Hello Plagueis and welcome to my report for the 2nd month of 2016. In this report there’s news as well as promotions sprinkled with some rewards and topped off with a small part of a speech.
During this last month, AoS had several new members join our ranks. Some new to the DJB, others were returning to us after a hiatus in the rogues. All are a welcome site to see. There was a lot of activity to be had this past month. But the best part is the promotions handed out, including promotions to JM1,2 and 3. All in all it was a very busy month, which is awesome to see. Until next month, stay awesome HKM & AoS.
Greetings all, I am Areticus Altainatus, a JM4 in service to Plagueis. I want to thank the leadership in House Ajunta Pall for allowing me the opportunity to assist the Brotherhood. I have thoroughly enjoyed my return from the rogues and love every bit that the club has to offer. Plenty of people within my House and Clan offered guidance and motivation that made the activity all the more enjoyable. In thanks, that is what I hope to extend to others as the Battle Team Leader for the Disciples of Dreypa.
I will do my best to help others who have questions or need assistance, and work together to enjoy the awesome activities the brotherhood has in store. If anyone wishes to speak with me, have questions, or even just hang out I am happily to meet you. Even outside my battle team it is fascinating to interact with the other members. Once again thank you very much for this opportunity to be of assistance. I assure you I will do my absolute best to be a positive improvement as BTL.
So this month I had no doubt in my mind as to who I was going to mention in this section dedicated to those who catch my eye. This month’s lucky (or is it unlucky?) member is Kryy who has since returning from a stint in the rogues risen to the rank of hunter and is working his way towards a lightsaber of his own.
The Summit run Clan Plagueis: The Wise wrapped up at the end of January and you can follow the link to see the results. I was glad to see how many Journeymen managed to get something in and in particular with the amount of them ranking near the top. You all showed me all just how amazing you are and how privileged I am not just to be in the position I am but how lucky I am to have a group like you to work with.
Ok so this month I’ve decided to slightly change art of a speech made by Winston Churchill as I feel it reflects our situation. What we called the Battle of the Anchorage is over. I expect that the Battle of Plagueis is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Dark Side civilization. Upon it depends our own Plagueian life, and the long continuity of our institutions.
The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.Odan-Urr knows that they will have to break us. If we can stand up to them, all the Brotherhood may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.
But if we fail, then the whole world, including the clans who shy away from purity, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the Brotherhood and its purely dark clan last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’
So that is it for now, I shall retreat into my cave of office for another month while looking forward to beating some lighties. My hope is that a fair few promotion requests will be written between now and my next report.
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Thank you for the report! ^/_^