Combat Master Report #1.1: Combat Society Update


Combat Master Report #1.1: Combat Society Update


Combat Society Update

(Yes, TuQ. I forgot to request custom graphics. Can I get another reminder, please? 😀)

Hey, folks! Just a short, but important one from me this time. Part of my job as Combat Master is to create an incentive for matches not just starting, but finishing.

The way the two sides of the ACC Society as a whole work is that they are two sides of the same coin. One can't operate without the other. If battles aren't being completed, then they can't be judged.

To that end, after speaking with the powers that be, the points granted as part of the Combat side of the ACC Society have been updated from this;

  • ACC Battle Win = 1 Point

  • ACC Battle Loss = 0.5 Points

  • Time Out = 0 Points

To the following;

  • ACC Battle Win = 2 Points

  • ACC Battle Loss = 1 Point

  • Time Out = 0 Points

Essentially, the points you now get have doubled. Those who have completed battles may start to see trophies flying your way as the backlog gets updated via James magic. (Praise be.) This should hopefully make ranking up in the Combat side of the society seem more achievable because… well… it is!

And this is just in time for my competitions that started on the 1st of November!

ACC Venue Creation: A Galaxy Far, Far Away…

ACC: Let's Get Down To Business.

For the latter competition, please ensure to update your Character Sheets and Loadout if necessary. :)


That's all from me! See? Told you it was a short one. If anyone has any concerns about starting matches or the ACC at all, then please do get in contact with me. I'm on Discord, and my email address is visible on my dossier should you prefer that instead. There's never a bad time to start ACCing!

Until next time!

‐ Combat Master “Aequitas” Anderson


Ohh it doesn't seem like such a long arduous road anymore, great update! It is more in line with the rest of the societies now.

Praise the sun for free XP

Very nice

I figured I would give it some time before reminding you again. GET SOME CUSTOM GRAPHICS!!!

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