Welcome to the March 2021 Consul Report! We’ve got some important announcements, so let’s begin!
As I said, we have some important announcements! The first one I had announced in the clan channel. Sykes has announced he will be stepping down from RM to pursue an exciting RL endeavor. Sykes has been a phenomenal member of the summit, and as sad as I am to see him step down, I wish him the best of luck and much happiness with his dream job. Worry not, he will still remain with us in the clan. However, this does mean that the Rollmaster position is open, so I will be accepting applications for RM. Thank you, Sykes, for everything you’ve done. It has been a grand pleasure to work with you.
Now, RM isn’t the only position to become open. Mauro will also be stepping down from PCON due to another great achievement in his RL career. I am also sad to see him step down, but I congratulate him on this accomplishment and wish him all the best. When Mauro joined us along with Sykes in the Summit, they both did amazing work to help the Clan grow and improve. I’m most grateful for their help, and especially Mauro’s as PCON. Thank you, my friend, for all you’ve done. That said, I will now also be accepting applications for PCON. The one thing I do require is that the new PCON be available and ready to assist for the upcoming vendetta this summer, so keep that in mind when you apply. I’m looking forward to seeing applications ASAP. The target deadline for applications for both positions is April 13th.
Next line of business, while we still await the final results for the Dark Times Saga: Operation Passion Force comp, I’d like to announce the final results for the Spring Break Mayhem comp event. Congratulations to our finalists: (1st) Kamjin “Maverick” Lap’lamiz, (2nd) Reiden Palpatine Karr, and (3rd) Xantros! Well done, you three. Overall, I enjoyed all the entries. Especially the fiction and caption ones.
Last, but not least. Since my last report, we had two other veterans return to the clan. Please welcome back Horus Blackheart and Thran Occasus-Palpatine to the clan! It’s great to have you both back with us. And of course, I’d like to welcome Derrek Korson and Tobias Rex to the clan! Very excited to have you both with us!
We’ve had some promotions and outstanding awards given out as of late. I wish to congratulate Ellac Conrat and Kah’ri Marru once more for their promotions to Knight, and to Reiden Palpatine Karr for his promotion to EQ 4 Augur! Last, and especially not least, I’d also like to congratulate our dear Mune Cinteroph for being awarded the Ruby Scepter! Amazing job, all of you, and well earned!
And of course, I’d like to congratulate Rasilvenaira StormRave, Ric Hunter, and Xantros for receiving the Legacy of Palpatine title! It is a grand honor within the Clan, and it is a great honor to have you amongst the titleholders. Congratulations!
March has definitely been an eventful month for the clan, and though it is coming to an end with two of our beloved members stepping down from their Summit positions, it has been a month of great accomplishments and activity. From Promotions and Sacramental awards to the naming of new Palpatines and having a high participation rate in the Spring Break Mayhem comp, CSP has been absolutely on fire! Absolutely fantastic job, everyone! With that said, there are some things being planned for more activities to come so stay tuned! I’ve been talking with the Summit and other members, and one of the things on the list is preparation for the summer vendetta event on the way. We especially would like to help our newer members to learn and get some experience. Outside of vendetta preparation, we are looking into doing some gaming nights and maybe a weekly trivia night. If any of you has some ideas for activities you’d like to see in the clan, please feel free to reach out to me, or you could always include them in those applications if you’re planning to apply for RM and PCON.
As always, everyone, continue to be amazing and never forget that you are what makes the Imperial Clan as great as it is. FOR THE EMPIRE!
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Another great job in the Clan! Thank you everyone for your participating.
Excellent report! And excellent job everyone!