Welcome to the August 2020 Consul Report! Quite a bit of content to cover since the last time, so here we go!
There has been quite a lot going on with the GJW having occurred this summer along with some leadership positions finally getting filled. I am very happy to welcome Mauro Wynter as CSP’s new Proconsul along with Xantros as Empire’s Chosen’s new Aedile! I am super hyped to work with both of them! I’ve already had the pleasure of getting to know Mauro, and it’s been a huge difference having him with us these past few days in the Summit. Xantros has already been providing invaluable insight and suggestions for things I’ll touch on further below, and I’m sure he’ll be even more invaluable working with Dek in the House and with Mauro and myself for the betterment of the clan.
With this, I’d like to thank Ric for all he did while he was AED. Just like a good number of us, Covid has impacted him with RL stuff, and so his resignation is very understandable. I appreciate you for all you’ve done, Ric, and I'm looking forward to what you’ll do in the future.
Now, to the really important stuff. I know there’s no need for me to remind everyone about the poor performance CSP had in the GJW, but it needs to be addressed. We had very few members participate, and only one person completed all the bins. A lot of factors can be attributed to this, with one of them being my sudden absence in the middle of the event. Unfortunately, I had some RL stuff happen with family in another state, and I had to head over there with my folks. It was a trying time for all of us, and I wasn’t emotionally well for the most part to continue providing support in the war effort, and neither did I have the time to do more to complete all the bins. I realize there was a lack of leadership during this crucial time, and I sincerely apologize.
The other things attributing to this has been lack of members in the clan with small recruitment and maintaining of new members, lack of communication, and lack of activities. Though we saw some activity with the Iron Sky and Scholae Rising events, it was still pretty minimal. Luckily, we have seen a few members return to CSP along with a few new members who have been slowly getting active in the clan. Still, Dek and I have realized that more is needed to help CSP get back on its feet and where it needs to be. You all have made us even more aware by providing input through Mauro’s survey and his emails to everyone, while some of you have personally discussed concerns with me that you’ve noticed in the clan.
Communication was one of those concerns, and again, I do apologize for that. I haven’t been as vocal with RL still hitting me these past few weeks, but I aim to do better for all of you. To help with this, we have opened up a new clan discord channel! All of you are very much welcomed to join if that’s your preference for communication. You’ll find all the summit leaders present there.
I also know that lack of activities has been an issue, and the Summit and I already have some things lined up to provide opportunities to everyone. Thanks to Dek, we have a line-up of competitions and events we have planned for the coming months which is still open to changes and additional content that will also help direct the story of the Clan.
Many of you said you wanted to focus more on an Imperial identity for the Clan, and we will tackle this through the comps along with other means. One of those being through our military. Since Mauro joined, both he and Dek have been hard at work revamping the Clan military to be more Imperial and well...much more user-friendly. I urge all of you to take a look at what we have so far, as we will continue to improve it over time. We have gone with the idea of “fewer but bigger.” Going over the general changes, we now have a Golan Space Defense Platform, Judecca Station, with the Haven-Class Medical station having been renamed Cocytus Station in honor of our old home. We also have a Logistics Flotilla containing 10 ETA-class supply barges. In our Imperial Navy, we have 4 Raider II-class Corvettes, 2 Vindicator-class Heavy cruisers, one Secutor-class Star Destroyer, and one Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. Within the Imperial Army is a lot of new goodies to have fun with. We have the new Praetorian Guard battalion and the new Imperial Legion. Something really exciting about the Legion is our new Armor Battalions which contain an Attack Armor Company with 3 First Order AT-AT platoons. Our Praetorian Guard has 4 Special Missions Companies of which each has an Armored Personnel Carrier Squadron. There’s more I could go on about, but I think you’d enjoy it more by checking it all out yourself. We are discussing further plans for the military, so stay tuned for that.
Another thing we’re tackling is the wiki. We wish to make this year 0, and start fresh with the direction CSP is going along with the organization of our wiki. New members tend to check out the wiki to learn more about their clan, and a wordy and too long wiki can come out as boring or confusing and hard to remember. We wish to make the wiki more simple and less detailed while also containing the proper amount of information for new and current members to read and understand. That being said, I’ve discussed with the Summit my idea for a wiki committee, and henceforth, the committee is open for volunteers. We want new members and old to have an opportunity to work with us on the Clan wiki with the Summit overseeing and providing assistance whenever needed. This is a grand opportunity to do some work that can contribute to promotions and awards. Never worked on a wiki page, but interested? We will help you along with the SA exam on wiki editing. We will have a chat on TG, and create a database of information ready to be put in the wiki. I encourage all of you to consider joining, and to provide any input if you have any. If you’re interested, please let us know, and we’ll make you a part of the committee.
Lastly, but not least, we are going to also focus on recruiting. Already, Xantros has tossed in a databank and an outline of recruitment issues and ideas that the summit has looked over, and we are looking forward to implementing the suggestions provided. Recruiting members isn’t the hard part. Maintaining them is, so we’re also wanting to focus on the best ways we can help new members feel more at home in the clan as well as help them to learn the basics and provide fun opportunities for them to grow. The Master and Student program is still very much alive, so if anyone is wanting to take on a new apprentice or in need of a master, don’t be afraid to let the Summit leaders know. We also are still looking for a Rollmaster. The RM’s role will be very pivotal in helping out new members settling in within the clan, so keep that in mind if you’re interested in applying for the position.
Phew! That was a lot to cover, but I am glad to have gone over all of this. To be honest, running with less than half a crew hasn’t been easy, but has been possible thanks to Dek helping to bear the load. Having Mauro and now Xantros with us will definitely have an impact on how the Summit will tackle issues and provide for the clan. We all hope to provide fun activities and opportunities while working on cementing our identity as an Empire. We want you all to have a say in how our storyline is affected, and include you more in the major roles fictionally. We also want to keep hearing from you if you should ever have any concerns or ideas. Want to help us with a project? Let us know, and we can find something for you to do (I strongly recommend the wiki committee).
Overall, we just want to serve you to the best of our abilities. We want to make Scholae Palatinae great again if not even better. We definitely want to see ourselves back to placing in the top three for Great Jedi Wars and other vendetta events. I have great enthusiasm that we can make this happen, and I look forward to working with all of you to make it possible.
Yours truly in Darkness,
Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae
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Great report! Looking forward to the future! :)
Hoorah great report. Proud to be here and excited for the future. Good to get the news and plans out there for all to see #hype.
Excellent report! Looking forward to what the future holds for the clan .