[CSP] Scholae Rising (April Report)


[CSP] Scholae Rising (April Report)


Scholar Rising Part 1: Betrayal
By Shadow, Dek, and Ric

Caelestis City

The planet Seraph’s edge came into view of the night sky. A longer night would soon fall upon Clan Scholae Palatinae, with the main planet soon blocking the sun for a couple of days. The old HQ of Imperium stood on a distant hill overlooking the Clan’s main complex.

Suddenly, a piercing shriek could be heard through the sky. The sound of glass shattering was followed by a sudden swoosh into the air. Bolts of electricity followed by cascades of swooping fire formed through the Imperium HQ, dismounting the internal pillars that held it together. The HQ tumbled into itself, falling into the newly minted mushroom cloud of dust, rising into the air.

Screams were heard ringing throughout the city. The Empress looked on from her office balcony, picking the datapads around her into action.

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The old villa stood in place. A masked figure loomed over the top of it’s balcony, receiving a call on a communicator.

“Yes,” the robotic voice inquired.

“It is done,” the familiar voice on the other end of the line said.

The commlink was dropped on the floor and crushed under the figure’s boot.

Read the rest of the story here


Welcome to a small April report and the intro to the new clan event, Scholae Rising!

Scholae Rising


Chaos erupts in Caelestis City with Imperium's HQ having been destroyed. The Empress and her summit are demanding answers, already suspecting someone within Scholae Palatinae being responsible for the attack. It is up to you to find out who the betrayer is so that their motive may be made known, and justice delivered.

The Summit and I welcome you to the Scholae Rising event. This will be a three-phased, Clan event where members will work on solving the mystery and prepare to face the coming threat with it.

Scholae Rising

Week 1 has already begun with five competitions:

The Summit and I wish you the best of luck! May the traitor be brought to light with your efforts!


Just some quick news. As many of you are already aware, we are closing both House Imperium and Excidium, and have opened a new House, the Empire’s Chosen. Members will have the choice of joining Empire’s Chosen, or just remaining in the clan outside of the House. The summit and I gave this great thought, and we found this would help create a unifying identity in the clan. Dek and Ric will be leading the House as QUA and AED.

Last, but not least, Korras and Jorm will be resigning from their positions due to RL reasons. It’s been a privilege to have them as PCON and Excidium’s QUA. It’s been a pleasure having them with us in the Summit. As a result, we will have applications open for PCON after the conclusion o the event


As we are all aware, we’ve all been affected by the pandemic. I hope all of you are doing well and are making the best of the situation. I would like to thank those of you who are essential workers. Especially those in the healthcare industry. Stay strong, and stay safe everyone.

Truly yours in Darkness,

Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter
Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Excited for this!

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