Recently, I made the decision to declare my intent to resign from the position of Combat Master.
Knowing that, this isn't so much a report as it is a thank you. A thank you for asking questions. For listening and for engaging. Thanks for the fun that the ACC has to offer and letting me see so much growth within the club as members gain knowledge and refine techniques.
March 16th, 2015. That's when I became an ACC Judge upon returning to activity in the DJB. Then, October 3rd, 2016, I had the pleasure of becoming the Combat Master. It's been 2 years, 2 months, and 20 days since taking the reins.
It's been an experience, to say the least, and a lot has been accomplished. A lot more can still be accomplished. But...perspective is important to have. And changing it, in a club such as this, is equally important. That's why I made this decision. So that a new perspective, unblemished by my experiences, can push through and see what I can't. To bring their own vision.
Mav will be opening up applications with further info to come next week, so look out for that if you're at all interested in trying your hand and making an impact. I won't be involved in that process though, and I'm not gonna be disappearing from the position prior to that. I'm still available and will operate as CM until the hand over can take place. Thankfully, I created documentation for that! A user manual on the position with pretty pictures.
All that said, I'm not leaving the Brotherhood. I'll be watching and offering my own feedback. I'll still answer questions and help with aspects, writing, what have you. Maybe I'll finally get to compete in an ACC ladder one of these days? Heh, imagine that?
Again, thank you to the Council for putting up with me, my staff (past and present) for helping me with each step I took, and the members for not chasing me out with torches and pitchforks.
See you around.
Remember, any questions on ACC mechanics, the CSs, or features, email [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. We do check this email, and often. Best way to get a proper response with all the staff on the same page.
Thanks for reading,
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Thank you for your excellent service as CM, Atra!
As Atra has noted, we will have more information on the vacancy at Combat Master and application information next week.
Thank you for everything you've done for this position Atra. You will be a missed Force of ACCNature!
Awesome gif for awesome Atra!
Gonna miss you in this role buddy, it’s been so long - hard to believe it’s coming to an end. Thank you for your service and I hope you enjoy your newfound freedom.
Thank you for all your hard work. The ACC has grown so much due to your guidance and leadership. You were a great CM and a great boss! While I am sorry to see you go, I am looking forward to seeing you in a tournament!
prays to Mav for an awesome replacement for Atra
Thank you for all your awesome work, Atra. Two years as Combat Master is nothing to sneeze at. Take some time to relax - you've earned it.
Thanks for all your time as CM!
Atra, you did great work as Cm and I know you’ll continue to do better and bigger things in the future. For the club, this is a great chance for several clans to send forth members to apply for a very important job.
Is it too late to get the pitchforks and torches though?
Salute to an outstanding CM.
His name was Robert Paulson
huge shoes to fill! I can't imagine you not being involved in the ACC somehow. Time changes everything...! Thanks for the efforts you put in, Atra!
Ty 4 the years of service atra.
Thanks for everything you have accomplished, Atra :)