In the future I will be including little fictional updates for the Clan in this section of my report. For this inaugural report, I am going to forgo that in order to devote some greater attention elsewhere. Look for some tasty fictional updates here in future reports. I also need new report graphics. So...ya know...if you're interested...I'll just leave these five credits here for no specific purpose...You get the idea.
After discussing this with a few members, including the summit, I have noticed that many of us do not seem to know a whole lot about our home system, the Caperion System. It can be very difficult to write a fiction about events going on in the system when you have little to no knowledge of what this place is actually like. My goal is to help you all get to know the Caperion System a little better and help you feel comfortable writing your characters as citizens of a living and breathing world. To some extent, I have begun to do so with our most recent Clan Adventure RP; The Venenum Excursion. But I would like to do more!
So, I have decided to include 1 (one) location from the Caperion System in all of my reports just pass along some knowledge about our home. Plus, it seems like a fun way to kick off my reports and that is most definitely an added bonus!
Today, we’re going to talk about Drus’hav’nik’ta’dold’ir!
Some Concept Art
Wow, that’s a mouthful.
Fortunately, most people call it by the much more easy name to pronounce The Bronze Helix Observatory.
Located on Seraph, the Bronze Helix Observatory is one of the few remnants of an ancient culture that once occupied this region of space. Very little is known about this civilization, but scholars at the Imperial University believe that they were a pre-spacefaring culture. On-going research and archaeological excavations are constantly updating this narrative and the mystery remains unsolved. It should be noted, that the native language used throughout the observatory does have a passing resemblance to Cheunh, the Language of the Chiss, particularly in regards to the apparently complex syntax.
What makes the Bronze Helix Observatory interesting is that the building itself acts as a telescope, which has been built into the very rock of Seraph herself. At the center of the ruin complex is a massive pit, which has been lined with bronze mirrors. When focused appropriately, it would allow those at the bottom with a great view of the heavens directly above the complex. Also of note is a massive underground labyrinth of tunnels. Some people believe this to be the remnants of an ancient university, while others believe it to be a massive necropolis. Either way, there are sure to be many treasures and secrets to be found in these spooky ancient ruins!
This location originated from a submission that I had for a Pro-bowl event several years ago. So, I added it to our possessions. (Perks of having the Imperial Black Card!) Find out a little bit more about Drus’hav’nik’ta’dold’ir here: Concept Images and Description
Maybe this location will show up in a story you write or an RP we run. Let me know what you think of this creepy ancient ruin and if you have any ideas for other locations on Seraph feel free to run them by me!
Vendetta season has come and gone. Clan Scholae Palatinae placed 6th overall in GJW XVI. I’m going to take a page from Korvis’ book and not fill this up with graphs and random data, but I will provide some numbers and some insight. I feel like this is a place where there should be graphs and such, so here’s one just so this looks official and stuff.
Jokes aside: I am so grateful to all of you that took the time to participate in the events. We had 19 members compete in competitions. Four members completed all of the bins. Titius, Kamjin, Rayne and myself. So, there’s definitely a special shout out to all of you!
I am, at my heart, a pretty competitive guy, so we'll be aiming higher in the future. I truly believe that CSP has the potential to be the #1 Clan. The Summit and I will be carving a path to get there, but we can’t do it without you. It’s my hope that we can get there together in the near future. I’ll be talking about some of our plans later on in this report.
We’ll get ‘em next time Gang!
We still got some sick loot from the war effort. Check out some of our spoils below!
I am going to try my best to keep this concise. This is a big topic and can get bloated easily.
When one comes into the Consul position it can be a little overwhelming at first. There are so many things that need doing, so many things you want to do and you never seem to have enough time, hands, or mental focus to knock them all out at once. As much as I would love instant gratification and it all to be done and working as planned. Nothing comes immediately, we'll have to work hard every step of the way. Thankfully, I have a summit that is on board and ready to do just that. That said, after the first week of whiplash in the Throne, I have settled in a bit and I’m able to set some goals and define a direction for us as a Clan. I’m going to lay out my goals for the clan, then I’ll briefly expand on those thoughts. Here’s my goals for CSP:
1) Create a story rich Clan narrative that engages our members, encourages participation, and allows our members to feel that they have an active impact in the fictional outcomes of events.
2) Create an ecosystem of fun, minimal effort, casual competitions, that is separate from the narrative events, which are constantly and readily available to our members – thereby offering a consistent source of XP – thereby offering a consistent source of Promotions and Awards to our members.
3) Actively engage the community through available methods such as RP, Game Nights, and maintaining a lively community on Discord.
4) Grow the Clan’s membership numbers
5) Collect data, feedback, and community opinion on all of the above.
All in all the mission is pretty simple, at least on paper. I want to give CSP everything that the DJB promises. In a practicality, these goals will be something that the Clan Summit is pushing towards for many months and years to come. How are we going to get there? Good question.
Well, in short, our path has already somewhat begun. Some of you may have seen the competitions that Kah’ri and Rayne put out for the Clan, these competitions are aiming at the spirit of goal #2. When we’ve fully fleshed this concept out and operating, at any given time CSP will have at least two competitions available for you as a member to participate in. I am a firm believer that as a leader is my greatest responsibility to provide members with every possible path to promotion and award, this is my plan to do that. It'd be very helpful if you let the summit know what kinds of easy competitions you'd like to see!
Next, our Clan Narrative. I can’t say too much about how the gears are turning (Mostly cause it’s kinda boring), but in the future we are aiming to have Clan Narrative events where you as members get to decide the outcomes. Essentially, I am looking to turn our ongoing Clan Narrative into a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style thing OR (as Kah’ri stated it when the summit discussed my vision) to Turn the Clan fictions into a sort of Meta-RP, where the Summit is the Game Master and the Members are the Players and their participation is equivalent to dice rolls and their choices matter. Say it with me, class...Actions have consequences. I believe that if we put the power in your hands, the Clan narrative will feel more exciting. That's what we want.
As far as the Clan narrative goes, I have wrapped up the Hutt Story line. A few Thermal Detonators and the SARLAC lets us start fresh. There is a slight carry over into our new plot line, where the Character Locita will be of huge importance. I look forward to sharing more with you all about this soon. What I have planned should be exciting and new for us as a Clan.
Recruitment is pretty self-explanatory. I want to share this awesome club and clan with more people. You should too! Tell your friends about us!
What lies ahead? The most immediate thing that lies ahead for the Clan is Sithmas. We will be running the annual event again this year and it will consist of mostly holiday related competitions that take 5-10 minutes to complete. Around the holidays we all need time to just get away from the craziness, whether that is the weather, family, or Mariah Carey on the radio for the 800th time today. Our goal with this event is to give you all something casual that you can spend some time doing with very little and heck, you can even use it as an excuse to dodge Aunt Carol at the family Christmas party.
Winterbells anyone?
Beyond that, we will be routinely asking for your feedback on things. Leadership that lives in a vacuum of those they lead are frequently ineffective. Like my predecessor, I will maintain an open door policy. If you have questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to come speak to me. You can email me or you can reach out on Discord!
That’s all I’m going to say about this for now. Just know that the Summit and I intend to be hard at work helping to make this already outstanding community even more exciting and fun to be a part of.
Totally not Kamjin in a false mustache asks: Can you publicly declare where Kamjin is and how you became Emperor?
Evant, A figment of our imaginations asks: How do you feel about Palpatine?
Kah'ri, A well paid and content employee asks: What is your plans for funding for the entertainment industry?
Titius, A guy with a bag of firecrackers asks: Is the cost of transporting your guard going to factor into travel plans?
Zyxl, a person whose 4 letter name is worth 23 points in Scrabble asks: What are your immediate plans for CSP?
We have a few running right now. New competitions will be up at the end of this week. Here's some good'uns.
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The Empire needs more Troopers! Do you have friends, family, casual associates, who are interested in Star Wars related content? Think they might enjoy the DJB? Do they like Star Destroyers?
Hop on your admin page, click RECRUITMENT LINK and create a link especially for them!
That's all I have for this time. Can't wait to get to work. Stay tuned for more! -The Usurper
For The Empire!
*I know this is out of date! don't @ me
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The Empire is in good hands. I can’t wait to see what happens with the stories from here.
I'd like to roll for farsight. How does next year's GJW turn out?
Joke aside, this is gonna be fun stuff. Can't wait to get to work on this for everyone!