Devil's Shroud Report


Devil's Shroud Report

Daedric sat in his quarters on board the ACC Absolution, meditating, using his newly learned Battle Meditation to* empower the troops that were actively preparing for the upcoming battle on Tarthos. He could sense the thoughts of the troopers who made no attempt to hide him. There was fear and dread is some, but in others there were pride and honor, then the battle hungry thoughts. He reached out to everyone of them, filling their hearts and mind with Sadowan Pride, making them mentally stronger for the upcoming battle to save Marka Ragnos' home. The battle on Nicht Ka dwindled the moral of the Warhost, and it was his job to get that moral back to its peak. A small chirp attempted to break his concentration.

"Apprentice Turelles," the voice came from the communication device. It was his Master, his Quaestor. He had no choice to stop his meditation. Reaching out with the Force, Daedric picked up the communication device and drew it near him, allowing it to float around him.

"Yes Master Dupar," Daedric answered still on his knees and eyes closed, the device floating effortlessly around him.

"In light of recent events you have been appointed as the leader of Battle Team Devil's Shroud. Should you fail me, I will destroy you myself. Prove your worth to me on Tarthos." Master Dupar stated before the common sound of the communications link chirping off. Daedric released the grip of the Force on the device and allowed it to fall to the floor. He made no movement, no notion that he acknowledged the appointment. Instead, he returned his attention back to his meditation for that was where his attention needed to be.

Greetings! If you don't know who I am I am Dark Jedi Knight Daedric Turelles, and I have recently been appointed as the Battle Team Leader for Devil's Shroud. I'm excited to be here and look forward to working with you guys. I will be doing fiction on each one of my reports, because I'm just that type of person, I enjoy reading and writing it. :) any ways, this is my first report ever so just bare with me as I stumble through everything.

Clan Wide Happenings

Well, Fading Lights is over and we have beaten that horse till it's dead. So moving on, we are currently doing the final phase of the reclamation of our system. There are a whole host of competitions that are currently going on.

As you can see there is a lot going on right now but this is gear us up for the Great Jedi War, so take the practice and learn from your mistakes. We all make them. :) If you have any questions what so ever feel free to give me a shout and I will help you the best that I can!

House Happenings

Same as the clan! :)

Battle Team Happenings

As of right now we will be doing the Vengeance competitions, so that we can reclaim our system and finally kill Macron's sister. Got to love Sith family feuds. Any way - after this I will run a series of short, flash competitions or some type of other short competitions that way it will help with medals, and those that need the count for promotions. After the Great Jedi War, I would like to plan something just for the Battle Team to do. This still in the infancy of my brain so just give me time for it to develop and I will let you know what I come up with. Speaking of that, I am always open to suggestions. So if you have an idea, share it with me! Nine times out of ten I will like it. We are all here to have fun and fun we shall have. Which oddly enough brings me to another point that I would like to touch on.


I know we have reached the forty two members on the roster, but I want more. I'm greedy. Typical Sith. If you have a friend, sibling, grandfather, or whoever that you think would like to join, get them to sign up and enjoy. If you have a neat recruiting strategy the Roll-master and myself, as well as Shirai (Caelian) and Locke are always open to new and interesting ideas. You can even shoot them to Malik and Macron! We all want to see the Sadow way flourish so recruit recruit recruit :p


Coming up I plan on doing a lot with the battle team, making it a more cohesive, combat effective team. If you have any ideas my door is always open. Also I have created a Google group (cns-Devil'[Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and the invite should be sitting in your inbox. So accept it, if you don't mind. This will allow a more effective way for mass battle communications.

For Sadow,

DJK Daedric Turelles (Sith) / BTL / Battle Team Devil's Shroud of House Shar Dakhan of Clan Naga Sadow [SA: V] SC / DC / Cr:2R-2A-1S-3E / CFx20 / CIx9 / SoL / S:4Cr {SA: MVPH - MVW - DPE - DPV - SVWP}

Fail - couldn't get the Markdown to work :p

Use double hashtags. I generally use 4 of them for my headers.

You need a space after the pound sign to make a heading work.

Otherwise, this is a really nice report :)

Yes what these fine gentleman said. Great first report my Apprentice and many too come :)

Excellent work brother!

Fixed! Thank you guys for your assistance!

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