Consul Report - July


Consul Report - July


"Words may inspire, but credits build empires." - Unknown

Remote Island of Du Kang,
Yuanming Resort
Planet Zsoldos
42 ABY

Ikarri Itinen sat at the head of a large, ornate table within the Consul suites of the hotel complex that served as the planet’s single point of contact for every member of the Clan to locate work, rest, recover, and await new opportunities. It was also one of the only locations that prohibited weapons of any kind from being openly carried, not that the newly appointed Consul held any true faith in that observation; after all, many of the warriors within Clan Vizsla were just as, if not more dangerous, unarmed.

His bodyguard, the Mandalorian who simply went by Kael, stood nearby. Ikarri had secured the young man’s service to ensure his safety as well as help bolster the incredibly talented youth’s position within the Clan. On the table before him were half a dozen datapads projecting images and reports of recent activity sent in from their operations within Zsoldos as well as their expansion efforts into the Unknown Regions.

Though ostensibly responsible for the Clan and recognized by The Council of the Brotherhood, something nagged at the back of his mind. He’d yet to receive word from the Elders of Vizsla confirming their acceptance of Socorra relinquishing control to him to pursue her own goals. They had tolerated him as an administrator working for the former Consul, with months of prosperity filling the accounts of the clan and membership alike.

But the Mandalorians were unlikely to accept him as their military leader, nor could he participate in or lead their many cultural and religious acts. For that, he needed a figurehead and someone he could rely on to ensure the more strict elements of their Clan stayed in line. Itinen had joined the Clan with the intention of furthering his own aims behind the scenes, but recent events had propelled him to the forefront and now left him in a tenuous position.

He had sent out a request to several individuals to meet with him and attempt to resolve the situation at hand. He had work to do and couldn’t be worrying at every turn that one of his own would be working against him. Neither pride nor ambition would outweigh profit.

Within the hour, four individuals stood within the office, each of them arriving separately yet similarly arrayed in full Beskar. Declan Roark, Dracaryis, Kenath Zoron, and Valhavoc—two former Consuls and two former Proconsuls—the leaders in part responsible for the founding of this chapter of Clan Vizsla, every one of them Mandalorian to their core.

“Gentlemen, please take a seat or stand if you prefer.” Ikarri stifled his initial irritation at facing the masked visages of the Vizsla Elders, each of them keeping their features concealed within their helmets, recognizable only by their personal colors, gear, and medals they’d claimed throughout their illustrious careers..

“We need to discuss the future of Clan Vizsla. It is no surprise that rumors of discontent have already begun to circulate that an aruetii has taken control of the Clan.” Ikarri leaned forward, pouring a glass of Tevraki whiskey for each of the men and passing them across the space between them.

“Though Socorra has chosen me to succeed her, I am all too aware of the significance of an outsider leading the Mando'ade. Let me start by stating this simply: I have great respect for your people, your history, and the effect it has had on the Galaxy. I spent years within the black, traveling from world to world, and more often than I would have ever expected, I found evidence of the influence your Crusades had.” Ikarri stopped for a moment, letting his words hang in the air as he took a drink.

“When I was invited by Korvis to come and work as his aide, I wasn’t sure what to expect. When Socorra took the reins and asked me to be her second, I did so without hesitation, seeing the opportunity for what it was: the chance to be a guiding hand in influencing the profit and success of this Clan. And in that short time, we have seen our influence and wealth grow.” Ikarri watched as the four nodded their heads, each accepting his words as true.

“So all I ask is this: take a seat, have a drink, and let us discuss how we can reach agreeable terms.” Ikarri raised his glass again and waited, knowing this moment would decide how his term as Consul would go.


Welcome to the July report,

First, I want to congratulate Declan Roark on his appointment to Proconsul. Declan has been a mainstay of Vizsla since its creation; I don't need to introduce him as you all know who he is. During my time as Proconsul, he has been a constant source of information, feedback, and assistance in nearly everything the Summit has done along with his application providing me with valuable feedback.

Please take a moment to read the fiction above. Ikarri will be fictionally responsible for communication with the Council and the Brotherhood as a whole, while also overseeing the operations of Vizsla. Declan, on the other hand, will be seen as the leader of the Mandalorians within Vizsla. This dynamic will hopefully create interesting opportunities for political tensions both within the Clan and beyond.


Korras asks: Brownies or Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Answer: Brownies, especially brownies mixed with Reese's cookie dough.

Esca asks: Recently we've had some new recruits/members, and some ended up phasing/roguing out. Is there anything being done to better new member retention/instruction?

Answer: Yes, I am working on a document alongside a few other Consuls to create a guide for new members. It will be similar to the old Prometheus reports, detailing "Do X actions to earn enough for your next rank." Due to the differences in promotions, the guide will outline what activities earn how much XP and how to complete those activities.

Warp asks: Realistically speaking, how long do you think it will take to completely update Vizsla with your fictional plans?

Answer: I plan to send out updates with each month's report. I believe we will really hit the ground running when we start hosting RP events for future Clan Events.

Promotions (6/27/24 - 7/19/24)

Member PIN Member Name Promotion Date New Rank Unit when Promoted
17211 Spoogleheim 7/7/2024 Recruit Vizsla
17211 Spoogleheim 7/7/2024 Trainee Vizsla

Credits Earned (6/27/24 - 7/19/24)

Member Name Credits Earned
Arcia Cortel 38260
Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr 4830
Darth Aeternus 4250
Declan Roark 148250
Dracaryis 108950
Farrin Xies Tarentae 4500
Haro Zylrun 17180
Hector Von Ricmore 10650
Ikarri Itinen 124400
Kanal O'neill 27000
Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla 9780
Kodo Obrim 8370
Legion 4500
Malfrost Xeon 2700
Rulvak Qurroc 77010
Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos 84020
Spoogleheim 16280
Valhavoc 80800
Vynn Salm 30630
Zed 33750
Total 836110

Awards Earned (Entire Clan) (6/27/24 - 7/19/24)

Award Award Count
Sapphire Blade 1
Grand Cross 4
Steel Cross 1
Anteian Cross 1
Dark Cross 2
Crescent with Diamond Star 3
Crescent with Ruby Star 6
Crescent with Amethyst Star 15
Crescent with Sapphire Star 12
Crescent with Emerald Star 9
Crescent with Topaz Star 2
Crescent with Quartz Star 1
Cluster of Fire 5522
Cluster of Ice 17
Cluster of Graphite 13

In Closing:

I continue to be excited about our success. The insane number of Clusters we earned over Gorefest weekend is incredible, coupled with consistently being #1 on the CoF board on a daily basis. I would like to see what else we can get members engaging in, and I’m glad to see our Clusters of Ice and Graphite increasing as well.

Keep an eye out in your inbox and Discord as Declan and I will be reaching out to everyone individually and via the mailer to check in with those members who are active on the roster but have not had much engagement in recent weeks or months.

If you have any feedback, any concerns or thoughts on what we can improve within Vizsla reach out to us and let us know.

Great report! Get them credits

Look at that activity!! Woo!

Mmm credits

Congrats, Declan!

Also yay credits!

Only 5.5k? Time to go harder!

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