We are now truly into 2021 and many important items need to be highlighted and addressed. CSP has made great strides as of late with new and returning members. Our activity is truly through the roof. We are branching out and leading PVP over a long period. Additionally, we are in the middle of a large Clan level event being led by Dek and Sykes. CSP is back on the map in a big way. This report is more of a catch up on activity that the House level leadership will expand upon and has expanded upon recently. Lets begin.
As previously stated – CSP is leading gaming in a big way as of late which is a major improvement. From a once “dead” Clan we are now making strides to get our name on the map once again and we are moving up the pecking order.
• Kamjin received 30 Clusters of Fire, 15 Clusters of Ice, and 1 Pendant of Blood
• Sykes received 27 Clusters of Fire and 1 Pendant of Blood
• Ellac received 15 Clusters of Fire and 4 Clusters of Ice
• Kah’ri received 55 Clusters of Fire and 2 Pendant of Blood
• Xantros received 183 Clusters of Fire
• Talon received 4 Clusters of Fire
• Dukwtape received 6 Clusters of Fire AND a promotion to JM2
• Cello received 164 Clusters of Fire, 3 Clusters of Graphite and 1 Pendant of Blood
• Mauro received 120 Clusters of Fire, 3 Clusters of Graphite and 1 Pendant of Blood
• Shadow received 5 Clusters of Fire and 5 Clusters of Ice
• Ulfsark received 2 Pendant of Blood
Operation Passion Force is an ongoing event that is going for three weeks. There are currently 9 competitions and more in the works. This is an exciting outflow of creativity delivered by Sykes and Dek!
CSP is doing great things and making great strides for another month. Our activity is growing in volume and by terms of individuals taking part yet again. We have a Clan wide event going strong over the next few weeks. Be proud CSP, hold your head hi
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