Combat Master Report #6 - ACC Supplemental Society - Judging Release


Combat Master Report #6 - ACC Supplemental Society - Judging Release


Hello everyone! Today I am pleased to announce the release of phase two of the ACC Supplemental Society. This information is available on the wiki’s ACC Guide, under the ACC Society page.

This second phase is based on the judging side of things. While details for awards and its path were previously announced I will cover that information again here, as it's been a while.

Firstly, I want to give a massive thanks to Erin who did the coding and provided an excellent write-up guide with screenshots for the new judging system. Also thanks to Arch for taking the write-up and SAing it. You can view the Judgement guide information here as well as take the “orientation” course to start the judging lifestyle.


ACC Supplemental Society - Judgment Path

Society Trophy

The Pays to Critique trophy is earned by scoring completed ACC Matches as a Judge. Each battle scored, and in a timely fashion, will earn you judgment points to progress this trophy.

Judgment Points

Note: The judging trophies retroactively give points to former ACC Judges. So for prior ACC Staff, expect to have some progress and trophies awarded.

ACC Supplemental Society - Awards


Earn more credits as you rank up!

Unlock a rank-up for your alternative characters!

CS Perks of more Lore/Language Slots and unique Selectable and Granted Feats!

Earn granted ACC items uniquely themed around arena combat. The full list can be viewed here.

ACC Possessions



Judging System

Obviously for the Judging half of the society there needed to be a way for members to earn points and rank up. That system has now been completed and released!

Firstly if interested read the full guide and take the (orientation exam)[]. From there you still must opt in to see completed matches. This is done in your ACC Settings.

Each completed match allows for up to 3 judges to score it based on the official fiction rubric. You also must select a “preference” in the event of a tie. If after 96 hours a match hasn’t been completely judged by 3 members the CM will finish scoring to close out the match. You will also time out after 48 hours of claiming but not finalizing your score on a match. This means you should only claim when you are ready to score immediately.

Final scores are averaged between the three judges and in the event of a tie, the combatant with the greater preference points will win.

Of course risks of bias and gaming the system can occur and any potential concerns on a matches scoring can be directed to the Combat Master.

This system also allows restrictions of who can score for specific halls, so clans wishing to run completions and events can have only those competition runners access the judging for those matches. This system will be used in the coming ACC Championship.

This piece has been a long time coming and I hope everyone enjoys this new method of ACC scoring.


Given this process is very new expect some possible hiccups along the way as we test out the system (read: Iddy is dumb and will find ways to break things). Progression here is heavily dependent on having ACC matches completed so go and advance both societies by enjoying the unique offerings the ACC has for you.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the coming ACC Championship!


This looks great! Thank you Idris, and Erin, as well as anyone else who worked this out! Can't wait to start judging!

Oooh, this looks excellent! I am excited to take the exam. Thanks, y'all, for all your hard work!

Interesting on the very stirct time limits for completing anything to get society points. I think that could use some expansion, but we'll see.

Thank you to everyone for the hard work.

Will judgements give just society points or is there XP to be had? I retroactively am rank 12 so society points won't do me any good but I'd really like to start judging again, so I'm curious if I'll get anything out of it past rank 12?

Will we get a dedicated Combat Master again? Since the position earns Judgement points specifically or will that remain under the VOICE permanently? Cos if so, would it not be better to just absorb the duties into VOICE and dissolve the CM position?

Atty - 48 hours is more than fair. The insane long turn around is one of the core reasons the system changed so much.

Kord - Judgments should also award XP. It might have gotten missed with the rest of the changes so I’ll check with Erin and James to make sure they are getting awarded.

Ood - There has not yet been a final decision on if CM will be its own thing or just get absorbed by Voice. If absorbed the points for time in will go away. For what’s it’s worth I maxed judgement points on judgements so it had no impact on where I ended up.

Neato! Thanks for the response, I kept looking at the post and not seeing it so I wasn't sure, that's awesome, I might actually get to Elder two some day hah

I very much approve of the new way to judge battles.

I would say for matches that are very long that 48 hours is not enough. 16 hours of that time is sleeping. Most people work 8 hours each shift/day which is 16 hours. So roughly 24 hours or less is free to spend time and surely most people don't have even that amount of time to grade an ACC match that goes above 4 posts? Extensions to judging should be an option at the very least with approval from CM or whoever is to be in charge of the ACC.


From how I read it, no one is forced to claim a battle to judge. So only claim a battle if you have the time to do it. Grading also appears to be muh more streamlined than it used to be, so judging is not nearly as burdensome as it was many moons ago.

Halc is correct. Matches should not take hours and hours to score. And if you are about to head to bed, don’t claim a match.

I have, alone, been judging all matches to this point and have an average of 9-10 hours from match completion to a judgment issued. And most of that is just me not being on the site to claim and score it. Once I’m able to it is a very fast progress.

As someone who was an ACC judge for some years, 48 hours is more than enough time to judge even more protracted battles, and back then, you had to do a write-up for every score, followed by final thoughts. This new format is far more streamlined. I am excited to judge some battles again! (I already took the exam when I saw the link.)

I very much disagree and things happen when the person least expects them.

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