be attributed to grabs for power, subterfuge, and treachery. No longer.” Teylas paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts into his next careful words. “Moving forward we have two options: either you can continue engaging in hapless grasps for power, none of which have been that successful with previous Dread Lords, or we can be a more cohesive leadership that, with a little more cooperation, can conquer larger prizes, collecting spoils of war which I'm willing to share with the rest of you. We're sitting in one of those spoils right now. So if that doesn't work for you, you're welcome to leave this room and never return and no harm will come to you. If that is an arrangement you find acceptable, we move forward under those conditions."
His words resonated throughout the room, and was clearly having an effect on the others. With his age came a certain wisdom. He stood by and watched as both the Galactic Republic and the Empire fell because of greed, treachery, and hunger for power. He refused to watch it happen to Clan Plagueis. He would be around long after the rest of those gathered in the conference room had their bones turned to dust, and playing the long game -- being patient, waiting, watching for the right opportunity -- was something Teylas had come to respect as a modus operandi for himself. But for now it was far more advantageous for him to create a leadership for Plagueis that worked together, even begrudgingly, to obtain more assets and power for the Clan as a whole. Power that Teylas would allow to trickle down throughout the summit to ensure loyalty.
He stared at his gathered summit, still clearly shaken by his words.
"What say you?"
Welp, the results are in folks. Congratulations to my team on the big win, as well as the top 5 individual efforts:
A huge shout out to the top 3 who all went 100% across the board, 30 out of 30, for the event.
I just want to say thank you to all of Plagueis for making this an incredibly enjoyable time. This has been, without a doubt, the most successful event Plagueis has run since I joined. With 29 unique participants and 423 competition submissions I'd say Plagueis just rocked this event. Other than that, I'd also like to deeply thank Dracaryis, Taranae, and Kalon for doing what they did to make this happen. When we originally thought up this idea, we wanted to hand it over to Drac to get experience running his first event. We didn't realize this would also be our experimentation into such a heavy workload as well (more on that soon). Drac and his team answered that call beautifully and developed a wonderfully unique, diverse, and fun experience that wasn't too top heavy on time consuming events, and had just the right mix in every week.
Also Callus placed in a graphics competition. We live in strange times.
Reflecting on the Pro Bowl itself, I have to say I'm very happy that the feedback has been so positive from you guys. Without a doubt we knew this would be a lot to do, and I'm really happy with our numerical results. I was originally a bit worried it'd be too much to do in 3 weeks, but wanted to push you guys to see what would happen. Normally we run 4 events a week in a drawn out fashion, but we got way more participation and unique participants in percentages this time than we ever have before. Simply awesome and wonderful. Moving forward, this will likely be our format for events in terms of how competitions are presented with variations (8 competitions per week instead of 10, for instance).
Look for more information in my next report (on the 5th of July) on our next event…
There has been a lot of emails hitting everyone's inboxes these past few days with shinies. With great participation comes great recognition. There are a few still in the pipe, but here is a recap so far:
Congratulations to all! Stay tuned for my next report for a few more we're working on.
There have been quite a lot of wiki changes recently for Clan Plagueis courtesy of Laren and his small team, but also to reflect our new reality of our new home. State secret: our movement to a planet-based home has been in the works for quite a while. It was approved by Grand Master Pravus almost six months ago, and we've been waiting for the right opportunity to implement it. The Pro Bowl was that opportunity, and there will be a follow up fiction (again) in my next report; I didn't want to assault you all with too much fiction at once. We'll be holding onto the Anchorage - details are in the updated wiki article - but it won't be our main base of operations anymore. So why did we make this change? Mostly because we feel that without reinventing ourselves every few years we run the risk of becoming stale. We've run two years as a "roaming" clan of Battlestar Galactica-ish badasses and that has, in many ways, run its course. On top of that, with the upcoming release of possessions and how clan assets will work, and our general shift towards canon, the status of our fleet is a bit unknown. The Brotherhood likes canon things now, the bulk of our fleet isn't canon. But hopefully these wiki articles will help you guys decipher some new information of our new home!
It is with sad news I must report that before the Pro Bowl began the Quaestor of Ajunta Pall, Kalon, informed me of his wish to step down so he could focus on real life things. I totally support him focusing on what matters most and he will be missed on the summit. We already had a pile of applications from the last time we had an open quaestor spot. As a result, I've decided to simply choose from one of those.
I'd like to welcome (back) Arden Karn di Plagia as a the new Quaestor of Ajunta Pall. Arden is no stranger or new comer to Plagueis, and I have every confidence in his ability to do the job. Welcome back, Arden!
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Congratulations, Arden! And, again, awesome work in the Pro Bowl, everyone.
Gonna miss your face, Kalon. But congratulations to Arden on his new position! And yay for great results and a new home.
Excellent report, Teylas.
Moar fiction!
Congrats to Arden!
Shinies for all!
A new home!
I'm excited to see where Plagueis will go next.
Great report.....
Now, where did that insect take off to i wonder