Greetings and salutations all you fine folks of Devil's Shroud! This month has been pretty fun, and a little spooky as we come onto cooler temperatures, candy and costumes that come with October! Tell a spooky tale with Naga Sadow's one Scarlet's Scary Halloween Story or party hard with our clan-reporter Tasha'vel's Halloween Party competitions. So much to do though even outside of the Clan, with the Herald's costume competition, Nightmares of Our Own Making and Jinkies!
There has also been some fun to be had with the first two competitions for the new fictional society, the Inquisitorius: All In A Days Work and Deep Pockets. You can also go prank the Justicar's office if the dark deeds of the Inquisitorius are not to your liking!
On the Clan front, Ashes Fall is currently in full swing. The first round of competitions are completed, but there are still plenty of things to get involved in leading up to the conclusion upon the 30th. The Ashes Fall Run On is going at a pretty good clip, so there is plenty to get involved with there, be with Sang and Alpha or Atra and Bravo team. Either way, we are one clan and we stand together against this dark threat.
I hope that we will see plenty of activity in Ashes Fall. I am quite pleased with the activity I have seen of late from our Battleteam. I will be trying to participate in every event I can and hope that the rest of your will join me in the fun. Even if a particular event is not your greatest strength, I have found sometimes the deviations from the normal modus operandi are the most fun.
As always, as your Battleteam Leader, I am here to serve you all. I am at your disposal should you need me. I am usually on Telegram on my phone. Sometimes it might be a few hours if I am at work or sleeping, but I am still typically just a quick message or email away. Be it someone to game with a bit, an eye over a fiction, or even just someone to chat for a bit with, I am here. Regardless of how small something might seem, if I can be of service, I am glad to help. All emails and Telegram chats go to my phone, so I will typically be with you as a free time presents iteself.
I find nothing more enjoyable than helping to enhance the enjoyment of others. Helping folks is in my nature, and so if you have any ideas you think would be enjoyable or new things you want to get involved in, bring it to my attention. It is side by side, we strive forward together to make our Battleteam stronger, both in parts and as a whole. We will be greater than we were the day before, and even stronger in the days after. We are friends and clansfolk in arms.
I would like to stress that if I miss something here, it isn't because you did nothing, I just didn't see you do those things. That said, here is your activity since our last Battleteam report!
10 Clusters of Ice
2 Crescent with Emerald Star
6 Crescents with Sapphire Star
Transferred away to Scholae Palatinae
Telegram activity
Email activity
5 Clusters of Ice
104 Clusters of Fire
1 Cluster of Earth
1 Dark Cross
1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
Passed Galactic History VI: Wars of the Force
Passed Galactic History VII: Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire
Passed Galactic History VIII: Trials of the New Republic
Passed Inquisitorius History
Earned Dark Maven- Philosophy!
Earned Dark Savant- History and Lore!
Transferred from Rogues to Naga Sadow
Transferred into Devil's Shroud
joined Brotherhood and transferred to Naga Sadow
changed name to Qyreia Arronen
Transferred into Devil's Shroud
Promoted over last month from Initiate to Runner!
Passed Trial of Identity
Passed ACC Combat Studies
Passed Essentials 1: History
Passed Essentials 2: Departments
Passed Essentials 3: Paths & Orders
Passed Essentials 4: Ranks
Passed Essentials 5: Organization
Passed Essentials 6: Medals
Passed Vendetta 1: Foundation
Passed Vendetta 2: Submission
Passed Vendetta 3: Fiction and Graphics Tips
Passed Gaming 101: Setting up & finding matches
Passed Gaming 201: Pazaak
Passed DJBWiki: An Introduction
Passed Comms 1: Discourse Forum
Passed Combat Tactics I
Passed Combat Tactics II
Passed Starfighter Studies
Passed Astronomy Studies
Passed Mercenary Order Core
Passed Dark Brotherhood Basics
Passed Cryptography 101
Passed Cryptography 201
Earned Dark Pundit- Essentials!
Earned Dark Pundit- Vendetta!
joined Dark Brotherhood and Naga Sadow
Transferred to Devil's Shroud
Promoted from Initiate to Apprentice!
Promoted to Novice!
Passed Trial of Identity
Passed Essentials 1: History
Passed Vendetta 1: Foundation
Passed Vendetta 2: Submission
Passed Vendetta 3: Fiction and Fiction Tips
Earned Dark Pundit- Vendetta!
The Corner is closed this month. More to come on this later.
There is a lot of potential in this team, and a lot of opportunities with this latest Clan event and in the next few months to come. I am pleased with the activity I have seen in Gaia'u and Qyreia. Kalar has just transferred in, but I hope to see what excellence he brings to the table. We all bring something to improve our team, our Clan, and our club. I hope that we can grow together as a unit in the coming weeks. I earnestly believe we can all make this a wonderful and memorable place to be.
As always, if you need anything I can be contacted at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or on Telegram as @Bentre Stahoes. I will respond and assist at my quickest convenience. I am here to help you guys, so don't think yourself any trouble! As Naga Sadow continues in the campaign of Ashes Fall, we march together. I want to reiterate something that I told you all in my last report: It is a pleasure to be part of this unit, House, and Clan with you all.
Stay classy, Devi's Shroud. And whatever you do, remember do so
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Everytime I see that banner, I think that the devil's shroud is his goatee xD Good report Bentre, nice touch on bolding a select few accomplishments!
Nice Report Benny :)
I forgot to mention in my report when I was writing it, that I do want to wish Lex the best of luck in CSP as an Aedile.