Consul Report 2022 Year In Review


Consul Report 2022 Year In Review


-=| 2022 Year In Review |=-

Whew, what a year we had in Clan Vizsla in 2022. Some highs and lows were had and a whole lot of fun. In this report, I will share some statistics and numbers. We will be able to see trends and use these for statistics for better things moving forward.

We had a lot of growth in Vizsla last year. In sheer numbers, we had a 33% increase in membership. We started 2022 with 21 rostered members in the clan. As of the writing of this report, we sit at 32. That is astounding and hopefully means that as a summit we are doing something right. And I would be remiss if I talked about growth without mentioning credits. Specifically, that Vizsla members earned a whopping 6,486,420 credits over the last year for the clan coffers.

Second, to just overall numbers is something that the Summit focused hard on, but really is a collaborative effort with everyone. Especially the 2 members in Vizsla that earned their Knighthood. I want to once again Congratulate Haro Zylrun and Liarah on all their work in earning the rank. It is one of particular focus in the club and the first that really shows tremendous work and effort to achieve. Well done both of you!

Retention is tough in the club and always has been. Out of 14 new joins in 2022 5 of them are still currently in Vizsla. That comes to about a 33% retention rate. I just guesstimate because I am not good at math but I would like to see this number increase in 2023 and am open to any ideas the members have that would help us in retaining new joins.

Activity well there was a lot of it as can be seen from the aforementioned Credit total that you all earned. (6,486,420) First, members of Vizsla ran a total of 115 competitions in the last year. Of those 67 were run Brotherhood-wide. Participation numbers were fantastic as well with 1480 entries by Clan Vizsla. That is a pretty impressive list of overall participation.

Now my favorite, Awards. It isn’t a secret that my favorite part of being Consul is being able to recognize the membership and give them shiny and sometimes stabby things. So what kind of loot did the clan get last year?

  • 2 Amethyst Kukri
  • 5 Sapphire Blade
  • 17 Merit Awards

This doesn’t even include the massive amounts of Crescents, Clusters, Seals, and Scrolls that were earned. It was a good year and I want to thank each and every person in the Brotherhood that contributed to the success and fun we all had whether inside or outside Clan Vizsla. Be it in the Great Jedi War, The Pro Bowl, or just the regular competitions and chatting it up in #Vizsla, it was a lot of fun.

-=| The Tarre Vizsla Datacron |=-

With the end of another quarter comes the awarding of the clan artifact for most credits earned. Chrome was unable to defend his title as top credit earner in the 4th quarter of 2022.

The Winner of the 4th quarter Credit race is Tuuka Vurr!

Best of luck defending the artifact.

-=| Looking Ahead |=-

So what will 2023 have in store for the Clan? Well, some details are being ironed out. However, look for a possible event in April. We are already looking at June for the next Great Hunt where we will continue the fight against Clan Fero and further the story arc along. We are planning out an RP session for Vizsla members only in February and who knows what other shenanigans we can come up with.

Until next month when we will reveal the winner of the Great Hunt.

Credits Not Words

Lets get mo' money!

Great report!


Great Report, congrats Vizsla

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