CNS July Report: Leaving Athiss, the search continues


CNS July Report: Leaving Athiss, the search continues



Putting Athiss behind them…

On the remote and desolate planet Athiss, Adept DarkHawk Sadow and the members of Clan Naga Sadow ventured into the ancient Sith temple that loomed ominously against the darkened sky. The temple, a relic of a bygone era, was said to house the spirit of one of the most formidable Sith practitioners in history. This spirit, allegedly the descendant of one of Naga Sadow’s deadliest nemesis, was known to be restless and vengeful, and the Clan had come to put his spirit to rest once and for all.

DarkHawk Sadow, led the way through the labyrinthine corridors of the temple. His black robes billowed as he moved, his presence commanding and resolute. Beside him walked Darth Ashen, a figure of immense power and wisdom, whose very name inspired fear and respect. The rest of the Clan followed in a disciplined formation, their faces set with determination and readiness.

The air inside the temple was thick with the dark side of the Force, a palpable energy that seemed to seep into their very bones. Ancient Sith runes glowed faintly on the walls, casting an eerie light that barely pierced the oppressive darkness. The deeper they ventured, the colder it became, as if the temperature dropped in response to their presence.

They finally arrived at a vast chamber, dominated by an imposing sarcophagus. This was the heart of the temple, the resting place of Marka Ragnos. DarkHawk stepped forward, his eyes scanning the chamber with both reverence and caution.

DarkHawk began to speak, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. “We seek your guidance and wisdom.”

Before he could finish his request, a violent surge of dark Force energy erupted from the sarcophagus. The air crackled with malevolent power as a spectral figure materialized above the tomb. The ghostly form towering and menacing, glared at DarkHawk with eyes that burned like twin suns.

“Wisdom?” the spirit’s voice boomed, “Guidance?” a chilling roar that reverberated through the temple. “You fools, who bear the name of my blood’s enemy, dare seek my counsel?”

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Sadowans, what say you? Welcome to another edition of the Naga Sadow Broadcasting Service! The Clan has been pretty productive over the last few moons so let me get this intro crapola out of the way first. And without further adieu:


  • Clan News

  • Black Guard

  • Promos/Medals

  • Club News/Comps

First and foremost, please stand and raise a glass and toast a Sadowan that has given us a long time of dedicated service. Epis Locke Sonjie has made the decision to step away from his Summit position as Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos. Locke, you have been amazing to work alongside with, it will be different without you on Summit. However, your counsel and expertise will always be sought out. I am glad that you still will be only a shoutout away. You have earned this reprieve of responsibility has been well-earned and well-deserved. Summit and all of CNS cannot thank you enough for your leadership! Thank you Locke!!!!

HMR Report: Stepping Down From Ragnos Quaestor


So now that there is a vacancy Lord Keibatsu and I are on the hunt for the Epis’ replacement (big shoes to fill). We are looking for someone to bring a fresh set of eyes and ideas to CNS/HMR. Here is a snapshot of what Summit is looking for in a candidate:

  • What is your background/leadership experience

  • What fictional plans do you have in mind

  • Are there any initiatives that you have in mind that you would like to implement?

  • What is your leadership style

  • Communication between Con/PCon how do you suggest we maintain that important aspect?

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses and what have you learned from them?

  • Why are you the right person for the job?

Please lay out your application with all your pertinent information and send it to me [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and Lord Keibatsu at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us via email or Discord.

For right now, tell us your story and what you want to do as a House Marka Ragnos Quaestor.




Where are we currently? From Summit POV, the PCon and I have projects in the cooker that we will be serving up to everyone very soon. Priority is finding a replacement for HMR, but we also have some back burner stuff we are working. We should be seeing those workings come to fruition here in the near future.

Word on the street is that HSD has something in store for us to partake in. We look forward to another HSD adventure, the skiff race comps were pretty flipping fun! In the meantime there is a plethora of comps for us to take part in and bank some XP!

Currently we have a couple of Sadowan comps going. Dive in for Democracy! Grab a wingman for a combat patrol, or strap on your seatbelt and start your engines! Get in the action Sadowans!

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu: CNS Electro-Cluster Boogaloo

Lord Muz Keibatsu: Sadow Summer Skirmish: July



Black Guard


We experienced another decent bump in activity over May/Jun, thoroughly enjoying seeing the increase in activity. Over the last two BG Comps, we ended with a 69.9% participation rate overall. Solid numbers all around! Excellent work CNS!

So here are our Blackguard title holders for May and June!

May June
Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek 1st Place Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek 1st Place
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar 2nd Place Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar 2nd Place
Teu Buhkari Sadow 3rd Place Archpriest Quentinshadows 3rd
Epis Locke Sonjie 4th Epis Locke Sonjie 4th


Its stupid easy to participate, the more you are active the more BG points you earn. Snag the title and hit up the comps page and do some comps or head over to the Shadow Academy and earn some degrees. All those points add up on the BG tracker!

We had a good bit of Squadrons, Diablo (iirc) and of course some Democracy Distributions with Helldivers going on. Very cool to see, as well as being being able to game with folks. I took a screenshot of one of our matches where we had two GM's on our team. I don't care what anyone says, that is pretty flippin cool! Some of you were able to snag quite a few matches and rack up those totals! Let's keep that going! Get in the mix and earn some XP!

I also want to send a HUGE shoutout to the Straskmaster for hooking us up with a clean new tracking sheet that makes tracking and totaling our numbers stupid easy for this knuckledragger. Thank you for hooking us up!

Get into the action here



We have had a couple of major promotions and I thoroughly enjoy being able to blast this out as much as possible.

Bentre Stahoes was promoted to Master

Zsarion Bloodfyre was promoted to Prophet

Manji Keibatsu Sadow was promoted to Adept

Strask Rurra'bek was promoted to Battlelord

Goil was promoted to Acolyte


Strask Rurra'bek was awarded 1 Amethyst Kukri!

Malisane Sadow was awarded 1 Amethyst Kukri!

Scarlet Agna was awarded 1 Sapphire Blade!

Konar Auryus-Saas was awarded 1 Grand Cross!

Goil was awarded 1 Anteian Cross



Club News


Here is a look around the Club


Final Thoughts


Another episode of Naga Sadow Broadcasting Service comes to a close. As you can see a lot of Sadowan action and certainly more opportunities to showcase your stuff! With summer activities all around us, take advantage of that downtime and enjoy the summer fun. Set aside that time for yourself and stretch your character's legs a bit, we are going to have a lot of fun. Bust out that activity and rack up some credits! As always, please let me know if I missed anyone or anything.

Until next time Sadowans…..





First! And go apply for QUA!

Awesome report Darkhawk, and cool fiction to go along with it!


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