Hello all, and welcome to the May report! It’s a wee bit late because of 1) being in the field until Saturday last week, and 2) picking up Leeadra at the airport and getting some quality time away from any sort of work. I’m still trying to nurse my various bug bites, and they are some nasty buggers (hehe, bugs… buggers… I’m funny, dernit). Our Battle Team has seen a rather sharp drop in presence this past month, what with real life jumping on some folks’ backs while others seem to have quietly drifted away. So to those of you still within the Shroud, now or in the past, this one’s for you.

On the Homefront
- Rollmaster reports! Everyone loves these… uuunless it’s about the RM leaving his post! Marcus did good work for us as a Clan, got me into the DJB, and has seen a lot of newbies rise and fall. A fond salute to Marcus Kiriyu! (On a side note, RM applications are open.)
- Our Quaestor has put out some fictional information about the House’s base of Aeotheran. A good read that will likely end up in a wiki article, if it hasn’t already.
DJB Newsy Things
- The Wiki Staff have put down some info that might be useful to you folks that are looking for ways to make a name for yourself in the DJB, but have run out of SA courses to (re-)take.
- The Herald put out some fun new information, including a new wiki article about robes, lightsabers, etc. If you want shinies, might be a good idea to check out. Also got some May the 4th results from the competitions. I still need to look over the entries, because I saw some teasers, and they were awesome! Great job to everyone that participated!
- The FIST strikes again with some new platform updates, plus a report about things. His reports are fairly short, so go read ‘em and get yer game on.
- Atra put out some nice Voice-related things, including two competitions, one of which is planned to be ongoing. Great stuff for those of you who like writing-based competitions.
- The Headmaster has put out his first report! Yet more opportunities to help out the Brotherhood for those that have the drive. Oh, and there’s a new Diablo III course in the gaming section. I know nothing about Diablo after the first one, so… le shrug.
- The Combat Master put down some hip new venues info and how to make your own, that you might submit it in the future. He also made a notation about the Journeyman ACC Tourney, where our Clan-mate Aul is fighting in the semi-finals! (Unless I’m totally behind the times and it’s over already.) Go Aul! AND! If you think you knew Martial Arts before, well the CM just put down some new, revamped kung-fu moves for you to look at (and adjust your CSs accordingly). Plus his “Year in Review” report. Marick, you’re killing me here with all these reports.
Just gonna leave this riiight here. Yup. Totally not self-advertising.
I can only report what I see. If I missed something, give me a heads up and I will be glad to update it! All items dated by time of last BTL report. As the title suggests, it is worth noting that we lost two to the Rogues. Unfortunate, but real life has been hitting a lot of us of late. I hope you guys are doing well, and that you might come back to the Shroud someday.
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Jades Sadow:
- Awarded 2 Crescents with Topaz Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- Earned 3 Clusters of Ice
Janos Stormwind:
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Awarded 2 Crescents with Emerald Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- Earned 9 Clusters of Ice
- Earned 50 Clusters of Fire
- Earned 15 Clusters of Earth
- Awarded 2 Pendants of Blood
Leeadra :
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
Qyreia Arronen:
- Awarded 1 Legion of the Scholar
- Awarded 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- Awarded 2 Crescents with Diamond Star
- Earned 5 Clusters of Earth
- Earned 4 Clusters of Ice
Terrance JayFarah
As always, if there is anything that I can do to help, feel free to shoot myself an email or Telegram message. I can be reached on Telegram (@QyreiaArronen) or email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Keep in touch, stay classy, and I’ll see you all in space.
Qyreia Arronen, Professional
Battle Team Leader, Devil’s Shroud
Very classy. :thumbsup:
I am not leaving my post dammit! I'm...making room for a future generation? :p Either way I'll end up back in Devil's Shroud, so you'll be happy. ^^
Guuud reports!