Clan Vizsla: I


Clan Vizsla: I


Forests of Ullr
36 ABY

Amid a galaxy ablaze with strife—where factions collided in endless battle for dominion—a ragtag band of Mandalorians, mercenaries, and wanderers gathered on the remote world of Zsoldos. This uncharted haven, hidden among Ullr’s mist-shrouded forests, served as the crucible for something new and audacious: Clan Vizsla.

Exiled from Death Watch, the clan’s nascent leaders witnessed the Mandalorian diaspora scattered across the stars, its once-proud heritage fractured and dimmed. Yet in these shattered remnants, they discerned an opportunity for renewal—a chance to uphold Mandalorian ideals, not by clinging to the past, but by forging a bold new path.

They adopted the name of Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, who bridged seemingly irreconcilable worlds. By invoking his legacy, they shed the corrosive zealotry that had once defined them, instead seeking to unite discipline with pragmatic openness.

A New Creed and Opening the Doors

Clan Vizsla’s mission transcended old bloodlines. To bolster their might, they extended their reach to outsiders—those unfamiliar with, or skeptical of, the Mandalorian creed—granting them a chance to prove themselves. Their motto, “Credits, not Words,”, was not a call to greed, but an insistence on action:

“Words are wind,” the clan’s leaders proclaimed. “But credits—the sweat of your brow, the skill of your blade, the cunning of your mind—these are the coins that buy our future. In Vizsla, your value depends on what you do, not on hollow promises.”

This inclusive stance set Clan Vizsla apart from more traditionalist Mandalorian factions. A rigorous initiation tested each prospect’s combat prowess, resolve, and willingness to stand firm against a galaxy steeped in peril. Those who succeeded joined the clan—whether fully or in a more tenuous alliance—so long as they added to Vizsla’s collective strength.

Inevitably, traditionalists decried Vizsla’s approach, condemning it as heresy against time-honored Mandalorian customs. But the clan offered a simple rebuttal:

“The galaxy cares not for our pride,” they replied. “It bows only to power—and true power arises from unity, not the purity of one’s lineage, but the forging of unbreakable bonds.”

High above the canopy of Ullr’s ancient pines, Clan Vizsla took its first steps, staking a claim in a cosmos torn by unending war. With each warrior who swore fealty and every trial that tested their courage, they carved a legend destined to outshine the embers of Death Watch and rekindle the honor once synonymous with the Mandalorian way.


Shield of Zsoldos
43 ABY

Declan Roark stood on the bridge of his personal Crusader-class corvette, the Draylshy’a, arms folded behind his back as he gazed through the forward viewport at the nearly complete Shield of Zsoldos. A Golan station of considerable size, it was set in high orbit above the planet below. Massive construction arms and worker drones flitted around its exterior, slotting the last of the plating into position. Declan watched with satisfaction—there was something majestic about seeing the final puzzle pieces lock into place, each panel signifying another step toward consolidating Clan Vizsla’s hold on its ancestral home.

A gentle chime sounded from the holographic console beside him. Three images coalesced in midair, each flickering with the slight distortion of interstellar comm traffic. Closest to Declan hovered the projected figure of Mako Henymory, a composed and authoritative presence despite the faint waver of blue holographic light. He was calling in from the Cabur, the Keldabe-class battleship that served as the central pillar of the War Forged Flotilla. A second projection depicted Malodin’Tater and Captain Jasru Lakca, standing on the surface of Zsoldos itself—tall mountains rising behind them in a dramatic display. Their feed was stable, as if they were just meters away rather than planetside. The third figure was Arcia Cortel, connecting from an undisclosed location via the Panoptes, her heavily modified Cumulus-class pirate corsair.

“The station crews are reporting a strong seal on the final hull plating,” Mako announced, scanning a data screen just off-projector. He nodded, seemingly satisfied. “We should be prepared to bring the planetary shield online within the hour, Consul.”

Read the Rest of Clan Vizsla's Latest Fictional Update Here....



Clan Vizsla continues to shine in the realm of earning Credits. The following is an accurate depiction, as of 10 January 2025, of Clan Vizsla's members contributions towards the Clan. Once again, congratulations to Hector, Val, and Mako on achieving the Clan name the last couple of months.



Clan Vizsla has also updated our Clan Logo. Special thanks to Atra for creating our original logo six years ago and to Esca for creating our new stylized logo. Please see the new logo below as well as our the fictional meaning and significance it brings to Clan Vizsla.

Clan Vizsla Logo: Meaning and Significance

The Clan Vizsla logo is a stylized Mandalorian helmet framed by sharp, angular lines reminiscent of the ancient Death Watch symbol, paying homage to the clan's origins while forging a new path of independence and strength. The logo is minimalist in design, with clean, bold shapes and sharp symmetry. The central, downward-pointing crest evokes both the visor of a Mandalorian T-shaped helmet and the blade of a weapon, symbolizing clarity of vision and the deadly purpose of Vizsla’s warriors. The outward-flaring lines, reminiscent of fangs or wings, represent a duality: the ferocity of a predator and the rise of ambition and power.

1. Heritage and Pride
The integration of the Death Watch motif within the helmet’s design acknowledges Clan Vizsla’s historical roots. It honors the legacy of Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, and the fierce, splintered warriors who once sought to restore Mandalorian supremacy. Members of Clan Vizsla see themselves as inheritors of this proud but dangerous heritage, tempered by their own hard-won independence.

2. Unity Through Strength
The bold lines and symmetry symbolize the clan’s creed of collective power — “Credits, Not Words” — where success for one is success for all. The solid design reflects an unbreakable structure, much like the beskar iron that Mandalorians are famous for, emphasizing loyalty, discipline, and mutual benefit within the clan.

3. The Vision of a Hunter
The narrow, focused "visor" shape at the center reflects the sharp, tactical mindset that defines Vizsla’s warriors, bounty hunters, and mercenaries. It signifies their ability to see through deception, track prey, and pursue profit with unwavering focus. The downward crest, like the edge of a blade, embodies the clan’s commitment to action, decisiveness, and merciless efficiency in combat.

4. Dominance and Expansion
The outward "fang" shapes symbolize predatory prowess and territorial ambition. For Vizsla, every transaction, conquest, and victory strengthens the clan’s influence over the galaxy’s underbelly. The design also evokes a crown-like shape, subtly reinforcing their ambitions of dominance over rivals in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and beyond.

5. Cultural Importance

The logo is emblazoned on the armor of Vizsla’s warriors, stamped into crates of spoils, and flown on banners within the Blackspire Expanse and Saga drinking hall. It inspires pride and loyalty, reminding members of their shared destiny: a future built by action, profit, and steel, not empty promises. New recruits swear allegiance beneath this sigil, knowing that their legacy will be forged in battle, commerce, and brotherhood. Overzealous members of Clan Vizsla have been known to spray-paint the new logo on other Clan's banners, facilities, and military equipment. These actions are humorous in nature and date back to a former Vizsla subculture known as the Vrakkasons.


Vizsla Shoutouts

Clan Vizsla has had a ton of outstanding effort in our initial few weeks. Congratulations are in order for the following awards:

  1. Socks on his Ruby Scepter:
  2. Ikarri on his AK:
  3. Mako on his AK:
  4. Jai on the SC, AC, and DC:
  5. Mako, Esca, Ric, and Jasru on their appointments to the Vizsla summit.

Quarterly Leaderboard Shoutout for the GMRG:

  1. Sarin
  2. Valhavoc
  3. Arcia
  4. Rulvak
  5. Zed

Congrats to everyone. We took home 5 of the top 10 slots, but not our best showing ever. I look forward to next quarter and the attempted 1000 CF days from Gorefest.


Vizsla Competitions

Mako's Wrap Up on the 20th.

  1. Mako's Build a Bonfire: Cluster race.
  2. Mako's Exit the Pit: record the highest solo pit in Diablo 4.

Mako's Wrap up on the 31st.

  1. Mako's Leveling to Victory: How how of a character can you grind in Path of Exile 2 by 31 January.
  2. Mako's Unique Rifle: Draw a custum BlasTech E-11.
  3. Mako's member find: Who are the 3 GMs?
  4. Mako's DB Wide Fruit Salad: Follow the link and play.

Other Competitions Run By our Members:

  1. Val's DB Wide Slay the Gray: Paint a mini. Ends on the 31st.
  2. Socks Puzzles. Do the puzzles, get the credits, ends on the 17th of January.


Happy to be Back

Greetings everyone. I'll leave the sentimental wrap up for the end of the report. I'd like to thank Bubba and Atra for giving me a shot to return to Clan Vizsla. Equally, I'd like to thank our members for embracing my return to the Command Chair. We have had a great couple of weeks of activity seeing our junior members fly through the ranks as well as our senior members get an energy boost. Special thanks to all the folks who decided to annihilate my inbox and the Shadow Academy this past week. The SA is not our usual source of activity, to the point we noted it in the fiction, but it is a great way to familiarize or refamiliarize yourself with the DB.

The Clan, as noted above in this report, is undergoing some cosmetic changes as well as structural changes. We have brought in an entire new Summit with Mako taking the PCON and Esca/Ric/Jasru taking on our Magistrate titles. I've asked the PCON and Magistrates to all take on duties that will require them to complete tangible/objective tasks and we should start seeing the fruit of the labors shortly. These task range from fleet tweaking, to major updates to our wiki, to lore capturing and hunting, to how we want to run competitions as a Clan in the future.

Fictionally, the Clan is taking a soft reset with our storyline against Clan Fero. Have no fear, Clan Fero will remain our enemy moving forward, but we have put in a tremendous amount of work on our antagonists and want to get this information out to the Clan through the wiki as soon as possible. This ranges to Fero's leadership, home world, motivations, the reason they are our antagonists, and a detailed look at their key leaders, to include their new leader Kyrah Fero, a fierce strategist and visionary leader.

Beyond all this, our Clan will remain with its out of character identity intact. We, like the fictional Vizsla, will be an inclusive and welcoming environment for all types of members within the Dark Brotherhood. Our Clan honorifics, be it the Clan name, or a position, will remain based on objective and quantifiable data. The DB has all of these wonderful systems and there is no reason that we should not use them to help inform and decide on internal opportunities within Clan Vizsla. While we are still working out the how and why of some of these systems, you can expect them to avoid, at all costs, any subjective nature. I'm not making you Spy Master of Vizsla because you are my real life Best Friend or run in my super special secret gaming clique.

Finally/once again, I'm happy to be back as Consul of Clan Vizsla. Consul has historically been my favorite position and I'm excited to be back at it. I look forward to what the future brings for Vizsla, both with our internal events, external events with other Clans, and the upcoming Seasons from the DC. The Collective was at the heart of Vizsla's beginning 6 years ago and it will be nice to wrap that storyline up in the near future with the DC.

I hope you all have a great weekend and week to come. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Mako and I both love/use an open door policy. You are welcome to come to one of us or both of us at any time.


Most excellent work Vizsla that's a lot of credits.

Great first report, young consul!

This is the Way...

Charts? In a report?

Congratulations to the new Summit and look forward to seeing where the Clan ends up down the line! Need a few more title holders to cross that threshold!

Also, i failed to do a better job, but shout out to Esca for all the report graphics!

Love the new graphics and all the activity and awards. Keep filling up my inbox!

That's an impressive amount of credits. Great report.

Major props to Esca for his work on the logo. We will make sure the website is updated in the coming days to reflect the change.

Go Vizsla!

The quantifiable stuff is the stuff that attracted me in the first place (that and no Houses and a recommendation from Esca, albeit back in 2021).

I’m not too active but I like the atmosphere here and I’m happy with the renewed purpose the Clan has.

looks like I need to get back to work to hit that 2 million credit threshold.

AWESOME new logo!! this is the way!

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