Greetings and salutations my fellow Sadowans,
HAVE YOU SEEN THAT TRAILER?! It made me so happy, I literally cried with happiness! Got the tickets booked, my best friend is coming over from England to watch it. Epic times!
In DJB-land things are equally awesome, with Ashes Fall week 1 having concluded, and week 2 in full swing. Chase after that 100% participation everyone, it’s awesome!
As always, I can’t stress enough that our Master-Student Program is incredibly important, as it can help you grow and find your place here with us. So sign up, whether you’re an eager Student or a willing Master. The experience will enrich the both of you.
We have a very healthy upkeep of both Masters and Students right now. With the exception of a few, nearly everyone on the list was assigned this past month. Currently there’s only a few unassigned Masters, simply because I don’t have any active students. If you know of anyone in your life that’d enjoy the Brotherhood, encourage them to come take a look. I’ll take real good care of them!
Here is the official form for the Master-Student Program to show your interest as a master, or as a student.
Click me, for I am important and flashy and stuff... Okay, I'm important for setting up pairings!
First a golden oldie, we have Inarya running her ongoing Tuesday Night Trivia easy participation and new knowledge!
Tasha is running a halloween competition, a fun halloween party. Write about your experiences for this staple holiday!
Just like Tasha, Scarlet is running a Halloween competition too. In Scary Halloween Story Scarlet dares you to write a ghost tale from the perspective of your character..
Last but definitely not least, Ashes Fall run by both House summits, clan-events are unfolding. Join in, or … well, just join in! You’ll thank me later.
As always, you can find the full list right here
Here is the progress of the Journeymen so far this month:
As before: If you’re not listed, it didn’t mean you didn’t do anything, it just means I couldn’t find a record of you doing it. Let me know if this is the case!
Things have slowed down considerably, and with Ashes Fall in full swing and lots of things changing in the DB as well, this month each Novitiate and Journeyman that participates in 100% of the competitions is the best! You rock, you know you can do it, go for it!
As it seemed pretty popular last time, here we go again! .
Sang asks: Who is your favourite Entar?
The one that doesn’t beat me to a pulp every time I see them.
Sang asks: New Star Wars trailer bro!
-Wipes away a tear of joy-
Sang asks (a lot of questions): Who is your apprentice of the month?
See above. Also me. I’m an amazing apprentice :P
Cethgus asks: What are you plans for the future of the Master Student Program?
I’ve got a few ideas left to execute before I need to run dry. A significant part of that would be the new-member-experience (spiffy name incoming) that I want to streamline. It seems we lose a lot of members after the initial sign-up. I want to know why, and how we can fix this.
Sang asks (yet again): Non-DB approved games in gaming competitions, good idea?
Excellent idea, and a good way to see if there’s interest in other platforms than we’re currently offering. The currently selection feels a little...outdated and limited.
Chemel asks: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
11 meters per second.
Cethgus asks: Does this t-shirt make me look hot?
No. It make you look badass though!
Tasha asks: How much crying did you do after watching the new trailer for Star Wars VII?
The first time, the second time, the third time, the fourth time, the fifth time, or any of the other hundred other times I watched it? :)
Sang asks: Will I ever get to sink a beer with you, despite you not drinking?
That depends very much on what you consider ‘sinking a beer’ to mean. :P
Allistaire asks: Why is coffee so expensive?
It’s made from unicorn-farts, which are extremely elusive to catch.
Qyreia asks: Will I ever be a real boy?
Not until you come up with a name that doesn’t make me stop to check for errors every time I write it.
Muz asks: When it all comes crashing down, and the stars are burning out, will your hatred still hold? Will your story still be told?
Will there be anyone to tell, or be told?
Sang asks: What is the secret to Muz’ beard?
Lots of Jedi, applied liberally before every meal.
Ashia asks: When are you making your Mov4pwr?
-remains silent- ;)
Scarlet asks: Why do fools fall in love?
Coz they’re foolish?
Allistaire asks: Why are there rebels in the new Star Wars trailer?
Because the Empire needs real people to roflstomp!
All in all, an amazing month, an amazing Clan, an amazing everything! Keep it going, and I’ll see you guys at the end of Ashes >:)
As always, if there’s anything, my inbox is always open and I’m always on Telegram.
Keep on kicking, be awesome, and see you next time!
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Great content, as always. Love to see the Journeymen moving on and up.
Very nice report, awesome activity from the Journeymen :)
Here I feared I had missed your report for this month. Bravo, sir.
Looking good in the RM-hood!