Deputy Grand Master Report: 5


Deputy Grand Master Report: 5


Welcome to my fifth report as your Deputy Grand Master. This report will highlight a few new details on the upcoming GJW and should allow everyone to prepare for our culminating vendetta. We are going to release as much information as we can so that the Houses and Clans can prepare accordingly. As always, things can be tweaked up until the start of the competition (We are flexible if good ideas are out there).

This report will include updates on:

  • GJW Timeline
  • GJW Event Sketches
  • GJW Fiction
  • Congratulations
  • Conclusion


Great Jedi War Timeline

The Great Jedi War will take place from 9 January to 8 February 2015. The event will be broken down into two x fourteen day phases. The phases will be separated by a two day "break" in the middle that will allow us to put out mid-GJW fiction and a few updates.

We determined this schedule based on feedback from the Houses and Clans and modified it slightly to fit in with our competition plans.

GJW Event Sketches

Round 1 (9-23 January): Fiction, Graphics, Gaming, Puzzle Round 2 (26 Jan-9 FEb): Fiction, Graphics, Gaming, Puzzle (These will be in a different style from the first round)

In addition to the events taking place in the two rounds, we will also conduct 3 x events that will run the entire length of the competition. These events are a run-on, battle plan, and video/song/multimedia presentation.

The events will be limited in nature in order to avoid overly impacting your real life. We are aware that everyone is ready for Vendetta season to end :p

GJW Fiction

I am releasing fiction every other day leading up to the GJW. These small tidbits will be wrapped up with a TLDR at their conclusion. You can see the existing fiction the GJW Fiction Folder: Here!.

The TLDR thus far:
1. The Lord Marshall of the Brotherhood is B.A.
2. The Krath Priest and Muz (?) used the GJW to uncover the Immortality Rite
3. The Lord Marshall killed the KHP and burned the Krath Temple on Antei to the Ground
4. Jac and Taldryan are moving against Muz to stop him from conducting the Rite. Jac is doing this unselfishly (?).
5. More to come!


  1. Darkblade to DJK!
  2. Misium to DJK!
  3. Egregious for his Dark Cross!
  4. All the Gorefest people on their CFs!
  5. Turel on Report Winner!
  6. Val on best DC report!
  7. Omega on Best unit report!


Alright, GJW Events are being worked over, the timeline is set in marshmallow, and the fictions are being released (the total is 20 pages). A lot of us will be celebrating our particular holidays over the next few weeks and the DB could see a little slow down during that time. No biggy, enjoy your time with your families.

We still owe the Clan and House leaderships the GJW, but they are still undergoing a bit of tweaking. The trick is making sure we reward participation and excellence in a manner that is fair to large units and fair to the units that win a lot of events (but maybe have limited participation). Tricky business.

I wish all of you happy Holidays!

As always, I'm available via mIRC (Sarin or Pravus), email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), whatsapp (ask), and g-chat.

"set in marshmallow" may be the best thing I've read in these yet. :P

Woohoo, War stuff! Enjoy the holidays, everyone.

Yes! Named in a report. best x-mas present ever! Happy Holidays my fellow brothers ^^

Congratulations to promotions.

Any idea on how run-on will ensue? So we can get teams set up.

Can't wait for this.


Still wondering what he means by a 'battle-plan'...

Generally, you're given a scenario and information on allied and enemy forces, then write out a plan to achieve the objectives outlined in the scenario.

Great report! I'm excited for the GJW

Time for Tarentum to pwn again! :D

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