Good day everyone and welcome to… well frack, this is my last official report. Yup, you heard right. My last report. Sweet baby Ewok farts, ‘bout time, right? Force knows I’ve been regurgitating stats long enough for you all to desire my red choobies to be kicked to the furthest corners of Aeotheran’s jungles. Or not. What do I know? I’m just a simple tailor. Roll the intro!
On the Homefront
- Our new Rollmaster Darius Tu’kul (aka Cable on TG) has put out his first report of his postion. I hear he’s got some interesting ideas for the Clan, so it would be a good idea to look into his writings, even if you’re no longer a Journeyman or newer.
- Locke has once again shown us that he needs a new header for his reports. But really, his report is much shorter and a nicer read than mine. Go see it.
- The Feud between CNS and CSP has officially begun! I’ve already submitted to several of the competitions, and I ain’t slowing down ‘til you’re completely rid of me. Got some catching up to do, Devil’s Shroud.
- Our Aedile’s mid-month report beat me to a lot of the good stuff. Go check ‘er out. Benny/O’Maille is a former Shrouder… Shroudian… he’s from our BT. Go show him some love.
DJB Newsy Things
- Voice report, yo! A bit dated, since it’s from the beginning of June, but as always: plenty of good info to look into, including some new stuff about the ever-coming Posessions! Woo!
- Our Combat Master has put up a report about Combat-related exams in the Shadow Academy; namely the ACC Qual and Combat Studies courses. Something to look into if you’re not already qualified. He’s also trying to advertise for the Defender sub-class (aka discipline/focus/thing) that apparently hasn’t had enough love of late. I’m a low-down merc though, so I know nothing of this.
- The new Headmaster has put out his first fully-settled report in his new role. New courses to look into, as well as ongoing projects. Check it out!
- New games and new things as Ceth continues his FISTing duties, including the trial period for Overwatch into the DJB’s gaming spectrum. If you’re a gamer and want the shinies, check it out.
Special Mention goes out to Aul Celsus, who rocked the Journeyman ACC Tournament all the way to the finals! As a former member of our Battle Team, to say nothing for being our Clanmate, I wanted to once again offer congratulations to him for putting in so much awesome effort. Good job Aul! You do me proud!
Remember that Feud I was talking about? It’s on, and the action is getting hot and heavy (no, not like that; sickos). Go enter and win yourself some shinies while making the Clan, House, and BT look good. Feud can be found here!
I can only report what I see. If I missed something, give me a heads up and I will be glad to update it! All items dated by time of last BTL report.
Jades Sadow:
F. J. Stormwind:
- Left the Shroud for presumably better things.
Har’Lei Rinou:
- Joined Devil’s Shroud! Welcome to the team!
- Double promotion from Initiate to Novice. Keep it up!
Ilsa Mir:
- Joined Devil’s Shroud! Welcome to the team!
- Double promo from Initiate to Novice. Bring on the heat!
Kaayne Salis:
- Joined Devil’s Shroud! Woo!
- Awarded 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Awarded 1 Legion of the Scholar
Keks Monster:
- Joined Devil’s Shroud. Welcome to the team!
- Promoted from Initiate to Apprentice.
Leeadra Halcyon :
- No observed activity outside of Telegram (LOTS of TG activity, though)
Marcus Kiriyu:
- Joined Devil’s Shroud! Mwahahaaaaa!
- Promoted to Savant (EQ2)! I’m so proud. Qyreia wipes a tear from her eye.
- Awarded 2 Crescents with Emerald Star
- Awarded 1 Legion of the Scholar
- Earned 12 Clusters of Ice
Qyreia Arronen:
- Awarded an Anteian Cross
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- Awarded 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
- Earned 17 Clusters of Ice
Like I said at the very beginning of this report, this will be my last one as the Battle Team’s BTL. It’s been a good seven-some months, but real life is rather forcing me to step down, not that there aren’t plenty of folks out there that want the job and will likely do it better. If it hasn’t already been put out, expect an official announcement/request for applications from Quaestor Darkblade soon. Hopefully I’ll be back from my hiatus sooner rather than later, and I can annoy you all with more exploits of the Red Qek.
As always, if there is anything that I can do to help in the meantime, feel free to shoot myself an email or Telegram message. I can be reached on Telegram (@QyreiaArronen) or email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Keep in touch, stay classy, and I’ll see you all in space.
Qyreia Arronen, Privateer
Battle Team Leader, Devil’s Shroud
Thanks for your service, Qyreia and we look forward to you returning to our ranks. Stay safe out in life's endeavors. I will make sure to keep the pixie sticks locked up in anticipation of your sugar-crazed return.
Noes! Gonna miss my Qball. Not to mention having to pay off, AHEM, I mean befriend yet another new BTL. We'll talk later crazyQ
You could always pick (back) up the mantle Kiriyu (hint hint)
Nice report. Best of luck with your real life endeavours!